
Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

author:Enterprising stream Z

Budapest, a city full of art and history, recently came into the spotlight with the emergence of a Chinese celebrity couple. Chen Sicheng, the high-profile director and actor in China, was met by chance in the Hungarian capital, and this chance encounter also revealed the low-key but sweet romance between him and his new girlfriend Ruan Ju.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The story begins in an afternoon. At that time, a domestic travel blogger was touring the center of Budapest when he suddenly spotted a familiar figure. On the banks of the Danube, with their backs against the chain bridge, it was Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju who took pictures. The two stood in the sun and looked very compatible. Chen Sicheng was dressed casually, wearing a baseball cap, while Ruan Ju was wearing a white dress, which looked particularly gentle and elegant. The blogger then took out his phone and took a few photos and posted them on social media, causing a heated discussion.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Regarding Ruan Ju, this name may still be relatively unfamiliar to most people. Originally a ballet dancer, she trained at one of the country's top ballet schools since she was a child. However, due to a serious knee injury, she had to give up her beloved dance career. After changing careers to enter the entertainment industry, she gradually emerged with her own efforts, and has performed well in many film and television works. Still, she kept a low profile and didn't hype up her background and experiences.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

And this sweet love affair also started with an ordinary party. It is understood that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju met at a friend's party and had a good impression of each other. From the initial caution to the later love at first sight, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up. But because of their busy work, they chose to handle their relationship in a low-key manner, unwilling to be too exposed to the public eye. However, the trip to Budapest seemed to break their secretiveness.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Speaking of Chen Sicheng, many people will immediately think of the once beautiful marriage between him and Tong Liya. They were once recognized as golden boys and girls in the entertainment industry, but in the end they still failed to escape the fate of divorce. According to people familiar with the matter, the two still maintained a good relationship after the divorce and raised their children together. Although they have embarked on a new path in life, this marriage has always remained in people's memories and has become a topic of regret and blessing.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Now, walking hand in hand with Ruan Ju through the streets of Budapest is an important sign that Chen Sicheng has rediscovered happiness. It is reported that the two have already met their parents and started the stage of cohabitation and trial marriage. This shows that they are very serious about this relationship, and they have also received the blessing of both families. Whether at work or in life, they support each other and face the future together.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

At the end of the article, we would like to remind readers that the picture comes from the Internet, if it involves infringement, please contact us to delete it in time. At the same time, this article is specially written for the Headline Launch Challenge, hoping to bring you more exciting and interesting entertainment news dynamics.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

In conclusion, the story behind each star, past and present, is unique in its own way. And we, as readers, can feel their real side beyond the screen through these stories. I hope that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju can continue to be happy, and I also look forward to more excellent works from them in the future to surprise everyone.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The beauty of Budapest is particularly stunning at sunset, with the breeze on the banks of the Danube and the scent of flowers filling the air. Standing near the chain bridge, Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju snuggled together quietly, looking at the sun gradually sinking into the horizon, with a happy smile on their faces.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

They walked side by side through the streets of Budapest, and every corner was given a unique meaning to them. From Fisherman's Bastion to Heroes' Square, from Matthias Church to Széchenyi Springs, the two talked and laughed along the way, stopping to take photos from time to time. The Hungarian capital, far from its homeland, has a special sense of intimacy for the couple.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Ruan Ju's pure white dress shimmered in the sunlight, like a fluttering butterfly. She jumped lightly on every stone pavement, passing happiness to Chen Sicheng beside her. And his eyes never left her, his eyes were full of love and appreciation. Sometimes, they would stop and sit in a small café on the street for a while, enjoying the silent understanding between them.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The acquaintance of the two is actually a kind of fate. At a gathering of friends a year ago, they met unexpectedly in the crowd. What started out as a polite greeting and greeting came to pass, but over time they discovered that they had a lot in common with each other. Not only movies and art, but even the snacks you like to eat and the books you enjoy have striking similarities. These commonalities make them more and more speculative the more they talk, and they also make the relationship heat up quickly.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Despite this, they have always kept a low profile. He has never publicly shown affection, and he has never used social media to hype himself. In the eyes of the outside world, this relationship has always been as secret as the stars in the night sky, and only occasionally a corner of their happy life can be captured through some small pieces of information. This trip to Budapest is like opening a window for the world, allowing everyone to see their sweet side.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Since their public debut, the couple has become the subject of major media coverage. However, they are unusually indifferent to these reports. A friend once revealed: "Sicheng and Ju'er are not the kind of people who like to be public. They prefer to spend their time and energy on improving themselves and enjoying life. Because of this, even in the face of various doubts and speculations, the two still maintain their original intentions and continue to enjoy ordinary happiness at this stage.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

