
What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police

author:The fourth brother tells a story

What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police

What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police
What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police
What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police
What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police
What are the disgusting guests in the KTV? Netizen: Even the midnight girls can't help but want to call the police

First of all, we have to mention those "overlords" who have completely released their nature by alcohol. The moment they step into the KTV, it's as if the whole world should revolve around them. Loud noises and wanton smashing of objects, as if this is the only way to show their presence. What's even more unbearable is that they often ignore the feelings of others, forcibly ask to sing their favorite songs, even if the song has been looped several times, they are still not satisfied, and even ignore the dissuasion of the waiter or companions, and often speak ill of each other, and even physical conflicts, so that the atmosphere of the whole box instantly drops to the freezing point.

And in this group of people, there are some "harassers" who think highly of themselves and are frivolous in their words and deeds. Their gaze always falls on the women present, intentionally or unintentionally, from the initial verbal teasing, to the later excessive physical contact, which makes people avoid it. These acts not only infringe on the personal space of others, but also greatly trample on human dignity. Even if he is a well-informed midnight singer, in the face of such a scene, he can't help but feel a chill and sigh at the complexity and sinister nature of human nature.

There is another group of people who may not have the extreme behaviors of the above two, but their existence is also a headache - that is, the "Maiba" of Bamai addiction. No matter the genre, the tempo, as long as they have the microphone in hand, they can sing for hours without any regard for the feelings of others. When someone tries to politely offer to swap or take turns singing, they often prevaricate with reasons such as "I've been practicing this song for a long time" and "the next song is mine", turning what should have been a shared happy hour into a personal one-man show.

In addition, there are some guests who choose KTV as a haven of escapism. Here, either because of the huge pressure of work, or because of personal frustration, they turned KTV into a place for emotional catharsis. They may sob, roar, or even explode suddenly, turning their inner pain into groundless accusations and attacks on those around them. Such a scene not only made everyone present feel depressed and uncomfortable, but also cast a gloomy color on KTV, a place that should be full of laughter.

KTV, which was supposed to be a place for people to relax and enjoy music, has become no longer so pure because of the presence of these "special" guests. In the face of these unbearable behaviors, we urge every customer to maintain basic courtesy and respect to create a harmonious and pleasant entertainment environment. At the same time, it is also hoped that KTV managers can strengthen supervision, stop behaviors that seriously affect the experience of others in a timely manner, and take legal measures when necessary to protect the legitimate rights and interests of every consumer. After all, in this fast-paced society, we all crave a pure land where we can truly relax and unwind.

The lights are shining in the windows, and the singing is curling around the corridor.

There are occasional wild talkers among the guests, disturbing the dream of the night.

In the middle of the night, it was even more quiet, drunk and confused.

Dancing with hands and feet, the number of rudeness, startled the night incense on the beam.

But there are many laughs and laughter in the scene, who would have expected that there is a bad taste hidden in it.

The little sister smiled shyly, and she already felt disgust in her heart.

The red lips sang a new song lightly, and the fingers were softly lowered and soft.

The evil guests in the guest frequently disturbed each other, interrupting Yaoqin and hating Youyou.

It's hard to buy a beautiful woman to laugh, why spend a lot of money?

If you don't really want to know each other, why bother Qing'an in the middle of the night.

All kinds of things in the world are in the eyes, and you can see a slight lan in KTV.

May you always have a gentleman's will, and don't make the beauty full of tears.

The neon flashes and reflects the delicate face, and the smile is like a flower fairy.

However, the evil guests frequently forced each other and destroyed the beautiful scenery of the good day.

Although the little sister is not short of poverty, how can she allow insults in front of her.

Although there is no martial arts to defeat bullies, there is righteousness in the heart.

The song has spread thousands of miles, and I hope you will appreciate this favorite.

Don't let the filth and filth be clear, and leave the innocence in your heart.

In the dead of night, the moon is like a hook, and the lights in the KTV are like day.

Although the laughter is still the same, the behavior of the villain is worrying.

The little sister has good thoughts in her heart and does not want to make waves of disputes.

I hope that everyone in the world will wake up and keep a harmonious and good homeland together.

The beauty of the world needs to be cherished, and there is no need to lose the emptiness and sadness.

Although there is joy in KTV, self-discipline and etiquette are also required.

You don't see the arrogance of the villain, like a rabid dog barking in front of the street.

If everyone condemns it, it will naturally restrain and dare not speak.

Although the little sister is weak but strong, she is not afraid of power and bravely takes responsibility.

If there is injustice, we will take action, and uphold justice in the heart.

Qing song and wonderful dance music is not young, may you always accompany this long.

Don't let the villains disturb your dreams, and enjoy the good scenery of the world.

Life is like a dream, you must be happy, don't wait for the gray hair to be empty and lament.

To find joy in KTV, you need to have great charity.

The little sister smiles like a flower, and I hope you will cherish this good fate.

Don't wait for the flowers to fall into empty hatred, and leave regrets in your heart.

There are many troubles in the world, and it is impossible to escape in KTV.

I hope that all hearts will be good and build a harmonious road together.

Qingge sends lovesickness, may you always be with each other.

Don't let the wicked hurt Yaxing, and enjoy the joy together.

The night is getting deeper, and the people are already drunk, and the inside of the KTV is even stronger.

May you never forget where you came, and return home with good thoughts.

The little sister's singing voice spreads everywhere, and I hope you will always accompany the singing.

Don't let the villains disturb your dreams, and enjoy the good music together.

Life is too short to be happy, and don't wait for old age to be empty and pitiful.

To find joy in KTV, you need to cherish the edge in front of you.

May you always be grateful and tolerant of people and things.

Don't let the villains disturb your dreams, and build a harmonious future together.

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