
Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?



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Remember that eye-catching couple duo - big curves and bald heads? This time, their married life has once again become the focus of attention.

Speaking of which, the two have been married for more than two years, but due to language barriers, their communication has always been like a mountain.

However, even so, the small life of these two people turned out to be prosperous, and there were few disputes.

This is a senior Taiwanese entertainment blogger who personally broke the news, confirming the stability of their marriage.

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

Although the outside world is always stormy, and rumors of the breakdown of the marriage between the two are endless, but in fact? These rumors have not shaken the solid foundation of their relationship.

This blogger, who is well versed in the dynamics of Taiwan's entertainment industry, revealed that between the big curve and the bald head, it seems that a wonderful way to get along with each other, so that their married life is harmonious and happy, and it is almost difficult to see the smell of gunpowder.

Of course, it is unlikely that there is no contradiction at all.

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

After all, the language barrier is like an insurmountable chasm that affects whether the two can communicate emotions and thoughts more deeply.

But guess what? Miraculously, this chasm became a shock absorber for their marriage, making what might have been the result of misunderstandings invisible.

The blogger was a discerning blogger who found the couple's communication patterns to be nothing short of spectacular.

Communication Barriers? With them, it's not a problem at all.

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

On the contrary, this obstacle may also be their "secret weapon" to reduce conflict.

You think that many disputes between husband and wife actually stem from misunderstandings and dissatisfaction in communication, so if you reduce communication, won't it reduce the probability of disputes?

But then again, although the marriage between Big Curve and the bald head seems to be as stable as a mountain, the blogger still gave a warm little advice: in order to further improve communication, Big Curve might as well try to learn the bald native language.

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

In this way, wouldn't the spiritual distance between the two be further enhanced? It's just that, considering the age and life pressure of the big curve, there is really a question mark over whether this suggestion can be put into practice.

Bloggers are confident that they will be able to maintain this harmony in the future.

He said that while the language barrier seemed like an insurmountable hurdle between them, who said it couldn't be a unique way for them to maintain a stable relationship?

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

The big curves and bald head of this couple are really eye-opening.

Their married life is like a drama of ups and downs, sometimes making people laugh, sometimes moving people to tears.

Either way, their stories offer a fresh perspective on the role of language and communication in human relationships.

It seems that in the face of love, any language barriers and communication problems are not a problem.

Big S and Gu Junye may have a natural and unique way of getting along, so that there are few conflicts between the two after marriage?

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