
What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

author:Xiaoyang loves to talk

Text: Xiaoyang loves to talk

Editor|Xiaoyang loves to talk

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

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There's a hot topic: What do you think about women breastfeeding their babies in public?

Imagine if you were hungry, where would you find food? Family? Restaurant? Or...... In public? For babies, there may be only one answer. But when mothers breastfeed in public, they often become the focus of heated discussions.

Netizen: What courage they have!

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown
What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

Sometimes the thickness of the skin really grows with age, not necessarily the old man has become bad, you give those grandfathers twenty years younger, you may not dare to say that, the old people are sometimes unreasonable, precisely because they know that they are old, others dare not do anything to them.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

Seeing this, I thought that I used to hold the baby on the subway, and the baby kept crying and rubbing my head, but the subway was too crowded at that time, and no one gave me a seat, and I was afraid that the baby would be hungry and afraid of noisy others, and I wanted to cry.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

Before taking the baby to the park, I found a corner where no one was, covered with a nursing towel to feed the baby, an uncle came over and saw it and immediately turned away, I am very grateful that I met normal people.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

No...... It's really ...... When I was hospitalized for delivery, even if there was a curtain next to the bed, she chose to let herself go if she pulled it or told her husband to pull it for half a second. Scared, my husband came running over and said, don't do this.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

It's nothing to take the child to the street, the problem is why the child is hungry and doesn't come home, the child has about three hours between each meal, the first time to go out, the second time to go home, it's easy to do, if you drive to the door it is more convenient to be out for a longer time.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown
What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

I use a nursing towel, the collar is propped up, I can easily see the baby, my son has been used to it since he was a child. I think the nursing towel is mainly to protect the mothers, who knows if there will be someone peeking, you can't expect people to come and go of high quality.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

I have met his wife breastfeeding in the mother and baby room, and my husband is watching from the side. Particularly speechless, isn't the mother-and-baby room for mothers and children? I was stunned when I went in, and the door to enter and exit the nursing room was very wide, and the other mothers were still breastfeeding, not considering the feelings of the other mothers at all.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

Most of them didn't find a nursing room, who wants to do it in public? As for how to look at it, with an aesthetic eye, with an understanding eye, with a kind eye, most people grow up on breast milk, which is understandable.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

I don't breastfeed in front of many people, even those female relatives of my husband's family, unless I bring my mother, sister and grandmother, and I don't feel ashamed in front of them, so I bought a nursing towel and brought it with me when I went out.

What do you think about women breastfeeding their children in public? Netizen: How much courage they have shown

Me too, I usually don't feed when I go out, and when relatives come at home, I also hide in the room to feed, but fortunately my cubs don't eat milk outside.

总而言之,当一位母亲在公共场合哺乳时,她不仅仅是在满足孩子的正常‬需求,更是在传递爱和关怀。 Let us feel the power of this mother's love with a gentle heart and respect every mother's choice.

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