
As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

author:Good luck keeps coming

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", do you know the wisdom behind this?

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

In China, a country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization, there are many popular sayings and proverbs, which are not only the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancestors, but also the guide in our daily life.

Among them, the old saying "if you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", although simple, contains profound cultural connotation and life philosophy. So, what exactly are the three periods of time referred to by the "three hours"? Why is sweeping at these three times a detriment? Let's explore the wisdom behind this.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

First of all, we need to understand that this old saying is not a literal "can't sweep the floor", but that at certain points in time, we should not do a big cleaning or deep cleaning. The "three o'clock" here usually refers to early morning, noon, and dusk.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

Do not sweep the floor in the morning

Early morning is the beginning of a new day, a time of revival and vitality. In the eyes of the ancients, the ground in the early morning carries a kind of "earth qi", which is the vitality and vitality of the earth given by nature. If you sweep the floor at this time, it is easy to sweep away this earthly qi, which will affect the aura and fortune of the home. In addition, early morning is also the time when people are most energetic and clear-headed, if they are busy with housework such as sweeping the floor at this time, it is easy to distract and affect the work and life of the day.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

Do not sweep the floor at noon

At noon, the sun is at its strongest, and everything is in a dormant or semi-dormant state. In traditional Chinese culture, noon is considered to be the time when "yang energy is at its peak" and it is also a time for "ghosts and gods to avoid". Therefore, sweeping the floor at this point in time can easily disturb some "bad" things and bring unnecessary trouble to the home.

At the same time, noon is also the time for people to take a lunch break, people who have been busy all morning need to rest and relax, if you clean the room at this time, it will not only affect the quality of your rest, but also may affect the lunch break of your family.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

I don't sweep the floor at dusk

At dusk, the sun is setting in the west and night is about to fall. In the eyes of the ancients, dusk was the time of the day when the "yin energy" began to rise, and it was also the time when all kinds of "evil spirits" began to become active. Therefore, sweeping the floor at this point in time, it is easy to bring some bad things home and bring uneasiness and distress to the family. At the same time, dusk is also the time when people come home from work and prepare dinner, if they are busy with household chores such as sweeping the floor at this time, it is easy for people to feel tired and irritable, affecting the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

Of course, with the changing times and changes in lifestyle, we are no longer strictly following the rules of these traditions now. However, from this old saying, we can still feel the awe and respect of the ancients for the laws of nature and the rhythm of life. Through observing nature and summing up experience, they formed these proverbs and proverbs with profound philosophies, which provided valuable life guidance and wisdom enlightenment for our descendants.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

In modern society, although we are no longer confined to the rule of "no sweeping the floor at three times", we can still draw some useful inspiration from it.

For example, in the early morning and dusk, we can try to keep the room quiet and tidy to avoid excessive disturbance and damage to the aura of the home; At midday, we can take proper rest and relaxation to regain our strength and energy.

At the same time, we can also integrate these traditional wisdom into modern life to form a healthier, more harmonious and orderly lifestyle.

As the old saying goes: "If you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house", what does it mean? What are the three times?

In short, the old saying "if you don't sweep the floor at three o'clock, you won't be able to sweep the house" is simple but profound, and it tells us that we should respect nature, conform to the law, and arrange the rhythm of life and housework reasonably. Only in this way can we have a better, happier and more harmonious family life.