
The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

author:The autumn wind speaks of history

In 1949, the founding of the People's Republic of China was imminent, and the construction of the navy could not be delayed. Zhang Aiping was ordered to prepare for the construction of the East China Navy, but encountered an unexpected dilemma. Lin Zun, the rebellious Kuomintang admiral, brought valuable ships and talents, but he complained about the cultural level of the PLA and was unwilling to fully cooperate. Faced with this tricky situation, Zhang Aiping responded calmly and sought the support of Liu Bocheng and Chen Yi successively. In the end, Chairman Mao personally came forward and had a long talk with Lin Zun and others. A seemingly ordinary question: "You are members of the Kuomintang, right?" But it contains deep meaning. How did this conversation dissolve the estrangement between the two sides? What method did Chairman Mao use to persuade Lin Zun? How did Zhang Aiping skillfully solve the problem of cultural level? Let's uncover this little-known history together.

In the spring of 1949, the battle to cross the river was in full swing, and the People's Liberation Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China was in full swing. However, behind this hot battlefield, an important task related to the future development of the country is quietly unfolding.

On April 20, Zhang Aiping, who had just returned from injury, received a special mission: to form the East China Navy. The task came suddenly, but it made sense. New China is about to be founded, and the construction of coastal defense brooks no delay. Although Zhang Aiping has no naval background, his excellent organizational skills and rich military experience make him the perfect candidate for this important task.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

After receiving the order, Zhang Aiping immediately rushed to the White Horse Temple in Jiangsu Province to discuss with Su Yu, commander of the Third Field Army. Su Yu was well aware of the importance of naval construction, and did not hesitate to give support, dispatching more than 4,000 soldiers and a reconnaissance battalion to assist Zhang Aiping.

On April 23, the East China Navy was officially established. However, it didn't start well. Due to the war environment and resource constraints, the initial size of the navy was very simple, with only 13 people, and not even a decent warship. Such a start is far from the maritime powerhouse conceived in Zhang Aiping's heart.

Just when Zhang Aiping was worried about how to expand her naval strength, an unexpected "surprise" came. Just two hours after the establishment of the East China Navy, Lin Zun, commander of the Kuomintang Second Fleet of Coastal Defense, declared an uprising. This was undoubtedly a major turning point, as the rebel forces led by Lin Zun brought 61 ships and 1,671 professional naval personnel to the nascent East China Navy, which were valuable resources needed to build a modern navy.

However, after the joy, new challenges followed. Although Lin Zun chose to revolt, he was quite resistant to reorganizing the troops. He once publicly told Zhang Aiping: "The original personnel arrangement on the ship, it is best not to change. Behind these words, there is an implicit distrust of the PLA takeover and reorganization.

Zhang Aiping is aware of the seriousness of the problem. If the insurrectionary forces are not reorganized, there may not only be potential security risks, but also hinder the healthy development of the East China Navy. But he also knows that a tough stance can backfire. As a result, Zhang Aiping adopted a gentle negotiation strategy, suggesting that only a part of the personnel be replaced, or that some PLA fighters be arranged on the ship.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

However, Lin Zun's response surprised Zhang Aiping. Lin Zun bluntly pointed out: "The navy is different from the army, and the requirements for cultural level are extremely high, and ordinary crew members must have a middle school level, otherwise they will not be able to drive ships at all." As for the command staff, the level of education is more demanding, and it is useless to send those who do not meet the standards on board. "

These words were like a basin of cold water, which extinguished Zhang Aiping's enthusiasm. The implication of Lin Zun's words is obvious: he believes that the education level of PLA soldiers is not enough to be qualified for naval work. This is not only a question of the PLA, but also a major challenge to the construction of the new Chinese navy.

Faced with this tricky situation, Zhang Aiping was not discouraged. He knew very well that in order to build a powerful navy, it would require not only the professional knowledge and experience of Lin Zun and others, but also the revolutionary spirit and political consciousness of the PLA. How to reconcile the contradiction between the two has become a difficult problem in front of Zhang Aiping.

In order to further understand the situation, Zhang Aiping consulted other professionals. To his surprise, most people's views were not much different from Lin Zun's. This further complicates the question: how to ensure the professionalism of the navy while at the same time reflecting the revolutionary nature of the new Chinese navy?

