
If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

author:Competitive for a lifetime


Recently, the state loosened the 10-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River, allowing fishermen to fish in the river again.

In this regard, some people said that the ban is too short, and the recovery period of fish in the Yangtze River has not yet arrived, and the establishment of a ban on fishing obviously cannot protect the fish.

Of course, there are also those who believe that the ban has been long enough, and the fish will definitely get better.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

However, what should really be difficult is not the question of whether this fishing ban is long or short, but why the Yangtze River is no longer protected, and the Chinese will have no fish to eat.

How did the ban on fishing come about?

What is the driving force behind such a conservation action?

In order to protect the fish species of the Yangtze River, what is the life of the banned fishermen?

Next, let's explain them one by one.

Why is the Yangtze River no longer protected, and the Chinese will have no fish to eat?

To explain this problem, we must first start with an important concept in the Yangtze River fish population radiating to the ecological balance: "fishing intensity".

The so-called "fishing intensity" is an indicator used to measure the use of fishery resources by fishermen.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

To put it simply, the so-called "fishing intensity" refers to the human, material, financial, and time resources used to capture fishery resources in the ocean and inland waters, as well as the area of water used for fishery activities.

So, what does high and low "fishing intensity" mean?

Reflecting the utilization level of fishery resources, high fishing intensity means that in a certain time and area, excessive development and utilization of fishery resources has caused a certain degree of damage to the ecological environment.

Therefore, on the contrary, low fishing intensity means that fishery resources are less developed and utilized at the same time and in the same area, that is, less damage to the ecological environment is caused.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

In terms of fisheries, the mainland has formulated corresponding "fishing intensity" standards for different fishery resources and different fishery areas to ensure the balance of the ecological environment.

For inland waters such as the Yangtze River, there is a strict upper limit on "fishing intensity".

In nature, each biological species will be divided into a range of activities, which cannot be estimated simply by a distance, but should be estimated from the production rate and growth rate of fishery resources.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

If fishermen fish at a higher intensity than the rate at which fishery resources are produced, it will lead to a wider plundering of already strained fishery resources.

If this vicious circle continues, the amount of fishery resources will become smaller and smaller, and eventually the life of fishermen will become very difficult.

Therefore, when the "fishing intensity" of fishermen is greater than the growth rate of fishery resources, it will lead to the destruction of the ecological and environmental balance, resulting in a situation where fishermen have no resources to develop.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

We know that there are many different species of fish in the Yangtze River, but the most devastating of them are the national treasure species white sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon.

This is also a representative of the Yangtze River fish population, so the "fishing intensity" of the Yangtze River is calculated by taking the white sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon as examples.

The Chinese sturgeon is a very slow-growing species, and under normal circumstances, a Chinese sturgeon does not grow to 60 kilograms until it is 45 years old, and it also has to "suffer" for more than 10 years to grow to 100 grams.

Therefore, if the growth rate of the Chinese sturgeon is calculated, then fishermen can only catch one 100-gram Chinese sturgeon in 15 years.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

Moreover, it is not only fishermen from the mainland who are engaged in fishery production, but also fishermen from other countries in the world.

Therefore, it is more a reflection that the "fishing intensity" of mainland fishermen is significantly higher than the "growth rate".

By the year 2000, the Chinese sturgeon was on the verge of extinction.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

In order to protect the Chinese sturgeon, the state officially promulgated the Interim Regulations on the Protection of the Chinese Sturgeon on October 8, 1983.

In 1984, it was further refined to include both the Chinese sturgeon and the white sturgeon on the list of endangered animals.

After 10 years, will the state consider that this will be enough?

Since then, the state has taken a multi-pronged approach to the Chinese sturgeon issue.

First of all, the state has banned all fishing in the Yangtze River, which has led to rectification and strengthening patrol supervision by fishery authorities at all levels in the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

Second, in order to breed juvenile Chinese sturgeon, two Chinese sturgeon monitoring stations have been set up to set up fish farms in the Three Gorges and Gezhouba to catch some juvenile Chinese sturgeon and then feed them artificially.

In addition, a series of conservation studies have been carried out, which also provides a good research direction for the conservation of Chinese sturgeon, as well as other fish species such as white sturgeon and grouper.

As for the question of "10 years of ban, can it be longer", it seems that from the news of the extinction of Chinese sturgeon in 10 years, this ban on fishing is "short".

Although the Chinese sturgeon is a national treasure, its growth rate is indeed very slow.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

However, since the sturgeon was successfully caught by fishermen in late November 2002 with a 209-kilogram sturgeon on the Yangtze River, there has been news of the sturgeon in the Yangtze River again.

Not only the white sturgeon, but also the Chinese sturgeon has gradually returned to the Yangtze River to survive under the continuous strengthening of the state's law enforcement in the Yangtze River.

Behind this is the country's emphasis on the Yangtze River, but it was expected that the state would continue this strict "fishing intensity" policy, but it was not expected that this policy was relaxed in 2002.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

In fact, there are also considerations behind this, because the ban on fishing for 10 years has allowed the fish species in the Yangtze River to recover, which is also in line with the principle that biological species in nature have restored their ecological balance.

However, after a long ban on fishing, the fishermen's living conditions are not good, because they themselves make a living by fishing, and the inability to fish in the Yangtze River has a great impact on them.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

Therefore, the state has loosened the policy of "banning fishing for 10 years", coupled with the news of the reappearance of white sturgeon, so the state has loosened the policy of "banning fishing for 10 years" in the Yangtze River.

How to forbid?

So, how is the national policy of "banning fishing for 10 years" implemented?

This policy was loosened in 2002 after the state surveyed the fishery grounds.

In the course of the survey, the number of white sturgeon in the Yangtze River has been paid attention to, and these statistics have been made every year.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

However, it cannot be ignored that if we want to achieve the policy of "banning fishing for 10 years", we cannot just rely on statistics and reports.

Therefore, in 2002, the state carried out artificial breeding of the "fish disaster" in the Yangtze River, and with the continuous increase of living fish species, the policy of "banning fishing for 10 years" is also weak.

Since then, the state has prioritized the protection of "fish disasters", including other fish species such as white sturgeon.

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

Their research and the exploration of various advanced breeding methods have led to an increase in the population of fish in the Yangtze River.


Some people say that the state has artificially increased the white sturgeon for "10 years of banning fishing, and this year is the fattest".

But these are indispensable state subsidies for fishermen, after all, fishermen have no livelihood, and life will become very difficult for them.

So these artificially bred white sturgeons, will

If the Yangtze River is no longer protected, the Chinese will have no fish to eat, why is fishing only banned for 10 years, can it be longer?

According to the fishermen's fishing situation, some money is transferred to the fishermen's cards, which is also a kind of care for the fishermen by the state.

As long as fishermen can comply with the country's fishing regulations, the state will also help them.

Therefore, when fishermen caught white sturgeon and Chinese sturgeon in 2012, the state dealt with them, and the protection of the ecological environment cannot rely entirely on the state, but also requires the joint efforts of everyone.

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