
The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

author:The third son of the ball king

In the 2024 U.S. presidential election, the two final winners are still the familiar Chuan Jianguo and Bai Zhenhua.

Chuan Jianguo, formerly known as Conrad Trump, the word Jianguo, alias Chuan Bao, born in 1946, the 45th president of the United States, is pompous, open-mouthed, and simple, but he has a straightforward personality, is dissolute, likes to go off the rails, does not play cards according to common sense, and has a normal sexual orientation, which is incompatible with traditional American politicians.

Bai Zhenhua, formerly known as Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., is known as Zhenhua and is nicknamed Mei Xizong. Biden is over the age of old, Fang Deng Dabao, defeated the founding of the country in 2020, cultivated virtue and politics internally, resisted strong enemies outside, served Israel's father on the east coast of the Mediterranean, and when the Chinese sanction was greater than the rise, he supported Zesheng to fight against the Emperor Pu on the Russian border, and ruled for four years......

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

But in 2024, Biden's first term is coming to an end, and Trump's side is making a comeback and once again becoming Biden's opponent, and there are still many months before the year-end vote, but the battle between the two sides has begun. A few days ago, the first debate between the two old men was broadcast live on television, but the performance of both sides was a big surprise.

To sum up, Biden is Alzheimer's, the words are not to the point, Trump can't grasp the point, and his mouth is full of trains.

Let's start with Biden. 82-year-old Biden, with thinning hair, wrinkled face, flat mouth, one eye feels like he can't open it, the whole person is stiff like a dead tree on the grave, and his speech often pauses, sometimes with empty eyes and sometimes with a weird smile, showing his old and faint demure to the fullest.

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

And Trump's side is in good spirits, radiant, and nearly 80 years old, he is still full of confidence on stage, talking and laughing freely.

Biden had several opportunities to break his brain on stage, and Trump didn't let go of any of them, such as medical subsidies, Trump single-handedly asked Biden various questions about the implementation of medical subsidies, and as a result, Biden snorted and said a bunch of almost inaudible words, his mouth was like a ball of cotton, and finally summed up a game of "I beat Medicare" (We beat Medicare).

Then Trump seized the opportunity and said, "I'm going to knock health care subsidies to the ground (Republicans oppose these kinds of benefits)." After that, he didn't forget to mend the knife: "I didn't understand what he said in the last sentence, and I don't think he knew what he wanted to say in the end." Biden was dumbfounded, and the whole scene was filled with a cheerful air.

In addition, Trump came up with a detrimental trick, Trump said that Biden sends money to Zelensky every day, he is not the president, he is a salesman who wipes his ass for the Russian-Ukrainian war...... Trump says Biden took money from China......

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?
The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

Trump said Biden was full of lies, and Biden said Trump was behaving like a wild cat.

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

Trump attacked Biden's son for breaking the law and should go to jail, and Biden countered and said that your TMD son is illegal?

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

In short, the debate between the two sides is less like a rhetoric between the presidential candidates about the country's future planning and the well-being of the people, but rather like a high-level version of a shrew scolding the streets.

American netizens said that in the dignified US presidential election, one of the two sides is desperate to prove that they are not demented, and the other is desperate to prove that they are not bastards.

In the end, the first televised debate between the two sides ended in a resounding victory for Trump. Before the debate, according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll a few days ago, 60% of registered voters thought Trump would perform "very" or "somewhat" well in the debate. Only 46% are bullish on Biden's performance. And after the debate, a CNN poll showed two-thirds of the votes that Trump won the first debate – and by a resounding victory.

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

According to reports, the probability of Trump's victory in online betting has increased to more than 60%, and observers have said that the DNC should be replaced while there is still time.

The CNN host said that Biden should withdraw from the race, and this debate brought us not only panic, but also pain.

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

It seems that Trump has won the election, but let's not forget that Trump also lost the election four years ago with the victory in hand.

And in this debate, many people are also dissatisfied with Trump's performance, compared with four years ago, Trump is also much haggard, even the iconic golden retriever has been dimmed.

The first TV debate between presidential candidates in the United States, old Biden cheated to earn Chuanbao?

This is a picture taken by the United States to describe the debate, and to describe it as the scene of a car accident. Note that this is not just about Biden, it's about Trump.

Biden, although he is old and deaf, has succeeded in bringing Trump into the ditch. Although Biden is trembling and dying, what does it mean that you Trump has defeated such an opponent?

Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that Biden is pretending to be sick, making the opponent relax his vigilance, and then coming to a wave of counter-killing, Sima Yi has played this hand in history, and it succeeded, and the political enemy Cao Shuang and the three clans were all over the house, and the physical household was extinct.

As an ordinary Chinese citizen, I personally still hope that Trump wins, Biden and his person, insidious and cunning, scheming, is the real lethal to China The president of the United States, who has been in office for four years, blockaded China, hit China's industrial upgrading, and harvested European capital by instigating the war between Russia and Ukraine, while forcing the Western world to isolate China and Russia, re-rely on NATO, and return to the United States, and at the same time take advantage of the situation to decouple from China, force the supply chain to withdraw from China, and flee China in large quantities, so that allies can cooperate with the recovery of China's manufacturing industry.

In addition, Biden lit cigarettes and guns around China, consumed China, played the Taiwan card, Japan and South Korea, and made everyone around China highly nervous. Biden is an old man, his methods and intentions are too vicious, if he is ten years younger, China's situation will be even more difficult than it is now.

Therefore, Comrade Chuan Jianguo can't relax, the opponent's move may be a trick to capture and indulge, let's have a snack, we can't lose like four years ago.

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