In this case, Zhang Aiping realized that it was difficult to solve the problem on her own. He decided to seek support from a higher level, and the first thing that came to mind was Liu Bocheng, who was known as "Confucian Shuai". Liu Bocheng was not only the commander of the Second Field Army, but also the general front committee of the Yangtze River Crossing at that time, and his cultural attainment and military prestige were well known.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

When Zhang Aiping was facing a predicament, an unexpected turning point appeared. Chairman Mao Zedong learned of the problems encountered in the process of preparing for the construction of the East China Navy and decided to personally intervene to solve this thorny situation. This decision not only shows that Chairman Mao attaches great importance to the construction of the navy, but also shows his superb political wisdom and leadership art.

One day in early May 1949, Chairman Mao met with Lin Zun and other rebel generals in a small courtyard in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. The scene at that time was simple and solemn, with a simple wooden table in the courtyard and a few wooden chairs around it, where Chairman Mao was sitting, waiting for the important conversation that was coming.

After Lin Zun and others arrived, Chairman Mao warmly greeted them. To the surprise of everyone present, Chairman Mao did not directly talk about the issue of naval construction, but first asked them about their hometowns, study experiences and other personal circumstances. This seemingly casual way is actually Chairman Mao's usual "homely" strategy, aimed at easing tensions and narrowing the distance between him and the other party.

During the conversation, Chairman Mao noticed that Lin Zun and the others were quite gentle in their speech and demeanor, so he asked with a smile: "Are you members of the Kuomintang?" This seemingly simple question contains deep meaning. It is not only a confirmation of the identity of Lin Zun and others, but also a clever psychological hint that reminds them that they have chosen a new path.

Lin Zun and others frankly admitted their identity as members of the Kuomintang, and Chairman Mao did not show any displeasure, but became more cordial. He said: "It doesn't matter, our Communist Party also came out of the Kuomintang. Everyone is for the good of China, but they have chosen different paths. These words not only resolved the estrangement between the two sides, but also made Lin Zun and others feel the tolerance and open-mindedness of the Communist Party.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

Then, Chairman Mao cleverly led the topic to naval construction. He said: "I heard that you are a little worried about the cultural level of the PLA soldiers? This is normal. It is true that most of our fighters came from poor backgrounds and did not have the opportunity to receive a good education. However, they have a sincere patriotic heart and a firm revolutionary conviction. Aren't these important foundations for building a strong navy? "

Chairman Mao's remarks not only affirmed the professionalism of Lin Zun and others, but also skillfully pointed out the merits of the PLA soldiers. He further explained: "Our navy must not only have advanced technology, but also have a firm political stance. You have the know-how, our fighters have revolutionary zeal, and the combination of the two will allow you to build a truly powerful navy. "

These words deeply touched Lin Zun and others. They began to realize that their view of the PLA fighters might be too one-sided. Chairman Mao went on to say: "We can work together to improve the cultural level of the fighters and impart your professional knowledge." In this way, we will be able to build a new type of navy that is both professional and revolutionary. "

Chairman Mao's remarks not only resolved the contradictions between the two sides, but also pointed out the direction for the construction of the East China Navy. He put forward the principle of "being both red and specialized" in army building, emphasizing the importance of political consciousness and attaching importance to the cultivation of professional skills. This principle is not only applicable to naval construction, but has also become an important guiding ideology for the building of the new Chinese armed forces.

Towards the end of the conversation, Chairman Mao also emphasized the importance of naval construction. "Now, we have won on land, but the struggle at sea has just begun," he said. We have to build a strong navy in order to truly defend our country. You are all naval experts, and you have the responsibility and obligation to contribute to the naval construction of New China. "

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

These words are not only an affirmation of Lin Zun and others, but also an expectation for them. Chairman Mao's farsightedness and earnest expectations deeply moved Lin Zun and others. They expressed their willingness to wholeheartedly contribute to the building of the new China's navy.

Through this conversation, Chairman Mao not only succeeded in resolving the contradictions in the construction of the navy in East China, but also pointed out the direction for the naval construction of New China. His political wisdom and leadership skills have once again been fully demonstrated at this important historical moment.

