
The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

author:Cheng Yu Entertainment Place

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The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

On the green battlefield of the European Cup, every game is like a thrilling blockbuster, and the fierce battle between the Portuguese team and the Slovenian team is the ultimate interpretation of tension and excitement.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

The nearly two-and-a-half-hour fierce battle made every audience's heart rise to their throats.

Penalty Miracle Night

The moment the game entered the penalty shootout, the whole world seemed to stop spinning, and all eyes were on Portuguese goalkeeper Diogo Costa.

The goalkeeper, who had previously performed well in 120 minutes of the game, had no idea that a real miracle was about to unfold in this final penalty shoot-out.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

What kind of magic is it to save three penalties in a row?

You know, every shot in a penalty shoot-out carries a lot of pressure, and Costa can judge so accurately and react so quickly, as if he can read the opponent's mind.

Every time the opponent shoots with his feet, his eyes reveal firmness and confidence, and his posture seems to say: "With me, this goal does not want to be breached!" ”

When Costa successfully saved the penalty for the third time, the whole field boiled! Cheers and screams resounded in the sky.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

His teammates rushed forward and surrounded him, and at that moment, he was the hero of the show.

And this game, also because of his excellent performance, became the first time in the history of the European Championship that the score was fixed at 3-0 after the penalty shootout.

We might as well recall that in the past European Championships, penalty shootouts were often full of suspense and variables, with the two sides going back and forth, and the score alternately rising.

But this time, Costa single-handedly made the game lose suspense early.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

Was it just luck? I don't think so.

Behind this is his hard work day in and day out, his dedication and love for the game, and his extreme desire to win.

Just like Kahn of the German team back then, he can always be a man at a critical moment; Another example is Italy's Gianluigi Buffon, who guards the goal with a steady play.

Now, Diogo Costa is following in the footsteps of these legendary goalkeepers and writing his own chapter.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

The Rise of the Door God

When we focused on that thrilling game, Slovenia were like a pack of ferocious cheetahs, launching round after round of fierce attacks on the Portuguese goal.

The 120-minute regular time seems like a long battle, and every minute and second is full of unknowns and thrills.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

The Slovenian attack was anything but superficial, their tactics were like a carefully woven net, and every charge concealed a deadly threat.

Those near-perfect sharp attacks, like sharp blades, stabbed straight into the Portuguese goal.

Everyone on the field, including the spectators, had their hearts in their throats, as if in the next second, the football, which symbolized victory and defeat, would roll into the goal.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

But at this critical moment, there is a figure that always appears in time, like a dragon guarding a treasure, spreading its wide and powerful wings, and using his hands, body, and even burning will, to keep out the seemingly inevitable goal again and again.

That person is Diogo Costa.

Some people say that the goalkeeper is a lone warrior on the pitch, standing alone in that last line of defense, under unimaginable pressure.

But what about Costa? Not only was he not crushed by this pressure, but under this tremendous pressure, he was reborn like a phoenix nirvana.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

Imagine when the opposing player rushes towards the goal with the ball in a galloping manner, his eyes full of desire to win and determination to win.

And Costa, standing there, alone, faced with this menacing attack.

There was not the slightest fear in his eyes, only firmness and determination.

For example, in the 35th minute of the game, the Slovenian striker received a delicate through ball on the edge of the penalty area, and he activated it instantly, like a wild horse, and dribbled straight towards the goal.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

At this point, Portugal's defenders were left behind, and the entire goal was exposed to the opposition's attack.

At this critical juncture, Costa quickly made a judgment and flew out, using his palm to slap the ball off the line.

At that moment, the audience let out an exclamation of amazement, as if time had stood still.

In the 78th minute of the second half, Slovenia were awarded a corner.

The ball was sent high into the penalty area, and the opposing centre-forward leaped high and headed home.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

The speed of the ball and the tricky angle make it feel like the goal is going to be scored.

But Costa, as if he had the ability to be a prophet, moved to the right position in advance and blocked the ball with his body.

Imagine standing in front of a penalty taker with the confidence that it was a must-score.

Costa's eyes seemed to penetrate their souls, shaking their confidence instantly.

Every time he saves, it is like announcing to the world: "My goal is inviolable!" ”

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

Costa's outstanding performance not only brought victory to the Portuguese team, but also made him a "goalkeeper" in the hearts of the fans.

His name spread through the streets overnight.

People started talking about him, praising him and seeing him as the new hope of Portuguese football.

But this is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go.

In the long history of football, there have been many goalkeepers who have faded after a moment of glory.

I'm convinced that Costa won't.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

He has talent and perseverance beyond the ordinary, and he will continue to create more miracles on this green field.

Glory and responsibility

As the whistle blew at the end of the match, Portugal's players cheered on the pitch while Diogo Costa was held high by his team-mates.

At this moment, he is a hero of Portugal and the pride of the whole country.

But behind the glory, there is often responsibility.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

Costa knows that this win is just the starting point, and that there are many more challenges ahead for him and his teammates.

In the next games, opponents will inevitably delve deeper into him and try to find a way to break his goal.

And he must constantly improve himself and constantly adapt to new challenges.

Just like Casillas back then, after becoming the world's top goalkeeper, he still maintains a high degree of vigilance and focus, constantly improving his skills.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

For the Portuguese team, Costa's excellent performance undoubtedly gave them more confidence.

But football is a team sport, and one person's power is limited.

They need to work more together in the future competitions to go further.

And for the majority of fans, Costa's performance has made them look forward to the future of the Portuguese team.

The first person in the history of the European Cup! Portugal's "door god" works in 5 minutes and exceeds 2 hours......

They are eager to see Portugal continue to soar and create more glory on the stage of the European Championship.

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