
Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

author:Tao's own land

Behind the glamour of this society, there is a hidden crisis - debt. It is like a giant beast sucking this society, housing loans, car loans, credit card loans, online loans, ...... Behind these nouns are the debts and endless pressure that many people are carrying. Many families have been torn apart because of it.

Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

Imagine a family that would have been able to make ends meet, but for some reason fell into a loan vortex. At first, the family can afford to repay, but when the debt grows bigger and the income can't pay the interest, the family will fall into a crazy borrowing mode. You can borrow wherever you can, and as long as you can get money, you don't care about the level of interest. When I have exhausted all the ways I can get money, I can't get a loan anymore. The family will have a broken capital chain, be unable to repay the loan, and be depressed by creditors. Heavy debt can crush the family.


Modern debtors are equivalent to the poor people in ancient times. They were also social beneficiaries and entrepreneurs at the beginning, but due to various reasons, they failed to start a business, and it was impossible to start a business again, so they were tied hand and foot, and they were beaten with whips to force them to pay back. How difficult it was for the entrepreneurs back then, and what to give back to you. Money is the root of all evil, but the greater evil is poverty. Because more and more people in debt have become destitute, when the number of poor people reaches a certain number, it must be the source of all social unrest.

Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

Now the restrictions on debtors have reached the point where their survival is affected. The court ruled that the debtor should pay off all the amounts owed within a specified period of time. But what I want to say is that a debtor is sued to the court. To raise funds within the specified time, what is the difference between this and peeling the skin and cramping to suck the bone marrow? Once the debtor does not repay the arrears, the court will expose the debtor, freeze all accounts, restrict travel, prohibit becoming a shareholder, and even affect children. Just imagine how they would live under such punishment. It is not necessary to distinguish the amount of money owed, whether it is maliciously not repaid, or whether it is unable to repay, which needs to be clarified. This kind of blanket restriction and freezing by the court is not a solution to the problem, but an intensification of contradictions.

A lot of the information that exposes the person subject to enforcement is basically the creditor's debt collection method from the debtor through the county-level court, which is the familiar legal reminder. Although the state has regulated the debt collection rules of financial institutions, this does not seem to have had any impact on these small grassroots courts. even made them even more excited, you didn't see the grievances on the river bridge, and the loving family jumped downstairs, which can be described as the separation of wives and the destruction of the family. According to reliable sources, in the past 6 months, 6 people chose to jump off a bridge in a small county town in our hometown and ended their lives. I don't know how history will describe the actions of the judiciary and law enforcers, no matter what work you do, you must have good thoughts in your heart, good thoughts are a road, a way of life for those in a desperate situation, and a way for law enforcers to retreat.

Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

According to statistics, two-thirds of the people on the mainland are moving forward in debt. Such a large number of indebted people have contributed enormously to the economic and social development of the mainland every year. Some time ago, the per capita deposit released by the central bank reached 110,000, and on the surface, our society is thriving, and people's lives are very rich. But the general public is living in dire straits, with one percent of the population holding 90 percent of society's wealth. The pattern of the poor making money for the rich has not changed.

In today's society, all kinds of online loans, credit cards and installment traps, all kinds of high interest and penalty interest, as well as various handling fees, etc., are all charged by illegal profits. The state must strictly manage, control, diagnose, and treat this kind of financial chaos, rectify and standardize the chaos of profiteering finance and overseas finance, and only by stuck, controlling, and controlling the source of profiteering of financial capital will the people's liabilities be gradually reduced. Only the people who are in debt can return to the life and work of normal people. Only then will the society develop more harmoniously, and the happiness of the people will be improved.

Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

It is only natural to repay debts. Every debtor wants to pay off their debts and live a normal life. When the debtor works hard to make money to repay the debt, the debt is overdue and collected by the creditor. In order to force the debtor to repay the money, these creditors tried all means, and even forced the debtor to a dead end. But for creditors, they don't care whether the creditor lives or dies, no matter what means they use, they have only one purpose, to get money from the debtor. As a result, many debtors go to extremes and choose to end their lives to escape debt collection from creditors. It's more than worth the loss!

Debt causes social unrest, family is ruined! National action is urgently needed! Rescuing families who are in debt

I would like to say to all debtors: please don't give up hope! No matter how difficult you are facing now, believe that there is a turning point in the future. At the same time, I also call on the whole society to pay attention to the problem of indebtedness and provide more help and support to debtors. Only by working together can we make this society more harmonious and stable.

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