Chairman Mao's speech pointed out the direction for the construction of the East China Navy, but how to implement it still needs to be solved by Zhang Aiping, the actual person in charge. Faced with the thorny problem of cultural differences, Zhang Aiping showed excellent wisdom and organizational skills.

First of all, Zhang Aiping proposed an innovative plan for the "crash course". He realized that it is unrealistic to improve the cultural level of PLA fighters in a short period of time, but it is possible to quickly master the necessary naval knowledge and skills through intensive training. As a result, he organized a series of targeted short-term training courses, covering the basics of navigation, ship operation skills, naval terminology, etc.

The curriculum of these "crash courses" is unique. Zhang Aiping fully took into account the actual situation of the PLA soldiers and simplified the complex naval knowledge into content that is easy to understand and master. For example, when explaining navigation, they simplify the complex astronomical navigation into a few key steps, accompanied by vivid illustrations; When teaching ship operations, they use a simulation training method so that the fighters can familiarize themselves with the various operations on the ship on land.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

At the same time, Zhang Aiping did not ignore the role of the rebel generals. He skillfully arranged for these experienced naval experts to serve as lecturers in the "crash course", which not only made full use of their professional knowledge, but also made them feel their own value, so that they were more willing to contribute to the construction of the navy of New China.

In order to solve the problem of cultural foundation, Zhang Aiping also vigorously promoted cultural learning in the army. He set up night schools and organized soldiers to learn cultural knowledge after work. In addition to basic literacy and arithmetic, the curriculum of these evening schools also includes subjects such as geography and physics, which are closely related to naval work. Zhang Aiping personally supervised this work, often visiting night schools and encouraging the soldiers to study hard.

In terms of talent recruitment, Zhang Aiping also showed extraordinary foresight. He realized that it was not enough to rely on the existing personnel, but also to absorb a wide range of naval talent. As a result, he sent teams across the country to find people with naval backgrounds or related expertise. These talents include officers and men who have served in the Kuomintang Navy, sailors of shipping companies, and graduates of navigation schools.

Zhang Aiping's move has achieved remarkable results. Many naval professionals who had originally held a wait-and-see attitude towards the new regime were moved by his sincerity and joined the East China Navy one after another. Among them, there are many generals and experts who later left an important mark in the history of China's naval development.

While solving the problem of cultural level, Zhang Aiping did not neglect political and ideological work. He is well aware that in order to build a truly powerful navy, it is necessary not only to have excellent professional skills, but also to have a correct political direction. Therefore, he vigorously carried out political education in the troops, organized fighters to study revolutionary theories, and discussed current affairs and politics.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

This kind of political education is not a dry lecture, but a vivid and interesting form in the light of the actual situation. For example, they often organized fighters to watch films that reflected the revolutionary struggle, and then discussed them; Old revolutionaries will also be invited to tell revolutionary stories in the troops, so that the soldiers can draw strength from them. These activities not only raised the political consciousness of the fighters, but also strengthened the cohesion of the troops.

Another innovative approach of Zhang Aiping is the implementation of the "old with the new" system. He paired experienced insurrectionary officers and soldiers with PLA fighters, which not only solved the problem of technology transfer, but also promoted understanding and integration between the two sides. This approach was initially resisted by some of the rebel officers and soldiers, but under Zhang Aiping's patient persuasion and demonstration, it was gradually accepted and produced good results.

In order to better solve the problem of cultural level, Zhang Aiping also paid special attention to promoting and training educated grassroots cadres. He launched a literacy campaign in the troops, encouraging literate fighters to teach other comrades. Those fighters who performed well in this process were given priority to be promoted to squad leaders, platoon commanders and other grassroots cadres. This has not only raised the cultural level of the entire unit, but also trained a number of grassroots backbone personnel for the navy who have both cultural knowledge and actual combat experience.

Through this series of creative and targeted measures, Zhang Aiping successfully resolved the contradictions caused by cultural differences and promoted the rapid development of the East China Navy. His intelligent response not only solved the practical problems at that time, but also accumulated valuable experience for the construction of the new Chinese navy.

