
Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say

author:The fourth brother tells a story

Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say

Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say
Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say
Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say
Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say
Do young people in Taiwan also watch TV dramas from the mainland? Listen to what Taiwanese netizens have to say

Many Taiwanese netizens said that mainland TV dramas have become an important window for them to understand mainland culture, social changes and even customs. Xiao Li, a university student in Taipei, shared: "I was initially attracted by the exquisite costumes and complex plot of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", but as the plot deepened, I felt as if I had traveled back to the Qing Dynasty and felt the wisdom and tenacity of women in that era. This is not just a drama, but also a deep cultural journey. Xiao Li's words expressed the voices of many young people in Taiwan, who have built a bridge connecting the cultures of the two sides of the strait through mainland TV dramas.

When mentioning the appeal of mainland TV dramas, many Taiwanese netizens emphasized the breadth and diversity of their subject matter. From ancient costumes to modern cities, from youth inspirational to sci-fi adventures, mainland TV dramas meet the needs of different audiences with their rich themes. Miss Zhang, a white-collar worker in Taipei who is keen on chasing dramas, especially likes to watch workplace dramas and urban emotional dramas in the mainland, she believes: "These dramas are very close to our real life, whether it is workplace competition or emotional entanglement, they can resonate with me." Moreover, the production level of mainland TV dramas is getting higher and higher, the pictures are exquisite, and the actors' acting skills are online, which makes people want to stop. ”

In addition to the subject matter and production, the emotional elements contained in mainland TV dramas are also a major reason for attracting Taiwanese audiences. Many Taiwanese netizens said that when watching mainland TV dramas, they can feel the joys, sorrows, and sorrows experienced by the characters in the plays, which has a strong emotional resonance. Mr. Wang, a middle-aged man living in Taiwan, is particularly fond of watching family ethics dramas, he said: "These dramas make me feel the warmth of home and the power of family affection. ”

More importantly, the popularity of mainland TV dramas in Taiwan has also promoted cross-strait cultural exchanges and understanding. Many Taiwan netizens said that by watching mainland TV dramas, they have gained a deeper understanding of the mainland's culture, history, and social situation, which will help eliminate misunderstandings and prejudices and enhance mutual understanding and trust between compatriots on both sides of the strait. As one Taiwanese netizen who is active on social media put it: "Although the TV series is small, it can reflect the changes of the times and the diversity of culture." Through it, we can get a glimpse of life on the other side of the strait and feel each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, which is of inestimable value for promoting cultural exchanges and understanding between the two sides of the strait. ”

To sum up, the popularity of mainland TV dramas among young people in Taiwan is not only an audio-visual feast, but also an important embodiment of cross-strait cultural exchanges and integration. It is like a bridge, connecting the cultures and emotions of the two sides of the strait, bringing each other's hearts closer together. In the future, with the continuous deepening of cross-strait cultural exchanges, I believe that more excellent mainland TV dramas will enter the field of vision of Taiwan audiences and become a link connecting the emotions of the people on both sides of the strait.

The Taiwan Strait is deep and the moon is bright, and the youth enjoys the drama together.

Mainland dramas spread good stories, and young people on Taiwan Island also fell in love.

The ancient style and new rhyme are suitable, and the dream of cultural integration is not lost.

The emotions inside and outside the screen are moving, and the hearts of the two sides of the strait are gradually dependent on each other.

The long river of history is turbulent, and the blood of youth reflects the country.

The feelings of the family and the country are cast together, and the characters in the play are also heroic.

The love of crossing the strait is stronger, and the dream of youth is self-evident.

Inspirational stories warm the heart, and build a dream of the future together.

In the play, there are many vicissitudes of life, and youth is fearless forward.

Hand in hand to create brilliance, the two sides of the strait work together to create a brilliant chapter.

Ancient costumes and modern are wonderful, and the perspective of youth is new.

Emotions are intertwined and touching, and cultural identity is deeper.

The light and shadow on the screen reflect youth, and young people on both sides of the strait forge ahead together.

The same root and the same origin are difficult to break, and we will work together to create a win-win situation.

The plot is thought-provoking, and the years of youth are passing like poetry.

The inspirational plot is inspiring, and we don't give up on building dreams together.

The characters are fresh and active on the screen, and the enthusiasm of youth is pouring into the heart.

The feelings of the family and the country are stirring together, and the feelings between the two sides of the strait are as deep as the abyss.

At the end of the play, the people are still scattered, and the memories of youth will remain forever.

The cultural bridge connects the two sides of the strait, hand in hand and moves forward together.

Poetry praises the Chinese New Year, and the youthful demeanor reflects the sky.

Young people on both sides of the strait will work together to create a new chapter in the future.

The ancient rhyme and the present wind are melodious, and the dream of youth is soaring.

The world in the play is so wonderful that it is thought-provoking and affectionate.

The cultural blending flowers are more colorful, and the blooming youth reflects the morning glow.

The feelings between the two sides of the strait are as deep as the sea, and the road ahead hand in hand is not creditable.

The screen story warms the heart, and the youthful blood is gorgeous.

The feelings of the family and the country are forged together, and the dream of the future is flying together.

There are many heroic characters in the play, and their youthful demeanor is free.

Young people on both sides of the strait have made concerted efforts to create brilliance and have high aspirations.

The ancient style and new rhyme are intertwined, and the dreams of youth are chased.

The plot in the play is inspirational and motivating.

Stories are spread inside and outside the screen, and the youth is blooming.

The love between the two sides of the strait is as deep as the sea, and they work together to create the end of the world.

The plot is full of ups and downs, and the blood of youth is surging.

The feelings of the family and the country are stirring together, and the dream of building the future is strong.

The characters are as vivid as real people, and the youth story is touching.

Young people on both sides of the strait work together to create a brilliant score.

Poetry praises youth, and the love between the two sides of the strait is as deep as the sea.

Hand in hand to create the future, build dreams together.

The ancient style and new rhyme are intertwined, and the youthful style reflects the morning light.

The world in the play is so wonderful that it is thought-provoking and inseparable.

Cultural bridges connect hearts, and youthful dreams soar together.

The two sides of the strait are deeply affectionate and build dreams together, and create a new chapter of brilliant scores.

The screen shines with youth, and the characters in the play are colorful.

Youth and enthusiasm are cast together, and the dream of the future is built without a trace.

Poetry and songs have been passed down through the ages, and the years of youth have been passed down forever.

Young people on both sides of the strait will join hands to create a brilliant future.

The above picture information is quoted from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, the content of this article is a virtual interpretation, for entertainment only

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