
Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

author:Good luck keeps coming

In this noisy world, we often feel exhausted, as if we are bound by endless desires and concerns. However, as Venerable Hongyi said, "Life is not bitter, but bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, but they are tired of worrying too much. This sentence is like a clear spring, instantly washing away the dust in our hearts and making us re-examine the essence of life.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

In this materialistic age, we are easily deceived by all kinds of temptations. When we see the brand-name bags, luxury cars and mansions owned by others, we can't help but feel envious and even have a heart of comparison. However, we often overlook that these material pursuits do not really bring happiness and fulfillment. On the contrary, excessive desires will only plunge us into endless pain and trouble.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

Imagine a person who spends his days toiling in pursuit of more wealth and fame, but neglecting the company and communication with family and friends. His heart is full of anxiety and uneasiness, and no matter how much material wealth he has, he cannot fill the emptiness and loneliness in his heart. Is this kind of life really what we want?

In fact, the essence of life is not the pursuit of material abundance and luxury, but the pursuit of inner peace and satisfaction. When we let go of too many desires and concerns, we will find that we have more time and energy to focus on the good and happy things in life. We will cherish the time we spend with our family and friends more, and pay more attention to our inner needs and growth.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

So, how can we reduce desires and concerns? First of all, we need to be clear about our values and goals in life. Only when we are clear about what we really want can we avoid being confused by external distractions. Second, we need to learn to be grateful and cherish. Be grateful for all the people and things around you, and cherish every moment and every encounter. When we are grateful and cherished, we are more satisfied and happy.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

In addition, we can also enrich our lives by cultivating some hobbies. These hobbies not only allow us to find a moment of peace and relaxation in our busy lives, but also allow us to experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in our pursuits. When we devote ourselves to these hobbies, we forget about those unnecessary desires and concerns for a while.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

Of course, reducing desires and attachments is not an easy task. It requires us to have firm faith and determination, and it requires us to constantly reflect and adjust our mentality. However, as long as we are willing to try and work hard, we will definitely be able to find our own happiness and satisfaction.

In this fast-paced era, let's learn to let go of too many desires and worries and focus on the beauty and happiness in life. Let us face every moment and every encounter in life with a grateful and cherished heart. When we truly do this, we will find that life is not bitter, but full of hope and sunshine.

Master Hongyi: Life is not bitter, what is bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, tired is a lot of concern

Finally, let's go back to the words of Venerable Hongyi: "Life is not bitter, but bitter is excessive desire; People's hearts are not tired, but they are tired of worrying too much. May we all draw strength from this and find our own happiness and fulfillment. May we all keep a calm and calm heart in this noisy world to meet every beautiful tomorrow.

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