When it comes to the future, whether it is career or family, the two have their own plans. Chen Sicheng has been preparing his new film, and he hopes to show a more diverse creative style through this work. And Ruan Ju has not given up the pursuit of her artistic dreams, she is preparing a new play related to ballet, hoping to return to the center of the stage through this role. They support each other, make progress together, and walk firmly and steadily every step of the way.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The relationship between the two has not only been recognized by both families, but also won the unanimous blessings of friends. Someone said, "The most beautiful form of love is to accompany each other and grow together." Perhaps, this is the message that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju want to convey to everyone. They have proved with their actions that a truly stable and long-lasting relationship does not need to be vigorous, but only needs to find their own happiness and tranquility in the long stream.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

After a short but wonderful trip to Budapest, they returned home to continue their work. But no matter how busy you are at work, you will always find time to spend with each other and carefully manage this hard-won relationship. They understand that no matter how the future changes, as long as there is love in their hearts, they can walk through every spring, autumn, winter and summer hand in hand.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Finally, I hope that everyone can find their own true love, whether it is in a foreign country or familiar with their homeland, they can have that simple and precious happiness. I wish Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju can continue to be so sweet, write their own stories with love, and look forward to more excellent works in the future to bring infinite surprises and touches to the audience.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Budapest, a city where art and history intertwin, came into the spotlight with the appearance of a Chinese celebrity couple. Chen Sicheng, the high-profile director and actor in China, and his new girlfriend Ruan Ju were recorded by travel bloggers in the Hungarian capital, which detonated social media. This unexpected encounter reveals a low-key but sweet relationship.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The story begins one afternoon, when a travel blogger is touring the center of Budapest and accidentally captures the moment when the two are photographed in front of the Chain Bridge on the Danube. Chen Sicheng was dressed casually with a baseball cap, while Ruan Ju was wearing a white dress, looking gentle and elegant, and the two looked very compatible. After the photo was exposed, it attracted widespread attention.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Ruan Ju was originally a ballet dancer, but gave up his dance career due to a knee injury, changed careers to enter the entertainment industry, and gradually rose to prominence with his hard work. She kept a low profile and didn't hype up her background and experiences. Regarding this relationship, it is understood that it started from a gathering of friends, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up after they first met, but their busy work made them choose to deal with it in a low-key manner and did not want to be exposed too much in the public eye. However, this trip to Budapest shattered their long-standing secrecy.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

When it comes to Chen Sicheng, many people will think of his once beautiful marriage with Tong Liya, although it ended in divorce, the two still maintain a good relationship and raise children together. Today, walking hand in hand with Ruan Ju on the streets of Budapest is an important sign that Chen Sicheng has rediscovered happiness. It is reported that they have met their parents and began to live together in the trial marriage stage, which shows that the two are serious about this relationship, and they have also been blessed by both families.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The article reminds readers that if there is any infringement of the picture, please contact to delete it. This article is specially written for the Headline Premiere Challenge, hoping to bring more exciting and interesting entertainment news updates. Whether it was past or present, the stories behind each star have their own uniqueness, and we can feel their real side beyond the screen through these stories, and we hope that Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju can continue to be happy, and we also look forward to more excellent works from them in the future.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

The sunset in Budapest is particularly charming, and the breeze on the banks of the Danube River is like a moving picture. Near the chain bridge, Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju snuggled together, looking at the sun gradually sinking into the horizon, their faces full of happiness. They walked through the streets of Budapest, from the Fisherman's Bastion to the Heroes' Square, from the Matthias Church to the Széchenyi Hot Springs, laughing and taking photos along the way. Although far from their homeland, Budapest has a special sense of kinship for them.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

They met in a crowd at a gathering of friends a year ago. From polite greetings to discovering amazing things in common with each other, the relationship heats up quickly. They have always kept a low profile, never publicly showing affection, and have never used social media to hype themselves. However, this trip to Budapest showed the world the sweet side of their lives.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

After the public appearance, major media rushed to report, but the two appeared indifferent. A friend revealed: Sicheng and Ju'er are not people who like to be public, and they are more willing to spend their time on improving themselves and enjoying life. In the face of doubts and speculation, they still maintain their original intentions and enjoy ordinary happiness.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Looking forward to the future, whether it is career or family, the two have their own plans. Chan Sze Seng prepares a new film to showcase his diverse creative styles; Ruan Ju hopes to return to center stage with a new ballet-related play. They support each other, make progress together, and are steadfast and steadfast every step of the way. This relationship has not only been recognized by the family, but also won the blessing of friends, proving with actions that stable and long-term love does not need to be vigorous, only the happiness and tranquility in the long stream.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

After a short but beautiful trip to Budapest, they returned home to continue their busyness, but they always found time to spend with each other, carefully managing their hard-won relationship. They understand that no matter how the future changes, as long as there is love in their hearts, they can walk through every spring, autumn, winter and summer hand in hand.

Ruan Ju accompanied Chen Sicheng, who was 22 years older, on a business trip to Austria, and was an intimate attendant wife, with a mellow body and a pregnant smell

Finally, I hope that everyone can find true love, whether in a foreign country or a familiar homeland, they can have simple and precious happiness. I wish Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju a sweet and long time, write their own stories with love, and look forward to more excellent works in the future to bring infinite surprises and touches to the audience.

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