
Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

author:Xiao Xin said Duan'er
Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

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Today, I saw a hot topic: knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do human beings spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

Imagine that the bright moon, which has been a frequent visitor to the poet's pen since ancient times, has now become a sacred place in the hearts of scientists.

Knowing that the moon is desolate and lifeless, why do human beings still send spaceships and warriors to explore that barren land at any cost?

What kind of secrets and desires are hidden behind this?

Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

The moon has been Chang'e's since ancient times, and Chang'e has been ( ) since ancient times

Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

The cost of landing on the moon is unimaginable!

Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

The main thing is that the spacecraft can use in-situ resources on the moon to replenish fuel, otherwise all fuel must be replenished from the earth, which is the key to the moon as a transit base

Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

I firmly believe that the Moon must be the starting point for the earth-shaking effects of the future, without a doubt

Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

Take a look at the early plans for the moon landing! Scales fall from one's eyes

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Knowing that the moon is uninhabitable, why do humans spend a lot of manpower and material resources to explore?

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