
Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

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As we continue to explore on the road of pursuing health and longevity, an interesting topic has attracted people's attention: can body really determine lifespan?

The latest findings from experts give a striking answer: those who live past the age of 90 have two basic characteristics of their figures.

This undoubtedly ignites our curiosity, what kind of body characteristics hide the secret of longevity?

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

First, let's explore the relationship between body shape and health from a medical perspective. Body shape is not only a presentation of appearance, but also a reflection of the body's internal metabolic status and organ function.

Obesity increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Excessive fat accumulation in the body will put a heavy burden on vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys, affecting their normal functioning.

Conversely, excessive wasting is not a sign of health and can mean malnutrition, weakened immunity, and susceptibility to disease.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

So, what are the two body characteristics that those long-lived old people have?

One of the characteristics is to maintain a moderate weight. Take Uncle Li, a farmer, for example, although he is over 90 years old, his weight has always been maintained in a relatively stable and moderate range.

A moderate body weight means that the body's energy intake and expenditure are well balanced, and there is neither excessive fat accumulation nor weakness due to nutritional deficiencies.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

From a medical point of view, a commonly used body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 23.9 is considered a healthy weight range. Uncle Lee's BMI has remained in this range, which has laid the foundation for his longevity.

The second feature is that the waist-hip ratio is reasonable. Uncle Wang, the tailor, is also one of the long-lived old people, and his waist-to-hip ratio is very ideal.

The waist-to-hip ratio is an important indicator of abdominal fat distribution. If you have too much belly fat, i.e., a high waist-to-hip ratio, you have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

Abdominal fat releases some harmful inflammatory factors, which affect insulin sensitivity and lead to blood sugar and lipid metabolism disorders.

And an elderly person like Uncle Wang who has a reasonable waist-to-hip ratio usually means that there is less visceral fat and the body's metabolic function is relatively better.

In order to achieve and maintain such body characteristics, we need to make some efforts in life.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

First of all, pay attention to a balanced diet with moderate intake of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Avoid excessive consumption of foods that are high in calories, fat, and sugar.

Secondly, to maintain a moderate amount of exercise, aerobic exercise such as walking and swimming can help burn off excess calories, while strength training can help increase muscle mass and increase basal metabolic rate.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

In addition, good lifestyle habits are also key. Getting enough sleep helps regulate hormone levels in the body and maintain normal metabolic function.

Reduce stress and avoid long-term mental stress, which can lead to hormonal imbalances that can easily trigger weight gain or loss.

In short, body may not directly determine lifespan, but these two body characteristics of people who have lived past the age of 90 undoubtedly provide us with valuable inspiration.

Stature determines longevity? Expert research: the body of the elderly who live to be 90 years old has 2 characteristics!

By focusing on weight and waist-to-hip ratio, and adjusting our lifestyles, we may be able to move closer to our goal of living a long and healthy life.

Let's learn from the experience of these long-lived seniors to build a healthy body and embrace a vibrant and quality life.