
Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

author:Poisonous tongue to entertain

Wang Xiaofei was actually scolded by her daughter-in-law

Ma Xiaomei said bluntly: "You old man is ugly!" ”

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Heck, look, that's not little news!

Wang Xiaofei, a celebrity who often appears in the public eye, actually encountered "Waterloo" in front of her daughter-in-law. Ma Xiaomei, who usually looks at a gentle and elegant woman, didn't expect to be ruthless when she provoked people!

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Speaking of Wang Xiaofei, who doesn't know!

He's a big celebrity, and he's always seen at many events and TV shows. When the big guys mention him, they all know who it is. This time, he was "counterattacked" because of his comments on his daughter-in-law Ma Xiaomei's outfit.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Ma Xiaomei, a woman who always shows a gentle image on weekdays, actually hides an unknown stubbornness and assertiveness in her heart. She has her own unique understanding and pursuit of life, and never follows the crowd. On that day, she stood in front of the mirror, carefully selecting clothes and matching accessories, apparently for an important occasion.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

She wore a long dress with a well-tailored fit, the color was elegant and fashionable, and the pearl earrings swaying gently in her ears added a bit of luxury. She smiled slightly at the mirror and nodded in satisfaction. At the moment when she was about to go out, she turned her head to look at Wang Xiaofei, who was reading the newspaper on the sofa, and asked softly, "Does it look good?" ”

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Wang Xiaofei raised her head, looked away from the newspaper, and looked Ma Xiaomei up and down. She thought she would hear some compliments, but she didn't expect the corners of his mouth to twitch, and he said half-jokingly: "How can you say this outfit, it feels a little tasteless." ”

Hearing this, Ma Xiaomei's brows furrowed slightly. She really didn't expect that the clothes she bothered to match would be so unsightly in Wang Xiaofei's eyes. But she didn't get angry right away when she heard this, but first took a deep breath, and then asked very calmly, "Oh? So what kind of outfit do you think is tasteful? ”

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Wang Xiaofei didn't seem to expect Ma Xiaomei to ask such a rhetorical question, he was stunned for a moment, then pointed to a fashion report in the newspaper, and said: "Well, I think it's quite tasteful to wear something like this, which is simple and generous without losing its personality." ”

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Ma Xiaomei glanced at the pictures in the newspaper, then chuckled and said, "Everyone's aesthetic is different, and I like my own style." Also, I think my outfit today is perfect for the occasion I'm going to. After speaking, she turned around and walked out of the house, leaving Wang Xiaofei in the same place thoughtfully.

Such a small dispute actually did not affect the relationship between the two of them, but made them better understand each other's preferences and opinions

And Ma Xiaomei also strengthened her dressing style and attitude towards life through this experience.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Ma Xiaomei listened to Wang Xiaofei's words, but she didn't get used to his problems, so she went back directly: "You are the ugly old man!" "Haha, this is really laughable! It seems that this couple is also quite an interesting couple in daily life.

When netizens saw this scene, they all said that Ma Xiaomei's words were sharp and her style was a bit like Big S. Some people even joked that Wang Xiaofei found a "big S copy" as a daughter-in-law?

Ma Xiaomei: Not only is it gentle on the outside, but it is more powerful on the inside. Maybe many people weren't very familiar with her before, but this "fashion war" with Wang Xiaofei made her unexpectedly popular. Don't look at her gentle appearance, she is actually full of strength inside. In the face of Wang Xiaofei's complaints, she dared to speak up and show her personality and attitude.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Such a Ma Xiaomei makes people curious about her. What kind of woman is she? In daily life, how does she get along with Wang Xiaofei?

It is understood that Ma Xiaomei and Wang Xiaofei have been married for many years, and the relationship between the two has always been very good. Although there was a small dispute over the outfit this time, it did not affect the relationship between them. On the contrary, such daily interactions have enhanced the understanding and understanding between them.

Netizens are hotly discussed: the "mutual hatred" between husband and wife is daily. Everyone said that the daily "mutual hatred" between husband and wife is really interesting! Some people think that this mode of getting along is very down-to-earth, while others express envy for the intimacy between them.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Some netizens ridiculed: "It seems that Wang Xiaofei really found an unusual daughter-in-law this time!" Indeed, Ma Xiaomei's outspokenness and unique personality make her stand out among the wives of celebrities.

In my opinion, although the "fashion war" between Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei is just a small episode, it shows their real and interesting way of getting along as a couple.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

In real life, many couples will have disputes or ridicule each other because of some trivial things, which does not mean that they have a bad relationship or disrespect each other. On the contrary, such interaction can enhance mutual understanding and tacit understanding.

Of course, everyone gets along differently. Some people may prefer a respectful and respectful way of getting along, while others prefer a relaxed and happy atmosphere like Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei. Either way, as long as both spouses feel comfortable and happy.

Wang Xiaofei complained about Ma Xiaomei's clothes and was reprimanded: You are ugly old man!

Although this incident allows us to see the interesting daily interaction between Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, what is more important is the deep relationship between them. Fashion taste is important, but in contrast, a harmonious and happy family atmosphere is what we should pursue more.

What do you think? Is fashion taste more important or is the relationship between husband and wife more important?

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