
Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

author:Rong Rong

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


My name is Li Zhen, I am Chinese New Year's Eve years old, and I am an agricultural mechanic. Standing on the edge of a golden wheat field, I can't help but think back to my childhood. At that time, I was a skinny left-behind child, living alone in an old house in the countryside.

In order to pay off the debts owed, my parents had to go to Guangdong to work. Every time I talked on the phone, my mother always choked up and said, "Zhen'er, bear with me, and come back when we pay off our debts." "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Holding back tears, I pretended to be strong and replied, "Mom and Dad, don't worry, I will take care of myself." "

After school, I often sat alone under the eaves and looked at the fields in the distance. My neighbor, Aunt Wang, couldn't stand it and often asked me to go to her house for dinner. "Zhen'er, let's try the braised pork made by my aunt."

Aunt Wang said kindly. I nodded gratefully, but there was always an indescribable loneliness in my heart.

Since I entered junior high school, my academic performance has always been average. Despite trying to revise, I couldn't get into high school. Watching my classmates happily discuss the future, I felt lost and lost.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

After my father learned the news, he called me to comfort me: "Zhen'er, it doesn't matter if you don't get in, our family is not good, and it's not bad to go to a technical school to learn a craft." I heard the exhaustion in my father's words, and I felt even more guilty.

In this way, I entered an agricultural technical school and studied agricultural machinery maintenance. In the beginning, I had little interest in the craft. But as I learned, I began to discover the joy of it.

Every time I fix a broken tractor and watch it roar out of the workshop again, I feel a sense of accomplishment.

After graduating from technical school, I got a job at the town's agricultural machinery station. However, the day-to-day repair work made me feel bored. I started thinking about my future and always felt that life should be more than that.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

One day, I saw Uncle Li in the village driving a harvester working in the fields, and suddenly I had an idea. I ran to Uncle Li and asked excitedly, "Uncle, how much money can you earn a day by driving a harvester?" "

Uncle Li wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "Young man, if you are willing to endure hardships, you will have a small 100,000 yuan in a season." "

This sentence was like a lightning bolt that struck me in the heart. It dawned on me that maybe this was the opportunity I had been looking for. That night, I tossed and turned, my mind constantly thinking about the possibility of buying a harvester.

Early the next morning, I went to find my teacher, Master Zhang. I told him what I thought, hoping to get some advice.

After listening to this, Master Zhang pondered for a while and said, "Xiao Li, it's good that you have this heart. But buying a harvester is not a small amount, have you thought it through? "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

I nodded firmly: "Master, I have figured it out." I would save some money first and borrow some from relatives and friends. I believe that as long as you are willing to endure hardships, you will be able to succeed. "

Looking at my determined eyes, Master Zhang patted me on the shoulder: "Okay, since you have made up your mind, I support you." If you have any technical questions, just ask me. "

With the support of Master Zhang, I have strengthened my confidence. I started saving money and saved almost all of my salary. In the evenings and on weekends, I also take odd jobs to save more money.

Half a year later, I finally scraped together enough for a down payment and bought my first harvester. Looking at the brand-new harvester parked in the yard, I was so excited that I didn't sleep all night. I know that this is not just a machine, but also the beginning of my quest for a better life.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

However, things didn't go as smoothly as I thought they would. In the first wheat harvest season, I often made small mistakes due to my lack of experience.

Sometimes the harvest is not clean, and sometimes the wheat is harvested too low. The villagers were not satisfied with my work, and some even accused me of being a "layman" to my face.

I was not discouraged by these doubts. I humbly seek advice from experienced teachers and constantly improve my skills. At the end of each day, I double-check the machine to make sure it will work properly the next day.

Slowly, my technique improved significantly. The villagers began to recognize my work, and some people offered to recommend jobs to me.

Watching the harvesters roar past the golden wheat fields, my heart was filled with pride. I knew I had finally found my own path in life.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list


In the blink of an eye, I've been a harvester driver for three years. On this day, I drove a harvester to a wheat field in a neighboring village. In the distance, I saw an old man standing at the edge of the field, with a cane in his hand, looking anxiously.

