
It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!

author:A great player in the sports world

On July 2, the TV sports channel interviewed the six main players of the Chinese table tennis Olympic squad.

But only the footage of Sun Yingsha, Fan Zhendong and other 5 people was broadcast, and Wang Manyu was forgotten.

Could it be that the official of the major platform knows any important information in advance?

Wang Manyu is a hidden danger for the women's team at the Paris Olympics, and she has a bad history of doubles, which is really bad.

The first set of the Olympic women's team final is the women's doubles, and Wang Manyu is partnered with Chen Meng, who won the women's singles qualification, against Hina Hayata, Zhang Benmeihe has no chance of winning!

It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!
It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!

But not interviewing Wang Manyu is really biased and unfair.

Fans only sigh:

The real situation is that Wang Manyu's performance in the competition has been very stable, especially in the team competition, Chen Meng is in average condition in the team competition, and she lost to Hina Hayada in the team competition at the World Championships.

Coach Ma Lin sees it very clearly, Wang Manyu's personal fame and fortune are at the top, once the singles lose, the doubles will be rotten, there is a precedent for the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban, the Olympics did not get the singles quota, was taken away by Chen Meng, and the hope of the Grand Slam is slim, and the rival Chen Meng is paired with the Olympic team doubles, who dares to guarantee that Wang Manyu's old illness will not recur by then?

For the use of Wang Manyu, the national table tennis must have a plan, be cautious!
It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!
It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!

It is recommended that the coaching staff start P Kadadi, Wang Manyu has improper conduct, low quality, unstable state, poor ability to resist pressure, and is simply unbearable.

Do you think Liu Guoliang didn't consider not using Wang Manyu? Don't dare to use it, the women's singles are not allowed to be on, the group loses Wang Manyu again, and it is the year of playing, if you participate in the foreign conference and participate in the next Olympics, what do you say is the probability of the national table tennis championship?

The editor thinks:

July 2nd, it's not fair.

It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!
It's not fair! Sun Yingsha and other 5 main forces appeared on CCTV! Wang Manyu didn't have such an opportunity!

Wang Manyu's treatment has always been the worst.

CCTV interviewed 6 people, and specifically forgot Wang Manyu, so obvious.

If this is the case, Wang Manyu really wants to jump ship to Macau, China to find her good sister Zhu Yuling.

Do you mean that?

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