Under the intelligent leadership of Zhang Aiping, the East China Navy began a process of rapid development. This process is not only reflected in the increase in the number of personnel and the improvement of equipment, but more importantly, the overall combat effectiveness has been significantly improved.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

First of all, in terms of personnel organization, the East China Navy has achieved leapfrog development. From a few thousand people at the beginning, it has quickly expanded to tens of thousands. This expansion is not simply a quantitative increase, but is accompanied by a qualitative leap. Through the "crash course" and the "old with the new" system implemented by Zhang Aiping, the new soldiers quickly mastered the basic naval skills. At the same time, the professional knowledge of the former Kuomintang uprising generals and officers and men was brought into full play, and they became the backbone of the construction of the new Chinese navy.

In August 1949, the East China Navy conducted its first large-scale naval exercises. The exercise not only tested the combat effectiveness of the newly formed units, but also demonstrated the initial scale of the East China Navy. During the exercise, a fleet of dozens of large and small warships conducted a three-day combat exercise in the waters of the East China Sea. Although there is still a big gap compared to the modern navy, this new navy has already shown impressive combat effectiveness.

In terms of equipment construction, the East China Navy has also made remarkable progress. The number of ships in the East China Navy increased rapidly through various means, such as receiving rebel ships, refitting civilian ships, and building small ships on its own. By the end of 1949, the East China Navy had nearly 100 ships of various types, including destroyers, frigates, torpedo boats, and other types. Despite the fact that most of these ships were of the old type, in the conditions of the time they were already a force to be reckoned with.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that the East China Navy began an attempt to build ships on its own during this period. At the initiative of Zhang Aiping, naval engineers and technicians began to study and design small warships suited to China's national conditions. At the beginning of 1950, the first small patrol boat designed and built by the East China Navy was launched, although the tonnage was small and the performance was limited, but this marked the first step of independent construction of the Chinese Navy.

In terms of training, the East China Navy has adopted the principle of "substituting combat for training." Practical tasks such as receiving and escorting officers and men are used to conduct actual combat training. For example, when taking over coastal cities such as Qingdao and Weihai, naval ships not only took on transportation tasks, but also conducted landing exercises to accumulate experience for possible military operations in the future.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

In the spring of 1950, the East China Navy ushered in an important combat test. In order to liberate the coastal islands, the East China Navy organized a large-scale landing operation. During this operation, the Navy ships were not only responsible for transporting the landing force, but also providing fire support and cooperating with the land forces to seize the target islands. Despite many difficulties, such as rough sea conditions and lack of experience, the mission was successfully completed. This operation not only expanded the scope of the liberated areas, but more importantly, it greatly tempered the actual combat capability of the East China Navy.

In terms of logistical support, the East China Navy has also made great progress. Zhang Aiping attaches special importance to logistical construction, believing that without strong logistical support, it is impossible to have a strong maritime combat capability. Under his leadership, the East China Navy established a number of shore-based repair plants, capable of carrying out routine maintenance and minor repairs of ships. At the same time, a special logistics support unit has also been set up to be responsible for material supply and medical aid. These measures have significantly increased the sustained combat capability of the Navy.

It is worth noting that the development of the East China Navy was not all smooth sailing. Due to the late start and weak foundation, we have also encountered many difficulties in the development process. For example, there is a shortage of high-level command personnel, a lack of advanced equipment, and a lack of training experience. In the face of these problems, Zhang Aiping adopted a pragmatic attitude, neither being ambitious nor arrogant. He put forward the development idea of "based on reality and focusing on the future", emphasizing the need to lay a foundation for long-term development while solving current problems.

In terms of political construction, the East China Navy has also achieved remarkable results. Through continuous political education and practice, the political consciousness of the troops has been continuously enhanced and their revolutionary will has become firmer. In particular, in handling the relationship between the officers and men of the uprising and the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army, the principle of unity and struggle was adopted, and the professional contributions of the officers and men of the uprising were affirmed, and the correct political orientation was adhered to, and a high degree of unity was finally achieved in the ranks.