I stopped the machine, walked up to the old man and asked, "Uncle, is this your land?" "

The old man nodded, and said with a sad face, "Yes, young man." My name is Liu Fu, and I am 8 out of 70 this year.

The land was originally harvested by someone, but the man suddenly said that something could not come. Seeing that the wheat is almost ripe, if it is not harvested, it will rot in the ground. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

I looked at the sky, and although it was not early, I felt that I could not just leave. I said to Uncle Liu, "Uncle, don't worry. I've just finished my work today, so why don't I help you get this piece of land?" "

Uncle Liu looked at me in surprise: "Really? That's great! But young man, it's not early now, and you're afraid you'll have to go home in the dark. Why don't you come back tomorrow? "

I smiled and shook my head, "It's okay, uncle." I brought the lights and I was able to do it at night. Rest assured, I will take care of your wheat. "

With that, I got to work. The wheat field is not large, but it is a bit difficult to harvest because of its irregular shape. I operated the machine cautiously, lest I miss a grain of wheat.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

It was getting dark, and I turned on the headlights. Uncle Liu has been standing on the edge of the field, watching me work. I could feel his anxious gaze, which made me more serious.

Finally, when the moon rose, I finished harvesting the last crop of wheat. Uncle Liu came over excitedly, and asked to give me money with trembling hands: "Young man, thank you for your hard work." This is the money for the harvest, and there is some hard work. "

I looked at the money in my hand and returned it to Uncle Liu: "Uncle, I will accept the harvested money, but I can't ask for extra money." You're getting a lot of age, and it's not easy to farm. "

Uncle Liu was stunned, tears flashed in his eyes: "Young man, what's your name?" Nowadays, there are not many young people who are as sensible as you. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

I scratched my head embarrassedly: "Uncle, my name is Li Zhen." What should be done, don't be so polite. "

Uncle Liu took my hand and said enthusiastically: "Li Zhen, do you have a partner?" If not, I'll introduce you to a good girl. My granddaughter, Xiaoqing, is 25 years old and teaches at a primary school in the town. She is beautiful and sensible. "

I didn't know what to say, so I smiled awkwardly. Seeing this, Uncle Liu continued: "Don't think I'm abrupt. I look at people very accurately, you are a real child, and you are a good offspring at first glance. Why don't you come to my house another day? "

I didn't say yes immediately, I just said, "Uncle, you're too polite." I had to go back and talk to my parents first. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

On the way home, what Uncle Liu said kept coming to my mind. To be honest, I've reached the age when I should start a family, but I've been busy with work and haven't bothered to find a partner. Uncle Liu's proposal made me start to seriously think about my life's events.

Early the next morning, I received a call from Uncle Liu. He warmly invited me to his house and said that he wanted to thank me well. I hesitated, but finally agreed.

When I arrived at Uncle Liu's house, I learned that he was the old branch secretary of the village and had a great reputation in the local area. His son and daughter-in-law both work in the city, and he and his wife usually live in the countryside.

Uncle Liu's wife opened a large table of dishes and warmly beckoned me to eat. During the meal, Uncle Liu kept inquiring about my family situation and work situation. I told the truth, and I didn't hide my family difficulties.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

After three rounds of drinking, Uncle Liu suddenly said, "Xiao Li, I told your granddaughter about you." She heard that you are so sensible, and she is very interested in meeting you. "

I didn't know how to respond, so I smiled awkwardly. Just then, footsteps were heard outside the door. A crisp voice sounded: "Grandpa, grandma, I'm here!" "

I looked back and saw a tall girl with long flowing hair standing in the doorway. She wears a simple T-shirt and jeans with a sweet smile on her face. My heart skipped a beat.

Uncle Liu introduced with a smile: "Come on, come on, this is the granddaughter Xiaoqing I told you." Xiaoqing, this is Li Zhen, the young man who helped his grandfather harvest wheat yesterday. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Xiaoqing glanced at me a little embarrassedly and said softly, "Hello, Li Zhen." Thank you for doing my grandpa a favor. "

I stood up and said crampedly, "Hello, no thanks. You're welcome. "

Uncle Liu looked at us with a sly glint in his eyes. He coughed deliberately and said, "You young people talk, I'll go for a walk in the yard with your grandmother." "

In this way, Xiaoqing and I were left alone in the house. At first, we were all a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. But as the conversation deepened, I found that Xiaoqing was not only beautiful, but also very knowledgeable.

