
Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

author:Interesting sesame sauce

Behind the glamorous entertainment industry, how many unknown secrets and undercurrents are hidden? When he was a screen comedian in the past, he is now standing on the cusp of public opinion, and a contest about power, desire and morality is quietly staged. Huang Zijiao, this name has been a warm memory in the hearts of many people, from the first appearance of "Youth Theater" to the witty humor of "Variety Show", he used his talent to weave one laughing dream after another. But now, with the cry of "Miss K", those good things seem to be shrouded in haze overnight. How did she, a former young girl, span more than ten years and muster up the courage to uncover the dusty pain? Is Huang Zijiao really a demon hidden under the aura of art, as rumored by the outside world? All this will be slowly unveiled in the following text.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

In the brightly lit city of Taipei, the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry seems to never stop. However, when an explosive news about Huang Zijiao broke, the whole circle was shaken. , the former "king of variety shows", has now been summoned again by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of sexually assaulting underage girls. And this time, it was a woman named "Miss K" who stood up to testify against him, although her voice was weak, it was like thunder, causing ripples on the calm lake of the entertainment industry.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

Miss K's story is a journey of dreams and nightmares. That year, she was in the flower season, and with infinite longing for the entertainment industry, she stepped into this bizarre world. Huang Zijiao, for her, was an unreachable predecessor, the wise man who could always make people laugh on the TV screen. However, fate has bound the two together in an extremely cruel way. According to Ms. K, it was a sunny afternoon when she received a call from Huang Zijiao, inviting her to participate in a so-called "art photo shoot". With a love for art and admiration for her predecessors, she happily went, but she never expected that it would be a nightmare from which there would be no turning back.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

At the filming scene, Huang Zijiao's words and deeds gradually became weird. On the pretext of "dedicating himself to art", he induced Miss K to change into a swimsuit and shoot. However, with the click of the camera, everything started to go off track. Huang Zijiao's hand was no longer simply adjusting the angle, but slowly stretched out to Miss K's body. At that moment, fear came like a tidal wave, drowning her. She tried to struggle, but in the face of this senior who had a strong influence in the circle, her power seemed so small. That little or so was like a century for her.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

Afterwards, Miss K fell into deep self-blame and pain. She didn't dare to mention this experience to anyone, so she could only silently endure the torment in her heart. The shadow of depression hung over her life and made her want to give up countless times. But in the dead of night, the memory of the violation came flooding back, and she couldn't sleep. It wasn't until last year, with the exposure of Huang Zijiao's other sexual assault incidents, that Miss K realized that she was not the only victim. She decided to stand up, not to gain sympathy or to become famous, but to seek a belated apology to put an end to her unbearable past.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

In the face of Miss K's accusations, Huang Zijiao chose to remain silent. His silence, in the eyes of the public, is undoubtedly an evasion and acquiescence. Netizens have a lot of discussions about this, and some expressed anger and incomprehension, questioning why a seemingly gentle person would do such a heinous behavior; Others have reservations, believing that conclusions should not be drawn lightly until the truth is known. But in any case, this turmoil has made Huang Zijiao's image plummet, and his former glory and glory seem so pale and powerless at this moment.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

As an experienced novel-style entertainment writer, I am well aware of the complexity and multifaceted nature of the entertainment industry. In this arena full of temptation and competition, everyone is struggling for survival and fame. But no matter what, we must not forget the original intention and bottom line. Huang Zijiao's fall is not only a devastating blow to his personal career, but also a challenge and warning to the moral bottom line of the entire entertainment industry. We should take this as a lesson and always remind ourselves that while pursuing our dreams and success, we must also stick to the innocence and kindness in our hearts.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

When Miss K's voice rang out in the courtroom, it was as if we could hear those forgotten souls crying in the wilderness. Their pain and struggle are a relentless exposure of the ugly side of human nature. And Huang Zijiao's silence and evasion are the ignorance and trampling on this pain. But remember, justice may be late, but it will never be absent. In this battle of power, lust and morality, we are looking forward to a fair verdict to seek justice for the victims and sound the alarm for the healthy development of the entertainment industry. Let us work together to protect this pure land under the blue sky, let art and sincerity be equally important, and let dreams and conscience go together.

Huang Zijiao was summoned by the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office again and charged with sexual assault in the name of art photos?

(Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.) If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact. )


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