
The Arab League's major decision is a critical blow to US hegemony and a nightmare for Israel

author:Brain-burning and writing

[Steel and Fire at Night in the Middle East: Israel and Allah, on the eve of the decisive battle]

Last week, in the heart of Israel's defense, a secret military bill called Project Saker quietly passed, targeting Allah forces in neighboring Lebanon. This is not a simple revenge, but a precise move on the strategic chessboard, intent on removing the stumbling block to a more far-reaching goal. And the dramatic turn followed, at the Arab League summit, the axis of the Arab world, the 17-nation alliance, Allah was disarmed like a thunderbolt, and under the calm surface of the Middle East, undercurrents were raging and war drums were frequent.

The Arab League's major decision is a critical blow to US hegemony and a nightmare for Israel

[Lebanon: Beacon fire, the cycle of history and fate] Time seems to go back in time, back to the past when conflicts were constant. Recently, the friction between Israel and Allah has escalated, with rockets piercing the sky, taking not only lives but also igniting old grudges. Retaliatory strikes followed, and Allah's camp trembled under artillery fire, heralding a precursor to an even greater storm.

The Arab League's major decision is a critical blow to US hegemony and a nightmare for Israel

The Phoenix Nirvana-like Allah is no longer the shadow warrior of the past. Backed by Iran's formidable backing, they have evolved from rudimentary guerrilla tactics to a modernly equipped military force with a secret weapon in their hands that can make the enemy tremble. Anti-tank weapons and drone formations have become their capital to challenge power, and they are also a threat that Israel cannot ignore.

The Arab League's major decision is a critical blow to US hegemony and a nightmare for Israel

[Middle East Variables in the Global Chess Game: The Touch-and-Go Domino] This is not just a confrontation between Israel and Allah, but a sensitive node that affects the nerves of the entire Middle East and even the world. Iran's shadow looms, and any direct involvement would instantly boil the situation, upset the delicate balance of power between Russia and the West, and elevate a regional conflict to a new level of international crisis.

The Arab League's major decision is a critical blow to US hegemony and a nightmare for Israel

At such a crossroads, every step needs to be taken with caution. We are not only spectators of history, but also guardians of peace. Every sharing, every appeal, is an insistence on rationality and a vote for a peaceful future. Let our voices converge into a river, wash away the dust of war, and illuminate the long-lost quiet blue sky over the Middle East. ✨

When the haze of war envelops the earth, every light of reason is extraordinarily precious. The history of the Middle East has turned the pages of countless battlefields, and today it is all the more important for us to work together to write a new chapter of peace with the pen of understanding and dialogue. Every interaction you have is a blessing to this vision, let us pray together for the blessing of this ancient land, and may wisdom and peace come soon.


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