
Shocked: My father was detained because he couldn't pay tuition and fees, and he needed to pay off the 15,308 yuan owed to the school

author:Grand Master

Arresting parents who cannot afford to pay their fees, what is the fairness of education? ——When the indifference of the system meets the sadness of people

Shocked: My father was detained because he couldn't pay tuition and fees, and he needed to pay off the 15,308 yuan owed to the school

Recently, a chilling incident shook the society, a father was arrested just because he could not pay his children's tuition and miscellaneous fees, and faced the double pressure of up to 15,308 yuan in arrears and 3,000 yuan in liquidated damages. This makes people ask: In today's civilized progress, has poverty become a crime of deprivation of basic human rights? Why did education, which is supposed to be a beacon of hope, become the last straw that crushes the family?

Educational equity should not be just an empty slogan, it should be the most solid cornerstone of society, ensuring that every child can stand on the same starting line. When poverty becomes the chain that hinders the door to knowledge, we have to ask: has the education system deviated from its essence and reduced to a cold trading market? For families who are already struggling with their lives, schools should not be debt collectors, but shelters to lend a helping hand.

Shocked: My father was detained because he couldn't pay tuition and fees, and he needed to pay off the 15,308 yuan owed to the school

The right approach should never be to simply and brutally take coercive measures, but to go deep into the root cause of the problem. If poverty is the crux of the problem, then waiving tuition and fees is only the first step, and it is more important to start a complete set of financial support mechanisms for poor students, so as to solve the financial difficulties of families at the root and pave the way of hope for children's future. Educational institutions and all sectors of society should work together to find a way out for these families struggling to survive, rather than pushing them deeper into despair with cold rules.

What we are calling for is a society full of warmth, a society that can tolerate the disadvantaged and provide them with the necessary help. If even education loses its humanity, where will the world go? Let the powerless be powerful and let the pessimistic move forward, this is the due responsibility of education and the proper meaning of social development.

Shocked: My father was detained because he couldn't pay tuition and fees, and he needed to pay off the 15,308 yuan owed to the school

For this incident, we must not only ask: Is there still heavenly reason and human affection above the law? Can we find a more just and warmer balance between the system and human nature? The answer is yes, but it will take us to work together to push for a warm turn in policy and to return education to its purest meaning – to provide wings for every soul, rich or poor.

Let us call together to let the light of education shine in every corner, no longer let any family lose their dignity because of poverty, and no longer let any heart of knowledge be dimmed by lack of money. Because in this world, every dream deserves to be respected, and every effort should be rewarded.