
Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

author:Weier Literary Society
Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years
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Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

In Beijing in 2007, a blind date destined to be unusual was being staged. 30-year-old Sun Qian stood at the door of the café, her heart beating like a drum. The painstaking arrangement of her parents made her face Cai Yuanhang, who played the "Little Tang Seng" in "Journey to the West".

Taking a deep breath, Sun Qian pushed open the door of the café. The heavy makeup she carefully prepared instantly attracted everyone's attention, including Cai Yuanhang, who was sitting in the corner.

The 32-year-old looked up and was amazed.

The moment they looked at each other, the two of them were alarmed at the same time. Sun Qian muttered to herself: "How can this pampered child star be suitable for me?" And Cai Yuanhang was thinking: "With such heavy makeup, I'm afraid we won't have a common language."

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Who would have thought that this laughable first encounter would become a prologue to a 13-year loving marriage? Fate is so wonderful, weaving the most moving stories in the most casual moments.

Cai Yuanhang's life is like a wonderful biopic, from a child star to a business elite, his transformation path is remarkable.

As the actor of "Little Tang Seng" in "Journey to the West", Cai Yuanhang has been a childhood memory in the hearts of countless audiences. The image of an innocent boy standing on the water's edge and gently releasing small fish is still impressive.

However, the aura of a child star did not become a shackle for Cai Yuanhang's future development, but became an important starting point in his life.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

As an adult, Cai Yuanhang showed extraordinary insight. He is keenly aware that the entertainment industry is not an ideal stage for his long-term development. So, he resolutely chose a new path - to join the business world.

This decision requires not only great courage, but also extraordinary wisdom and perseverance.

From a rookie in the shopping mall to a strategic business leader, Cai Yuanhang has taken every step of the way steadily and firmly. With his keen business sense and excellent management skills, he gradually stood out in the fierce business competition.

By 2007, 32-year-old Cai Yuanhang had been successfully promoted to the president of a well-known company, and his worth was as high as hundreds of millions of yuan, which can be called a winner in life.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

However, the brilliance of his career did not make Cai Yuanhang emotionally arrogant. Faced with the blind date arranged by his parents, he still behaved a little cramped and uneasy. This contrast just reflects the multifaceted nature of Cai Yuanhang's character: in the shopping mall, he is a strong man; In terms of feelings, he retains the innocence and caution of "Little Tang Seng".

Cai Yuanhang's successful transformation not only reflects his vision, but also reflects his attitude towards life that is not willing to be mediocre and has the courage to challenge. From the innocent "Little Tang Seng" on the screen to the president of the shopping mall, Cai Yuanhang used his actions to interpret what real success is - not to cling to the glory of the past, but to bravely create his own future.

His experience tells us that there is no fixed script in life, and everyone has the possibility of writing their own wonderful life. Cai Yuanhang's story will undoubtedly inspire more people to break through themselves and shine on the stage of life.

Sun Qian's life is like a wonderful drama, full of unexpected twists and wonderful episodes. In 1977, she was born in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, and this yellow earth gave birth to her potential to shine in the entertainment industry in the future.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

At first, Sun Qian's life trajectory seemed uneventful. She studied early childhood education at a secondary school and could have become an ordinary kindergarten teacher. However, the god of fate arranged an unexpected turn for her - to join the army and become a literary soldier.

This experience not only exercised her will, but also laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

Major turning points in life often come from a chance encounter. When the host selection competition was held in Beijing, Sun Qian participated in the competition with the mentality of giving it a try. Although she is not outstanding professionally, her unique temperament and potential have attracted the attention of the judges.

A discerning judge suggested to her and encouraged her to consider applying for a major acting department. This suggestion is like a seed that takes root in Sun Qian's heart.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Seizing this opportunity, Sun Qian resolutely applied for the Performance Department of Communication University of China, thus starting her acting career. On the stage of the school, Sun Qian is like a fish in water, and she has created vivid roles in classic dramas such as "Camel Xiangzi" and "Sunrise", showing her outstanding acting talent.

Her hard work paid off, and she won the Best Lead Actor award for her performance in Koshien.

In 2004, 27-year-old Sun Qian began to set foot in the field of film and television. Although it was only an inconspicuous small role at first, she interpreted each role vividly with her solid acting skills and unique charm.

In the TV series "Sharp Knife", Sun Qian successfully created the image of the female number one Wan Shufen, a role that is deeply loved by the audience and is broadcast on many satellite TVs.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Subsequently, Sun Qian's acting career was in full swing. In "Iron and Blood Heart", she played Song Meiling with a unique style and left a deep impression on the audience. In the hit drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan in the Harem", although she played Aunt Jinxi is not the protagonist, she is unforgettable because of her superb acting skills.