We talked about our jobs, hobbies, and even our plans for the future.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Before you know it, it's getting late. When I got up to say goodbye, I felt a little reluctant. Xiaoqing sent me to the door and whispered, "Li Zhen, it's nice to meet you." We can talk about it again when we have time. "

I nodded, a hint of sweetness in my heart. On the way home, Xiaoqing's smile kept coming to my mind. I knew I was about to take a big turning point in my life.


From that day on, Xiaoqing and I began to keep in touch frequently. Every night, we would chat for a while on WeChat. Xiaoqing told me interesting stories about teaching at the town's primary school, and I shared with her what I saw during the harvest.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Although the nature of our work is completely different, we can find many common topics.

Once, Xiaoqing asked me, "Li Zhen, have you ever thought about your future development?" You can't keep the harvester on, can you? "

I was stunned for a moment, and replied seriously: "Actually, I have an idea, which is to make the business bigger." Not only harvesting, but also other agricultural machinery services, such as sowing, fertilizing and so on. This will allow you to work all year round. "

After listening to this, Xiaoqing's eyes lit up: "This idea is good!" If you need help, just ask. Although I don't know about agricultural machinery, I can help you calculate accounts and make plans. "

Hearing Xiaoqing's words, my heart warmed. I never thought that someone would be so supportive of my cause. At that moment, I felt like I had found the best partner I could be.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Slowly, my relationship with Xiaoqing became deeper and deeper. I began to wonder if I should propose to her. But when I thought of my family background, I hesitated. I'm afraid that I won't be able to give Xiaoqing a good life and live up to her expectations.

Just as I was struggling, an unexpected opportunity came. The town should organize a group of agricultural mechanics to go to Xinjiang to support the cotton harvest, and the remuneration is very good. I signed up without even thinking about it.

Before leaving, I asked Xiaoqing out and told her about it. I thought she would be upset, but she was very supportive.

Xiaoqing held my hand and said, "Li Zhen, go." This is a good opportunity. When you come back, we'll get married. "

I looked at her in surprise: "Really? Will you marry me? "

Xiaoqing smiled and nodded: "Fool, I have already decided." Go to Xinjiang and do a good job, I'll wait for you at home to come back. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

In this way, with Xiaoqing's blessing, I stepped on the train to Xinjiang. It was the first time I had been so far away from my hometown, and I was both excited and apprehensive.

When I arrived in Xinjiang, I learned what hard work is. Harvesting cotton is much more difficult than harvesting wheat, and the machines often break down and we have to work late into the night every day. But the thought of Xiaoqing waiting for me at home makes me feel immensely motivated.

Three months passed quickly. The moment I got paid, I was so excited that I almost cried. That's enough money for a decent wedding.

When I returned to my hometown, I went to find Xiaoqing as soon as possible. However, what awaited me was a bolt from the blue.

Xiaoqing said to me with red eyes, "Li Zhen, I'm sorry. During this time, I figured it out that we might not be a good fit. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

I couldn't believe my ears: "Why? Is there something I'm not doing well? "

Xiaoqing shook her head: "It's not your problem. It's that I think our lifestyles are too different. You're busy in the fields all day, and I prefer a quiet life. I'm afraid we'll get more and more out of tune in the future. "

My heart sank to the bottom. I thought we had discussed the future, but I didn't expect Xiaoqing to change her mind. I left dejected, not knowing how to deal with this sudden change.

When I got home, I locked myself in the house for days, without eating or drinking. My parents were worried, but I didn't want to say anything. I felt like my life had lost its direction all of a sudden.

Just when I was at my lowest, an unexpected phone call changed everything. It was Uncle Liu who called.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

"Xiao Li, don't be discouraged. Xiaoqing, this child is too young to know how to cherish it. I heard that the town's agricultural machinery cooperative is hiring, do you want to try it? "

Uncle Liu's words gave me a glimmer of hope. I wiped away my tears and decided to pick myself up again. Perhaps, this is a new opportunity that fate has given me.


