
Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

author:Good luck keeps coming

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

In the vast ocean of knowledge, each of us is a small boat, sometimes riding the wind and waves, sometimes wandering in confusion. And when we feel confused, anxious, or even disoriented, have we ever stopped and reflected on our inner world? Today, let's listen to Mr. Yang Jiang's words of wisdom - "Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!" ”

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

1. Reading is like a beacon, illuminating the way forward

In the era of information explosion, we are surrounded by all kinds of information every day, but what can really benefit us a lot are often those books that have been precipitated by time and screened by wise people. Reading a book is like lighting a light on a voyage and pointing us in the direction of the future. Not only does it broaden our horizons, but it also allows us to find empathy and strength in the book.

Mr. Yang Jiang has been a lifelong lover of reading, and she once said: "Reading is to meet a better self." This sentence expresses the true meaning of reading. When we are immersed in the sea of books, we can not only absorb the wisdom of our predecessors, but also find our own shadow in the books, so as to better understand ourselves and improve ourselves.

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

Second, if you think too much, it is better to act steadfastly

However, in this fast-paced society, we tend to fall into the trap of "thinking too much". We always envision a better future in our minds, but we ignore the importance of practical actions. Thinking too much will only lead us to endless anxiety and not really move towards success.

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

Mr. Yang Jiang reminds us: "Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much. This sentence hits the nail on the head and points to the problem for many of us. When we feel lost and anxious, we might as well let go of the distractions in our hearts, pick up a book, and let knowledge show us the way. At the same time, we must also learn to put our ideas into practice and verify whether our ideas are correct with practical actions.

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

3. The unity of knowledge and action to achieve a better life

Reading and action go hand in hand. Only by reading can we learn the wisdom of our predecessors; Only through action can we turn knowledge into competence. Mr. Yang Jiang's life is a model of the unity of knowledge and action. Not only did she love to read, but she also put what she learned into practice, becoming an admired scholar and writer.

For each of us, if we want to achieve a better life, we also need to achieve the unity of knowledge and action. We must continue to learn new knowledge and skills, and at the same time, we must have the courage to practice and innovate. Only in this way can we go farther and wider on the road of life.

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

Fourth, read and act to build life dreams together

Reading and action are the two magic weapons that make our life dreams come true. Reading gives us wisdom and strength; Actions allow us to turn our ideas into reality. When we encounter difficulties and challenges, we may wish to calm down and read a book first, and let the wisdom in the book show us the way. Then take the courage to take action, and use practical actions to overcome difficulties and realize dreams.

In this era of change, we need to keep learning and growing. Let us take Mr. Yang Jiang as an example, insist on reading, have the courage to practice, and use knowledge and action to build our beautiful life dreams!

Yang Jiang: Your problem is mainly that you read too little and think too much!

Finally, I would like to end this article with a sentence from Mr. Yang Jiang: "The most beautiful scenery in life is the calmness and calmness of the heart. "May we all find our own calmness and calmness in reading and action, and meet every challenge and opportunity in life together!