
France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

author:Negative view @Sima Dong

Abstract: On June 30, the French National Assembly suffered a violent shock after the first round of the election, and the far-right party National Alliance led with 34.2% of the vote, becoming the biggest winner of the election, while the centrist coalition led by Macron only won 21.5% of the vote, ranking third. This result is not only far lower than expected, but also a major blow to Macron's government. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard.

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Video source: Commentator Du Ping

The French National Assembly election caused a political earthquake: Macron lost his gamble and the far-right National Alliance rose strongly

France's political map has been shaken by the first round of the National Assembly election, and President Emmanuel Macron's political gamble has not materialized, paving the way for the rise of the far-right. Preliminary statistics show that the far-right party National Alliance is the biggest winner of the election with 34.2% of the vote, while Macron's centrist coalition is in third place with only 21.5% of the vote. This result is not only far lower than expected, but also a major blow to Macron's government.

France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

The high turnout in the elections (over 65 percent, the highest in 40 years) shows that French voters are strongly dissatisfied with the status quo and are motivated by change. For the first time in modern French history, Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader, won 58.21 percent of the vote, and her National Rally is expected to win an absolute majority in the National Assembly after the final vote count. Le Pen has made it clear that she expects to win more support in the second round of the election, aiming for government control.

France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

Macron's defeat would not only pose a serious challenge to his domestic agenda, but could also trigger an international ripple effect. For the EU, the political turmoil in which France is one of the core members could affect the EU's internal unity and foreign policy coherence, especially on key issues such as sanctions against Russia and aid to Ukraine. The administration of US President Joe Biden has expressed deep concern about this, fearing that the uncertainty of the political situation in France will exacerbate divisions in the Western world.

France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

The reaction in France to the rise of the far right has been mixed, with celebrations from supporters and protests from opponents, and violence in the streets of Paris and businesses on alert reflect deep divisions and unrest within the country. The second round of elections, which will be held on July 7, is considered one of the most crucial votes in the history of the French Fifth Republic, and the results will not only determine the political course of France in the coming years, but will also have far-reaching consequences for the political landscape in Europe and the world.

France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

In short, Macron's bet has failed to reap the desired results, but has accelerated the rise of the far right, leaving France and Europe facing unprecedented political challenges and uncertainties. As the elections follow-up, the eyes of the world will be on France to see how the Western European power will respond to its internal divisions and the possible ripple effects on European integration and the global political order.

After Macron's loss, France turned to the right, but whether it was left or right, it betrayed national interests, and the result was to step down.

In French politics, the left and the right represent different ideological and socio-economic policy orientations, and here is a brief analysis of both sides:

French left


  1. Economic management: The left generally advocates increased public spending, higher welfare levels, and stronger social security systems, which could lead to a higher fiscal burden and higher deficits, which could affect the country's credit rating and increase the risk of a debt crisis in the long run. For example, excessive social benefits may reduce labor market flexibility and reduce business investment, which in turn may affect economic growth.
  2. Industrial policy: Excessive market intervention and protectionist policies can inhibit innovation and competitiveness, leading to the loss of competitiveness in international markets by relying on subsidies in some industries.
  3. Immigration policy: The left's more tolerant stance on immigration is sometimes seen by critics as potentially increasing issues of national security and social integration, especially if poorly implemented policies for immigrant integration can lead to social divisions and cultural conflicts.

Hou Guo:

  • Economic growth has slowed, unemployment has risen, and the country's fiscal position has deteriorated.
  • International credibility has been damaged, and the ability to attract foreign investment has declined.
  • Social tensions and feelings of inequality can be exacerbated by the unequal distribution of resources.
France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

French right-wing


  1. Economic liberalization: A free-market economy advocated by the right could lead to a widening gap between the rich and the poor, and the living standards of those at the bottom of society could decline due to welfare cuts, triggering social discontent.
  2. Foreign policy: Hard-line foreign policy tactics by certain right-wing governments can damage international relations, leading to retaliation from trading partners, affecting exports and international cooperation, such as protectionist policies.
  3. Social policy: Too much emphasis on traditional values and nationalism can lead to a neglect of multiculturalism and human rights, leading to social tensions within the country and international isolation.

Hou Guo:

  • Social instability and declining trust in the government.
  • Trade barriers and retaliation from trading partners, economic cooperation is blocked.
  • The international image is damaged, and there is a risk of diplomatic isolation and disadvantage in international organizations.


Both the left and the right can have a negative impact on national interests when their policies are implemented inappropriately or excessively. The key lies in the balance and appropriateness of policies, and it is necessary to find a reasonable balance between promoting economic growth, ensuring social equity, safeguarding national interests, and promoting international harmony. Historical experience has shown that polarized policies often lead to social divisions, economic hardship and tensions in international relations, ultimately affecting the overall well-being and development prospects of countries. Therefore, policy-making needs to take into account a variety of factors to ensure that long-term interests and short-term needs are aligned.

France turned to the right after Macron's loss. Netizen: Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard

Netizens hotly discussed:

  • The far-right coming to power, as does Trump, does more good than harm to China.
  • It's normal for Macron to go down, he wasn't a real man in the first place! Europe has become a real feminist world, committed to the dictates of the American scumbag, and the historical defeat is unobstructed.
  • The fate of Western countries, political corruption, political speculation, and political paralysis, the cycle of which eventually leads to extinction.
  • In France, Le Pang took the lead at the beginning and then ended up losing, a couple of times, this time leading quite a bit, hoping to win in the end.
  • Macron was sloppy, this heel fell a little hard.


Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only.

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