With Uncle Liu's letter of recommendation, I came to the town's agricultural machinery cooperative. Director Wang, the person in charge, read my resume and heard that I had work experience in Xinjiang, so he immediately decided to hire me.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

"Xiao Li, you came at the right time. We just recently took on a big project and needed to build a professional agricultural machinery team. If you have experience, become a group leader. "

I didn't expect my luck to be so good, so I immediately agreed. From that day on, I started a new job.

Unlike in the past, I have to lead a team to coordinate and arrange all kinds of agricultural machinery operations. This is a new challenge for me.

At first, I was a little scrambling. Sometimes improper arrangements will cause personnel to be idle; Sometimes they forget to check the condition of the machine, which leads to work interruptions. The group members complained in private, and I was sad to hear it.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

One night, I was sitting alone in my office working overtime. Director Wang walked over and patted me on the shoulder: "Xiao Li, work is not going well?" "

I smiled wryly and nodded: "Director Wang, am I not suitable to be the leader of this group?" "

Director Wang smiled: "Who wasn't like this at the beginning?" The key is to learn to sum up the experience. Come, I'll teach you a few tricks. "

Under the guidance of Director Wang, I slowly mastered the know-how of management. I learned how to allocate tasks wisely, how to motivate employees, and how to deal with unexpected situations. Gradually, the efficiency of our group has increased, and everyone has less opinion of me.

Half a year later, we received a big project. This is a farmland transformation project involving multiple townships and towns, which requires us to provide a full range of agricultural machinery services. Director Wang entrusted me with this important task.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

"Xiao Li, it's up to you this time. If you do a good job, you will have a chance to show your strength in the future. "

I was well aware of the importance of this opportunity and immediately convened a meeting of the panelists. We discussed the details of the project and developed a detailed plan. I also made a point of contacting a few teachers I had known in Xinjiang to ask for some technical problems.

After the project began, we encountered a lot of difficulties. Sometimes the weather is bad, sometimes the machine breaks down, and sometimes the farmer doesn't cooperate. But instead of backing down, we solved the problems one by one.

I remember one time when a large harvester got stuck in a field. Seeing that the construction period was about to be delayed, I worked hard all night with a few young men, and finally got the machine out before dawn.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

In this way, with the joint efforts of the whole team, we completed the project half a month earlier than expected. On the day of acceptance, the leaders of the county came and praised our work.

Director Wang happily announced: "Xiao Li, from today onwards, you will be the deputy director of our cooperative!" "

When I heard the news, I was speechless. I remembered the apprehension when I bought my first harvester, the days of hard work in Xinjiang, and the loss when Xiaoqing refused.

It turned out that it was all about making me grow and making me stronger.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Just as I was basking in joy, a familiar figure appeared in the crowd. It's Xiaoqing! She timidly walked up to me: "Li Zhen, congratulations." I... Can I talk to you? "

I was stunned for a moment, then nodded. When we came to the side, Xiaoqing lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, Li Zhen." I was too naïve to see your potential. You're really good right now, and I'm so proud of you. "

I looked at Xiaoqing with mixed feelings. Once, I loved her so much and worked hard for her. But now, I've found my direction in life.

I said softly, "Thank you, Xiaoqing. Let the past pass. We can also be friends. "

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

Xiaoqing raised her head, tears glistening in her eyes. She nodded and turned to leave. Looking at her back, I knew that our fate ended here.

Back in the office, I saw a letter on the desk. When I opened it, it was Uncle Liu's handwriting: "Xiao Li, I heard that you have become the deputy director, I am really happy for you, old man." You have to remember to stick to your dreams no matter what difficulties come your way. By the way, there is a new female doctor in our village, who is beautiful and has a good personality. Do you want grandpa to introduce you to acquaintance? "

When I saw the last sentence of the letter, I couldn't help but laugh. Perhaps, a new fate is waiting for me. But no matter what, I know that as long as I keep working hard, a bright future will come.

Two years ago, despite the hindrance of my companions, I drove a harvester to help the elderly harvest wheat, and last year I successfully got off the list

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The story is fictional, please read it rationally.