By the mid-1950s, the East China Navy had begun to take shape and had become a force capable of coastal defense missions. Although there is still a big gap between it and the navies of the world powers, its rapid growth has laid a solid foundation for the establishment of the new Chinese navy and has also accumulated valuable experience for future development.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

The establishment and development of the East China Navy is not only an important chapter in the history of the New China Navy, but also has a far-reaching impact on the future of the entire Chinese Navy. This influence is embodied in many aspects, from the organizational structure to the operational concept, from personnel training to equipment development, and the experience of the East China Navy has provided valuable reference for the construction of the new Chinese Navy.

First of all, in terms of organizational structure, the experience of the construction of the East China Navy directly influenced the formation model of the new Chinese Navy. On April 23, 1949, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy was formally established, and its organizational structure was largely borrowed from the practices of the East China Navy. For example, the practice of setting up the Political Department, the Logistics Department, the Equipment Department, and other institutions is a further improvement on the basis of the practice of the East China Navy. This structure not only adapted to the realities of the time, but also laid the organizational foundation for the future development of the Navy.

In terms of personnel training, the East China Navy's "old with new" system and "crash course" model have been widely adopted. In the early 1950s, naval units across the country implemented similar training practices to varying degrees. This method effectively solved the problem of serious shortage of naval personnel in the early days of New China, and provided a talent guarantee for the rapid development of the navy. It is worth mentioning that many officers and men who received training in the East China Navy later became the backbone of the new Chinese Navy, and some even became senior admirals.

The actual combat experience of the East China Navy has had an important impact on the operational concept of the new Chinese Navy. For example, in the spring of 1950, the East China Navy organized an island landing operation, which provided valuable experience for a series of subsequent operations to liberate coastal islands. These experiences have been systematically summed up to form a set of amphibious combat theories suited to China's national conditions, which have become one of the important operational ideas of the new Chinese Navy.

In terms of equipment development, the East China Navy's independent construction attempt has pointed out the direction for the new Chinese Navy's equipment independence. In the early 1950s, the East China Navy designed and built its own small patrol boats, although its performance was limited, it created a precedent for China to independently design and build warships. This spirit of independent innovation has been further carried forward after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and a naval construction model has gradually been formed, which is mainly based on independent research and development, supplemented by introduction, digestion, absorption and re-innovation.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

The experience of the East China Navy in political construction has also been inherited and developed by the New China Navy. In particular, on the issue of dealing with the relationship between technical experts and political requirements, the East China Navy's approach has set an example for the whole army. After the founding of the New China Navy, it continued to adhere to the principle of political army building, and while attaching importance to improving its technological level, it always put political work in the first place.

In addition, the logistics support system of the East China Navy also provides a useful reference for the new Chinese Navy. The shore-based repair shops and logistical support units established by the East China Navy have been further developed and perfected in the new Chinese Navy. This idea of attaching importance to logistical construction has provided an important guarantee for the sustained combat capability of the new Chinese navy.

The experience of the East China Navy in international exchanges also had an impact on the new Chinese Navy. Although the East China Navy has not existed for a long time, it has already begun some international exchange activities, such as receiving foreign ships and conducting friendly visits. These experiences have laid the foundation for the future international exchanges of the new Chinese navy, and have also accumulated experience for the Chinese navy to gradually enter the world stage.

In terms of training, the East China Navy adopted the principle of "substituting training with war" and was inherited and developed by the New China Navy. This method of combining practical tasks with training not only improves the effectiveness of training, but also saves valuable resources. In the early days of the establishment of the New China Navy, this training method played an important role, helping the newly formed units to rapidly improve their combat effectiveness.

The experience of building the East China Navy also influenced the development strategy of the new Chinese Navy. Zhang Aiping's development idea of "basing ourselves on reality and focusing on the future" has become an important guiding principle for the construction of the new Chinese navy. This kind of thinking, which not only focuses on solving current problems, but also lays a foundation for long-term development, has helped the new Chinese navy achieve sustainable development under the condition of limited resources.

The rebel generals thought that the People's Liberation Army had a low culture and were unwilling to cooperate, so the chairman asked: Are you members of the Kuomintang?

It is worth noting that some deficiencies of the East China Navy have also provided negative teaching materials for the new Chinese Navy. For example, some mistakes in dealing with the officers and men of the uprising made the new Chinese navy more cautious and strategic in receiving the Kuomintang uprising troops. The summing up and drawing of these lessons will help the new Chinese navy avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and better promote all aspects of construction.

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