
The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!


In China's vast countryside, a quiet revolution is unfolding. There were no earth-shattering slogans or vigorous rallies for this revolution, but its impact could be so far-reaching that it could change the lives of hundreds of millions of peasants. Yes, we are talking about a major change in the rural management system.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

Imagine that when you walk into the village of the future, you can no longer see the familiar village committee compound and hear the shouts of the production captain. In its place, there is a lean and efficient management team that uses smartphones and big data to handle the village's affairs. This is not a scene from a science fiction movie, but a reality that is gradually being realized in a third of the country's villages.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

Why such a change? The answer lies in the current situation in rural China. With the acceleration of urbanization, a large number of young laborers have poured into cities, and most of those left behind in rural areas are the elderly and children. The traditional village-level management system is faced with the dilemma of insufficient manpower and low efficiency. It's like an old tractor, although it once played a huge role, but it seems powerless in the face of modern agriculture.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

What exactly does the new management model look like? In short, it is "streamlining + empowering". The village management body will be significantly reduced, and only one person in charge may be retained. However, this does not mean that the management capacity will decline, on the contrary, through the application of modern technology and the strengthening of management training, this "small but lean" team will be able to operate more efficiently.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

Let's look at a concrete example. In a village in Zhejiang Province, in the past, villagers had to go through multiple departments of the village committee and township government to go through the approval of homesteads, which often took several months. Now, the village only needs one administrator, and through the intelligent management system, the approval can be completed in a few days. Villager Xiao Wang sighed: "It's so much more convenient to do things now, and I don't have to break my leg anymore!" "

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

However, no change can be perfect. There are concerns that the excessive concentration of power will lead to new problems. How can you be sure that this "one-man team" will not abuse its power? In this regard, many places are actively exploring solutions. For example, the establishment of a platform for villagers' deliberations allows villagers to directly participate in village decision-making; the introduction of a third-party supervision mechanism to prevent abuse of power; Conduct regular democratic evaluations to ensure that managers have equal rights and responsibilities.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

What's even more gratifying is that this new management model provides new opportunities for young people to return to their hometowns to start businesses. In a small village in Jiangxi Province, Zhang Ming, a young man born in the 90s, became the new manager of the village through a campaign. He used the management knowledge and skills he learned in the city to build the village into a well-known "smart village". Not only is the village collective economy thriving, but even the young people in the surrounding areas have returned to their hometowns to look for development opportunities.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

Of course, this change didn't happen overnight. Just like a farmer planting the land, after sowing the seeds, it needs to be carefully cultivated. The new management model needs to be constantly refined and adjusted to adapt to the actual situation in different regions. For example, in some remote mountainous areas, it may be necessary to consider how to solve the problem of insufficient network coverage; In some areas with strong traditional concepts, more publicity and guidance are needed to get villagers to accept this new management method.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

One might ask, does this change mean the disappearance of traditional rural culture? Not really. On the contrary, by improving management efficiency and making more room for rural development, we can better protect and inherit the excellent cultural traditions of rural areas. In one village in Zhejiang, a new management model has successfully combined traditional farming culture with modern tourism, which not only protects cultural heritage, but also generates considerable income for the villagers.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

Looking to the future, what kind of countryside can we expect? It may be something like this: villagers can participate in village decision-making through their mobile phones while sitting at home; Farmers use big data to guide precision planting, and no longer rely on the weather to eat; Young people who have returned to their hometowns to start their own businesses bring new technologies and ideas back to the countryside and stimulate new vitality in the countryside. This is no longer an unattainable dream, but a reality that is slowly unfolding before our eyes.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

This reform of rural management is not only related to the vital interests of the peasants, but also to the development strategy of the entire country. It is an important step to achieve rural revitalization and narrow the gap between urban and rural areas. Everyone involved, whether it is village cadres, ordinary farmers, or young people who have returned to their hometowns to start their own businesses, is a witness and promoter of this change.

The secret of rural management model in the new era: streamlining and efficient empowerment of rural revitalization!

The clarion call for change has been sounded, and the future has arrived. Let us all hope that in this wave of change, China's rural areas will radiate new vitality and vitality, and become a hot land full of hope and opportunities.

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