
How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

author:Xiao Jiu said finance

In 2019, a woman reported that she had been assaulted, and the police detected illegal drugs in her blood and vomit, which were side effects such as drowsiness, memory loss, and dizziness.

In recent years, there have been frequent cases of forced sex against women's will, and some people have even used "obedient water" to commit crimes many times.

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How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

Take a sip and take away! What exactly is "obedient water"?

Some sex toy stores, or some private sellers on the Internet, will sell so-called "obedient water" and "amnesia water" to male customers through various hidden channels. Most of the "obedient water" on the market is γ-hydroxybutyric acid.

γ-hydroxybutyric acid is a new type of drug that has been listed in the first category of psychotropic drugs in the mainland. After taking it, it will have a lethargic effect, and after waking up, it will cause amnesia to the lethargy process.

In addition, "obedient water" may also have other dangerous ingredients, such as hypnotone, FM2 and other banned drugs.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

What's even more terrifying is that these substances interfere with the brain's memory-forming process. When the victim wakes up, he or she often does not remember what happened to him, which provides an opportunity for the offender to take advantage of it.

In addition to seriously endangering physical and mental health, "obedient water" is also extremely addictive.

There was a female patient who was deeply trapped in the "obedient water" and almost died during the withdrawal period with severe hallucinations and epilepsy.

It can be said that "obedient water" has become a sharp sword that harms women, and every drop hides the poisonous gas of crime. It not only robs the victim of his dignity, but also allows the perpetrator to go unpunished.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

Disturbingly, the threshold for making "obedient water" is not high. With just a few common medicines, plus a little knowledge of chemistry, it can be made in a short time. This undoubtedly provides convenience for criminals.

The development of the Internet has further contributed to the spread of "obedient water". In some hidden forums and social groups, the transaction of making and selling "obedient water" has long formed a black industry chain. Behind these chilling slogans are the tragic experiences of countless women.

Scourge to women: The aphrodisiac ingredient makes the "obedient water" even more terrifying

The production process of "Obedient Water" is not complicated, but it is hidden in the dark and difficult to detect.

According to a chemistry graduate who participated in the manufacture of "obedient water", in addition to γ-hydroxybutyric acid, the main raw materials for making "obedient water" also require some solvents and catalysts, such as acetone, sulfuric acid, etc.

In the underground laboratory, they first crushed γ-hydroxybutyric acid, and then extracted it with solvents, and the resulting concentrated liquid was the prototype of "obedient water". The whole process does not require too professional equipment, and some ordinary experimental instruments can be completed. Small workshops can produce hundreds of bottles of "obedient water" in a day.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

More worryingly, the raw material for "obedient water" is not difficult to obtain.

These drugs are available in some informal pharmacies or e-commerce platforms. Some criminals even make drugs by privately buying waste raw materials from pharmaceutical companies.

These "obedient waters" change hands through layers and flow into bars, KTVs and other places. Some "Yan hunters" with ulterior motives even bought them through online channels and used them as "sister artifacts".

In addition to face-to-face sales, "Obedient Water" also realizes off-site sales through logistics. The seller disguises the goods as ordinary beverage bottles and ships them by courier. This kind of covert transaction method has brought great challenges to the police's crackdown work.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

In this process, a black industrial chain composed of criminals, underground workshops, and logistics networks gradually surfaced. They perform their own duties and have a clear division of labor, forming a large net of crime.

What is even more frightening is that some gangs that produce and sell "obedient water" have also colluded with criminal syndicates and evil forces to carry out a large number of illegal and criminal activities. These criminals will not hesitate to sacrifice the health and lives of others in order to make huge profits.

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the police smashed a black workshop that produced and sold "obedient water".

After investigation, this gang produced thousands of bottles of "obedient water" in just a few months and sold them all over the country. They even added some aphrodisiac ingredients to the "obedient water" to further harm women.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

It can be seen that "obedient water" is no longer a single criminal problem, but a complex social problem involving many fields such as pharmaceuticals, logistics, and criminal gangs. Behind it, there is a dirty and cruel black rivers and lakes.

Some experts pointed out that in order to completely eradicate the "obedient water," it is far from enough to rely on the strength of the public security organs alone. Regulatory authorities should strengthen the control of drug raw materials and strictly prevent illegal drugs from flowing into illegal channels; Logistics companies should be vigilant and strictly review suspicious goods; The majority of women should be more vigilant and beware of being targeted by criminals.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

How to prevent the encroachment of "obedient water".

First of all, be vigilant and be cautious about drinking drinks given by strangers.

Especially in chaotic places such as bars and nightclubs, you should be more careful. If you notice an unusual taste or color of the drink, be sure to stop drinking it immediately.

This happened to a woman who used to work in a bar. A man invited her to drink a cocktail, but she didn't expect to be poured "obedient water" inside. Fortunately, she wittily discovered the abnormality and called the police in time to avoid the tragedy.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

Secondly, if you are accidentally recruited, you must seek medical attention and call the police as soon as possible.

The early symptoms of poisoning include dizziness, nausea, palpitations, etc., if you find that you are unwell, you should immediately go to the hospital for gastric lavage to remove toxins from the body.

At the same time, it is important to keep the evidence of poisoning, such as residual drinks, vomit, etc., which will provide important clues for the police to solve the problem.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

In addition to self-prevention, it is also necessary to severely punish the illegal and criminal acts of making and selling "obedient water" in accordance with the law.

At present, the mainland has included "obedient water" in the list of controlled drugs, and heavy fines will be imposed on those who illegally manufacture and sell them.

In 2022, public security organs in many places across the country jointly carried out a special operation codenamed "Broken Chain", detected hundreds of "obedient water" cases, and arrested thousands of suspects. These actions have dealt a powerful blow to the arrogance of criminals.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women

However, it is not enough to strike hard alone. It is also necessary for relevant departments to strengthen legislation and plug legal loopholes. At the same time, it is also necessary to intensify propaganda and enhance the awareness of prevention in the whole society.

In Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the local women's federation, public security and other departments jointly produced a warning education film, vividly reproducing the harm of "obedient water". Through case explanations, scenario simulations, etc., women are taught how to identify and prevent "obedient water".

The film has aroused strong repercussions in the community and schools, and has produced good social effects.

How terrible is the "obedient water" that plagues women? The 51-year-old man took advantage of it and violated hundreds of women


In a sense, guarding against "obedient water" is a protracted battle for the whole society. It requires an iron-fisted crackdown by the public security organs, the coordination and cooperation of relevant departments, and more importantly, the vigilance and consciousness of every citizen.

As an anti-fraud expert put it: "Behind the obedient water is the greed and desire of human nature." Only by awakening the goodwill and justice in people's hearts can we eradicate this cancer once and for all. ”

Let us join hands to build an iron wall against "obedient water".

Only in this way can women work and live with peace of mind, and have a tomorrow without fear and harm.
