
After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

author:Iwai today
After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

It is rumored on the Internet that the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, and the police: The suspect committed murder after being drunk is not a love killing

On June 30, in Songyuan, Jilin, a jaw-dropping tragedy happened: the Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao" encountered misfortune while dancing in the square and was brutally killed by a man he didn't know.

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

Witnesses said that Jia Baoge performed in the square that night, attracting many onlookers. And the suspect was in a drunken state, because he was resentful after looking at Brother Jiabao, and he actually wielded a knife to commit murder.

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

The suspect has now been detained by the police and further investigation is ongoing

The video can be viewed here


Netizens are hotly discussed

So many people watched indifferently from the side, why didn't anyone stop it?

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

Bringing a knife is definitely not a simple question, who goes to the square dance with a knife

There are so many people watching the excitement on the side, and there is no one who is righteous and brave, which is really sad!! Such indifference is really chilling

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

The knife that kills people is not terrible, but what is terrible is the indifference of the onlookers, who have not seen a single person go to see the righteous and brave, so I am afraid to stop it. It may not have happened

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

Wasn't this knife already prepared? Otherwise, how can you explain this?

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

Although the world is hot and cold, this is too indifferent, and Brother Bao is also a real person, why don't you run, stand there and let people stab them with knives!

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

"Selling Brother Bao has really been planned for a long time, otherwise who would bring a knife to go around for no reason, besides, it wasn't one or two knives that killed him, so many people were indifferent, which shows a lot of problems."

After the murder of Brother Jiabao, the police reported, and the insider exposed more details, and the comment area was fried

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