
The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

author:Pupu Health

"Mr. Wang, something is wrong with your body, we have to have a good talk." The doctor looked at Mr. Wang with serious eyes as he flipped through Mr. Wang's physical examination report.

Mr. Wang, a logistics company manager over 50 years old, was busy with work on weekdays, and recently became obsessed with morning exercises, thinking that morning jogging would make him healthier, but suddenly felt chest tightness and dizziness during a morning run, so he decided to come to the hospital for a comprehensive check-up.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my body?"

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

"You, when you run in the morning, your body is under too much pressure.

The period from 6 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning for middle-aged and elderly people is a period of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The doctor patiently explained.

Mr. Wang recalled that morning run, he set off from home with great interest, and after running less than two kilometers, his heart began to accelerate, followed by a burst of chest tightness and dizziness, and he ran home with his stubborn support, wondering if he had exercised too much.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

The doctor continued, "Actually, not only in the morning, but also between 12 noon and 2 pm is not suitable for going out.

At this time, the weather is hot and prone to heat stroke, especially for middle-aged and elderly people like you, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun and high temperature environment. ”

Mr. Wang's mouth opened wide in surprise, "Then what should I do?" I have to work every day, so I can't stay indoors all the time, right? ”

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

The doctor smiled slightly, "You can choose to exercise between 4 and 6 p.m., the temperature is right, and the body's various functions are relatively stable."

However, you should remember that the amount of exercise should not be too large, focus on relaxation, and stop immediately if you are not feeling well. ”

Next, the doctor began to explain in detail why middle-aged and elderly people should not go out in the morning and at noon.

Between 6 and 8 a.m., after a night's rest, the blood viscosity is high, blood pressure fluctuates easily, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases increases.

For people like Mr. Wang, who have cardiovascular problems, strenuous exercise in the morning is tantamount to adding insult to injury.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

"Studies have shown that the peak incidence of myocardial infarction and stroke is in the morning.

Numerous data show that the incidence of myocardial infarction is almost 40% higher between 6 and 8 a.m. than at other time periods, which is why I highly recommend that you avoid exercising during this time period. The doctor added.

Mr. Wang was terrified when he heard this, and originally thought that morning exercise was a good thing, but he did not expect that it would bring health risks to himself.

"What about noon?" Mr. Wang continued to ask.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

Between 12 and 2 noon, the temperature is at its highest, especially in summer, when the surface temperature can even reach more than 50 degrees.

The risk of heat stroke is very high, especially for middle-aged and elderly people, who have poor body temperature regulation function, and long-term exposure to high temperatures can easily cause heat stroke, dehydration and other problems.

The doctor explained, "Not long ago, we received a 56-year-old Mr. Li, who was running outside at 12 noon and fainted from heat stroke, but fortunately he was found by passers-by in time and sent to the hospital. ”

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

The doctor's words made Mr. Wang completely dispel the idea of morning exercise and afternoon exercise. "Then I will follow your advice in the future, exercise in the afternoon, and exercise moderately."

In addition, you should also pay attention to your diet, eat less greasy and high-salt foods, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and maintain a happy mood, so as to better control blood pressure and protect cardiovascular health. ”

After hearing this, Mr. Wang nodded thoughtfully, thinking to himself that health really needs to be managed comprehensively, and morning exercise alone is far from enough.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

Mr. Wang walked out of the hospital and greeted the sunset, feeling much more relaxed.

He decided to follow the doctor's advice from now on to adjust his daily habits, pay attention to exercise time, eat reasonably, and maintain a happy mood. Life is busy, but health is priceless, and that's the most important thing.

However, this story brings not only Mr. Wang's personal awakening, but also a more general question: how should middle-aged and elderly people reasonably arrange their work and rest time to avoid adverse health risks?

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

First of all, the body functions of middle-aged and elderly people decline with age, especially the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system, which is easily affected by bad lifestyle habits. Therefore, in daily life, pay special attention to the following:

1. Arrange your work and rest time reasonably: Try to avoid going out or strenuous exercise during the two time periods of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. is the best option for exercising.

2. Maintain a good diet: Reduce your intake of high-salt, high-fat foods and eat more fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals.

3. Regular physical examination: keep abreast of your health status and seek medical attention in time if you find any problems.

4. Moderate exercise: The intensity of exercise should be adjusted according to your physical condition to avoid overwork.

5. Stay happy: Mental health is equally important, avoid prolonged negative emotions and develop a positive attitude towards life.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

On the whole, health management is not just a unilateral effort, but requires all-round adjustment and control.

From Mr. Wang's story, it can be seen that middle-aged and elderly people must pay attention to reasonable work and rest arrangements, scientific eating habits and appropriate exercise in their daily life, so as to maintain and promote physical health and prevent the occurrence of diseases.

In our daily lives, do we really achieve scientific and reasonable work and rest arrangements and health management? Or are we still ignoring these details, leading to hidden health problems?

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

Despite the gradual increase in health literacy, implementation is often not in place. The pressure of work and life makes many people unable to maintain a regular schedule, and the contradiction between staying up late and waking up early makes the body in a sub-healthy state.

In particular, middle-aged and elderly people, affected by family and social responsibilities, often ignore their own health needs.

In terms of exercise, many people choose to exercise in the morning or noon, believing that this can improve physical fitness. However, they ignore the high risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease during these time periods.

From 6 a.m. to 8 a.m., the blood viscosity of the human body is high, the blood pressure fluctuates greatly, and strenuous exercise can easily induce myocardial infarction or stroke.

From 12 noon to 2 o'clock, the temperature is high, and it is easy to suffer from heat stroke, especially for middle-aged and elderly people with poor body temperature regulation, which increases the health risk.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

Eating habits are also an important factor that is overlooked.

High-salt, high-fat foods are still a dietary choice for many people, and an unbalanced diet that does not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Even if people know the importance of a healthy diet, in real life, it is often difficult to stick to it for a long time due to convenience or taste preferences.

The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out

In addition, without regular health monitoring, many potential health problems cannot be detected and treated in time, and by the time the symptoms become apparent, they have often caused irreversible damage to health.

To sum up, although people's attention to health has increased, in actual life, scientific and reasonable work and rest arrangements and comprehensive health management have not been fully implemented.

Many people neglect the details of their daily lives, leading to the accumulation of hidden health problems.

Only by truly being aware of and paying attention to these details, and taking proactive measures to make adjustments, can we effectively prevent diseases and maintain a good physical condition.

Hope it helps, thank you!

References:[1]Ma Yun. I wish you good health,2022,(07):45-47.
The summer solstice has passed, and the doctor advises: middle-aged and elderly people, even if they are lying down, don't pick these two time periods to go out