
Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

author:Cheng Yu Entertainment Place

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Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

The flames of the European Championship intensified in the early hours of July 2, with Portugal and Slovenia in a thrilling showdown on the stage of the quarter-finals.

Portugal, the football powerhouse, has always carried the expectations of countless fans.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

The start of the game was not as exciting as one might expect.

Cristiano Ronaldo, the superstar of the football world, has always been a hero in the hearts of countless people, but in this crucial battle, he missed a single chance and even missed a penalty.

This can't help but surprise people, could it be that he is not in good shape? Or is it a trick of fate?

"Portugal is in flames, and the heroes are eclipsed? 》

In the Portuguese team's battle, B Fei, who was the heart of the midfield, should have been the key figure who led the team to victory, but it was surprising that there were repeated passing errors in the game.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

What kind of scenario is this? It's like a symphony that has been orchestrated and expected to be powerful.

The audience sat in anticipation and looked forward to the beautiful melody intertwined with beautiful notes.

But who would have thought that B Fei, as a conductor, suddenly messed up the rhythm, and the movement that should have been harmonious and smooth became chaotic, and the whole orchestra fell into chaos in an instant.

We're focused on this game.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Portugal launched five shots in the first half with none on target! What a shocking and deplorable statistic.

Each of these five shots carried the hope of the players, and each time it was full of expectations from the fans.

But the result? Just like the hands groping in the dark, they can never touch the dawn of victory.

The confusion of the midfield organization was exposed at this time.

But is it because of the tactical arrangement, or is there a crack in the mentality of the players under the pressure? This is a question that deserves to be explored in depth.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Let's start with tactics.

Football is like a delicate chess game, and every move needs to be well thought out.

The coach's tactical arrangement, like the layout of a chess player, determines the direction of the entire battle.

If the tactics themselves are flawed, then the players on the field are like travelers who have lost their compass, confused and overwhelmed.

Perhaps the coach did not fully consider the opponent's defensive strategy in the tactical arrangement before the game, resulting in the midfielder's passing route being blocked by the opponent.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

But, is it just a matter of tactics? The mentality of the players, too, cannot be ignored.

In that high-profile arena, every look, every touch of the ball, is under tremendous pressure.

When hopes are disappointed again and again, when shots are off target again and again, will the mentality of the players gradually become unbalanced?

B Fee, as the core of the team's midfield, the pressure on his shoulders is as heavy as Mount Tai.

Perhaps at some point in the game, a flash of self-doubt flashed through his mind, and that moment of hesitation led to a passing error.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Let's take a look back at past matches.

In those successful cases, the team often has a strong belief and a stable mentality.

The players trust each other, support each other, and remain calm and resolute in their tactics, no matter what the situation is.

And in this game, is there a lack of tacit understanding and trust between the players of the Portuguese team?

Look at B Fei himself.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

He is undoubtedly a very talented player and has had some great performances in the past.

But why did he lose himself in this crucial match?

Is it because his opponent has studied him too thoroughly, so that his technical characteristics are completely limited?

Or is it because of the recent poor training form, which has led to the inability to perform at the level it should have been?

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Where is the light of hope in the struggle of the predicament? 》

The whistle blew for the second half and everyone was expecting Portugal to turn the tide.

But B Fee, the highly-anticipated midfielder, is still in a slump.

Every touch he had on the pitch seemed to carry a heavy load of pressure and mistakes, failing to bring any positive impact to Portugal's attack.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

The 120-minute battle was a huge test of the players' physical and mental strength.

B Fee played the whole game, but did not score, did not assist, did not make a successful pass.

With a pass completion rate of just 76.5 per cent, this is undoubtedly a poor report card for a central midfielder.

He made four key passes, but lost possession a whopping 40 times, the most of the game.

It's like a warrior on the battlefield, who charges bravely, but always loses his way, and instead of posing a threat to the enemy, he puts himself in a difficult situation.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

At this time, the Portuguese team was like a ship lost in a storm, and the players ran desperately on the pitch, but they could not find a way to victory.

The hearts of the fans grew nervous as the game progressed, shouting and praying from the stands for the team to get back into shape.

"Penalty Miracle, Redemption or Fluke?" 》

When the game went to penalties, everyone held their breath.

It was a life-or-death contest and every shot was under tremendous pressure.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

B Fee, the player who had a poor performance in regulation time, stood in front of the penalty spot.

There was a determination in his eyes, perhaps this was his chance to redeem himself.

A powerful shot, the ball is in! At this moment, the whole stadium was boiling.

Portugal played well in the penalty shoot-out to eliminate their opponents 3-0 and successfully advance to the quarterfinals.

Is this a real victory? Or was it just a fluke?

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Fernandes's penalty helped the team advance, but his poor performance in regulation time could not be erased.

The problems exposed by the Portuguese team in this game also make people have to think deeply.

Perhaps, this is the result of a combination of factors.

Tactical mistakes, mental fluctuations, and the opponent's targeted defense were all intertwined in this game, which together caused chaos in the midfield of the Portuguese team.

But the race goes on, and there's still a long way to go.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

Portugal need to learn from this defeat, re-examine their tactics, adjust the mentality of their players, and regain the tacit understanding and confidence they once had.

And for B Fei, this is also a profound lesson.

He needs to bounce back from defeat and prove his worth with better performances to regain the trust and support of his fans.

After all, in the world of football, there are no eternal winners, only warriors who keep fighting and never give up.

Next, they will meet the French team.

Portugal was not happy to enter the top 8, and the number one cancer was born: 1 shot, 0 goals, 0 assists, and 40 conceded balls

How will Portugal cope against a strong French team? Will you continue to struggle in this difficult situation, or will you be able to bounce back and regain your former glory? All this is still unknown, and we can only wait and see.

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