
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside

author:The fourth brother tells a story

Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside

Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside
Why do you say that a man is a teenager until he dies? Netizen: During that time, my wife thought I had someone outside

Let's savor the story behind this sentence and perhaps find resonance in it. When a netizen shared his daily anecdotes, he inadvertently unveiled a vivid footnote to this statement. "During that time, my life seemed to be lightly covered by a veil of mystery, which made my lover at home mistakenly think that I had something else outside," he laughs. In fact, the truth is often simple and pure. ”

It turned out that this netizen suddenly showed unprecedented enthusiasm for new things at a certain stage. He began to regain his youthful hobbies, whether it was burying his head in a science fiction novel late at night, driving alone to the countryside on the weekend to explore unknown landscapes, or even becoming obsessed with the long-lost game of basketball, sweating on the court, as if returning to the days of youth. These behaviors, in the eyes of outsiders, may be just the spice of life, but in the eyes of his wife, there are some doubts quietly.

"She thinks I have someone outside", netizens recounted this episode with a little ridicule, but their words revealed their deep understanding and gratitude to their wife. He knew that behind this misunderstanding was his wife's deep love and concern for him, and a keen capture of the subtle changes in his life conditions. And he also took this opportunity to open his heart to his wife, sharing his deep nostalgia for the carefree life of his youth, and his desire for the infinite possibilities of life.

"Actually, I just want to find some time for myself in addition to my busyness and responsibilities, and pursue those dreams and hobbies that I had to give up because of the pressure of life." He said. This sentence is not only a clarification of the wife's misunderstanding, but also the best interpretation of the saying "a man is a teenager until he dies". It tells us that no matter how old or old, there is always a world in the hearts of men that belongs to teenagers, where there is a hidden curiosity about the unknown, persistence in dreams, and a never-ending desire to explore life.

Eventually, the episode ended with an affectionate conversation and a heart-to-heart smile between the couple. His wife understood his thoughts, and the two agreed to protect this love and pursuit of life together, so that love will last forever in the long river of years, and witness the unfading youthful feelings in each other's hearts.

In this way, it is not difficult for us to find that "a man is a teenager until he dies" is not only a romantic depiction of masculinity, but also a positive advocacy of an attitude towards life - no matter how the years change, keep a young heart, have the courage to explore, dare to dream, and make the tree of life evergreen.

When the moon drinks alone and remembers the less, the pride has not moved.

My wife was suspicious of an affair, and I laughed at my innocence.

Dreaming back to the days of youth and frivolity, it is not too late for the book and sword to float.

The rivers and lakes are still far away, and the years are long and self-obsessed.

The red dust is rolling and disturbing, but my original intention has never been thrown.

The flowers in the small courtyard at home are just right, and the moon is talking about the present.

My wife said that I looked like a teenager, and I acted unruly and annoyed.

There is a deep meaning in my smile, and my childlike innocence is boundless.

Get up in the morning to practice the sword body like a swallow, and return to study at dusk and never sleep at night.

If you don't have a red face outside, I just hope that this life will live up to the sky.

The world is like a new chess game, how can my generation be a Penghao person.

There are hills and ravines in the chest, so why not be afraid of clouds covering the sun.

There is vinegar in my wife's smile, and I say that this is more interesting than a thousand gold.

The love between husband and wife is as deep as the sea, and there is sincerity in laughter and conversation.

Walk together in the spring to enjoy the flowers, and listen to the cicadas in the summer.

The autumn breeze brings cool leaves, and the winter snow is around the fireside.

The four seasons change the same, and the years are long, and the love is stronger.

The young man's heart is not stubborn, and he only wishes to be Chanjuan in this life.

My wife suspects that I belong to something, and I laugh and hide allusions.

In the past, it was like chasing Zhuowen, and now I have no different feelings.

The prosperity of the world is all passers-by, and only the true love will be passed on forever.


Thinking about the past alone under the moon, the young man's dream is gone.

But keep a childlike heart in the world, and smile to see everything change.

My wife said that I was like a naughty boy, and I hid a sharp edge in my laughter.

It's rare to get drunk a few times in life, so why not take a chic ride.

Although there are many trivial things at home, my heart is still like a teenager.

Be optimistic and never give up, and laugh at life every day.

My wife said that although I look old, my heart is still the same as when I first saw it.

Love is as deep as the boundless sea, and I only wish to be together in this life.

The years have passed in a hurry, and looking back on the past is like smoke.

Only the childlike heart has never grown old, smiling at the world for thousands of years.

There are so many temptations in the red dust, and I am not moved.

I only hope that there will be no regrets in this life and we will spend a good time together.

My wife said that my love is as deep as the sea, and I hide my expectations in my smile.

I wish to have a good year and enjoy the flowers and spring again.

Under the moon, the discretion is stronger, and my wife's words are like the sky.

In this life, you have no regrets, and you are willing to be poor until the end.

The young man's heart has not changed, and his pride and ambition are in his mind.

I wish to have no regrets in this life, and smile at the wind and clouds to come.

The years are fleeting, and people are easy to get old, but I hope this love will never grow old.

Hand in hand to tide over the wind and rain, and enjoy the old together.

There are many troubles in the red world, and my heart is like a mirror.

Keep your childlike innocence and laugh often, life is beautiful everywhere.

My wife said that I was more interesting than a daughter, and I smiled and hid sincerity.

In this life, you will walk with you, so why not be afraid of the wind and rain in the world.

Enjoy the bright moon and mulberry hemp, and watch the flowers bloom in front of the court.

The years are quieter and the affection is stronger, and you are the most priceless in this life.

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