
Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

author:Interesting sesame sauce

In Perpignan, a small French city forgotten by neon, there is a hidden secret - an Internet celebrity named Nasdas, who uses the lens as a pen and the slums as paper to paint a shocking picture of life. But on the eve of Eid al-Fitr in 2022, a sudden "money storm" not only made the Internet world tremble, but also made the name Nasdas instantly change from an inspirational synonym to the eye of the storm of public opinion. Do you want to know, how did this former slum light single-handedly direct this absurd drama of "money falling from the sky", and how did he step by step towards his unexpected ending in the midst of different opinions?

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

In the dark corners of Perpignan, Nasdas shines like a light through the clouds, illuminating the forgotten souls. Under his lens, there are no gorgeous sets, no deliberate posing, only the most real smile and the most simple life. Children chasing soccer balls on dusty streets, old people rocking their rocking chairs in the sunset, those seemingly ordinary but powerful moments were captured by Nasdas one by one and spread to every corner of the world through the Internet.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

His videos are not just a documentary, they are a call to attention to the marginalized lives. Nasdas's work is like an unsent letter, revealing a desire for justice and hope between the lines. With this sincerity and persistence, he quickly accumulated millions of fans and became the "slum hero" in the hearts of countless people.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

However, just as Nasdas' reputation was at its peak, he made a decision that surprised everyone. On the eve of Eid al-Fitr, he released a video in which he made his bank card details public in an almost frantic way, announcing that the card had been topped up with 16,000 euros, inviting all his fans to share this "unexpected wealth". For a while, the Internet was boiling, and countless pairs of eyes were staring at the small screen, as if they could touch the huge sum of money that fell from the sky in the next second.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

But this seemingly generous gift is like a boulder thrown into the surface of a calm lake, stirring up ripples. In a short period of time, e-commerce platforms such as Amazon were inundated with sudden payment requests, system alarms rang one after another, and thousands of accounts were urgently blocked due to abnormal transactions. For a while, there was a flood of mourning on the Internet, with some people hailing that they had grabbed the goods they wanted, and many more angrily accusing Nasdas of recklessness and putting their accounts in trouble.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

As the incident continued to ferment, the voices of netizens began to divide into two factions. One faction believes that although Nasdas's move is sloppy, the original intention is good, and he is using his own way to give back to fans and spread positive energy. Some of them even posted the merchandise they had successfully received as a sign of support for Nasdas' actions.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

The other group of people holds diametrically opposed views. They believe that Nasdas's behavior is extremely irresponsible, which not only damages his reputation, but also causes unnecessary trouble to innocent netizens. Among these netizens, there are many parents who are angry that their accounts have been blocked, and they have spoken out on social media, accusing Nasdas of "fraud" and demanding a reasonable explanation.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

In the face of overwhelming accusations and doubts, Nasdas finally stood up. He posted a video with mixed emotions flashing in his eyes. He admits that his actions were genuinely inappropriate and that he did not fully consider the possible consequences. But he also insisted that his original intention was pure, and he just wanted to celebrate this special holiday with fans in a special way, so that everyone could feel the joy of the holiday.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

Nasdas's voice seemed a little faint in the hustle and bustle of the Internet, but his sincerity touched the heartstrings of many people. Some people have begun to reflect on whether there are deeper social problems hidden behind this "money storm"? Should we give more understanding and tolerance to Nasdas?

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

As time passed, this farce of "money falling from the sky" gradually faded out of people's sight. But the reflections that leave us are far from over. The story of Nasdas is like a mirror, reflecting the complexity and multifaceted aspects of the Internet age. It shows us the power of creativity and interaction, and it also makes us aware of the cost of impulsiveness and recklessness.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

In this era of information explosion, each of us can become the protagonist of the network. But remember, while enjoying the convenience and fun of the Internet, we also need to learn to take responsibility and consequences. Because in this world where the virtual and the real are intertwined, every choice can trigger a ripple effect that affects our own lives and the lives of those around us.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

The story of Nasdas, although it ended in a farce, the revelation it left us is precious. It tells us that on the road of pursuing dreams and innovation, we must not only maintain enthusiasm and courage, but also have wisdom and judgment. Only in this way can we ride the waves in the ocean of networks and sail towards a brighter future.

Foreign Internet celebrities disclose bank cards, millions of fans carnival for 10 minutes, what is the truth behind the loss of control?

(Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.) If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact. )

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