As a member of the Beijing People's Art Theater, Sun Qian's acting skills are profound. Whether it is the main role or the supporting role, she can always interpret the role vividly, showing her strength as a professional actor.

Her success lies not only in her talent, but also in her dedication and unremitting efforts in the performing arts.

Sun Qian's acting career is as colorful as the role she plays. From the stage to the screen, from the supporting role to the protagonist, she used her efforts and talents to compose a moving song of struggle in the entertainment industry.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams and perseverance, we can shine on the stage of life.

In the days that followed, they kept meeting because of their shared circle of friends. At first, the two kept a polite distance, but as the contact increased, the impression of each other gradually changed.

Sun Qian was surprised to find that Cai Yuanhang was not the pampered child star she imagined, but a mature and stable man with a successful career. Cai Yuanhang was attracted by Sun Qian's talent and independent charm.

Gradually, the two began to communicate more. They talked about interesting stories in the entertainment industry, shared their life experiences, and talked about their visions for the future. Unconsciously, a subtle emotion quietly grows.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Cai Yuanhang began to show his thoughtful side. When Sun Qian was filming on the set, he would deliberately prepare a business car to ensure that she could eat hot meals.

This careful action deeply touched Sun Qian. During Sun Qian's filming of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Cai Yuanhang visited the class frequently, bringing various condolences to the crew, which attracted the envy of other actors.

Sun Qian was moved by Cai Yuanhang's carefulness and thoughtfulness. She found that behind this seemingly successful business elite, there is a gentle and delicate heart. Cai Yuanhang's support and understanding of her career made her feel an unprecedented sense of security.

In this way, two people who once excluded each other slowly approached in the baptism of time. Their feelings are like a pot of old wine, fermented over time, becoming more mellow and fragrant.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

For six years, they have experienced the ups and downs of life together, and their relationship has become deeper and deeper.

From the initial awkwardness of a blind date to knowing and falling in love, the story of Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang is like a romantic comedy, interpreting the wonder of fate and the power of love. Their experiences have taught us that true love often comes in the most unexpected places, and that first impressions are not always reliable.

Sometimes, give the other person a chance, give yourself a chance, and you may reap unexpected surprises.

The story of Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang is not only their personal love legend, but also brings hope to those who are confused on the road to finding true love. It proves that as long as you keep an open mind and treat every relationship with sincerity, happiness will eventually come as expected.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

In 2012, after six years of long-distance love, Cai Yuanhang decided to surprise Sun Qian. With his extraordinary organizational skills, this business elite orchestrates a memorable marriage proposal.

When Cai Yuanhang knelt down on one knee and presented the shining diamond ring in front of Sun Qian, the whole scene was like a fairy tale. Sun Qian was moved to tears, and accepted this sincere love without hesitation.

The following year, Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang entered the palace of marriage with the blessings of relatives and friends. The wedding scene was filled with a happy atmosphere, and Cai Yuanhang read a love letter to his wife affectionately.

"Watching the years pass in front of the Four Seasons Court, walking in the sunset forest with my parents. There are children frolicking in front of you and me, green silk and white hair, and spend this life together. This affectionate vow not only touched everyone present, but also their vision of a better life in the future.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

In 2017, Sun Qian brought a new member to this happy family - a lovely boy. The joy of becoming parents for the first time made the relationship between the two deeper.

Despite his busy work, Cai Yuanhang still fully supports Sun Qian's acting career and becomes her strong backing. Together, they balance work and family to take care of this warm little home.

From mutual exclusion on a blind date to happiness today, the story of Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang is like a modern version of a fairy tale. Their marriage is not only a union of two people, but also a mutual acquaintance of two hearts.

This marriage, which began with awkwardness but ended sweetly, undoubtedly brought hope and longing for love to many people.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

Time flies, and the love story of Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang has been written for 13 years. What is amazing is that their relationship has not only not faded with the passage of time, but has become more mellow and deep.

The secret of this model couple's love may lie in their mutual understanding and support. Cai Yuanhang always encouraged Sun Qian to pursue her acting dreams, even if it meant working long hours on the set.

And Sun Qian also wholeheartedly supports her husband's career and understands his responsibilities and pressures as an entrepreneur. They know how to surprise each other in their busy lives and keep their feelings fresh.

At the same time, the two also pay great attention to the management of family life. Together, they will accompany their children to grow up and plan for the future together. In the bits and pieces of life, they have a deeper understanding of each other's importance.

Sun Qian: Don't call on a blind date? 6 years later, he married him in a high-profile manner, and he has been in love for 13 years

From the initial blind date when they were not optimistic about each other, to today's happiness, the story of Sun Qian and Cai Yuanhang interprets the charm of fate and true love. Their experience tells us that true love needs to be managed with heart, and it needs to understand and tolerate each other.

And this may be the biggest secret of their 13 years of love.

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