
With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C

author:Infinite Topic Circles


"How dare you run to the 'Sea of Death'?"

As soon as these words came out, the border guards warned Wang Jian, and the warned Wang Jian was the dean of the Qiangtang Basin Research Institute of Southwest Petroleum University.

However, for Wang Jian, this has long become a "base" for him and his work team, and he has always insisted on carrying out scientific research here, that is, the Qiangtang Basin, which also has the foot of Kunlun Mountain, so it is also known as the "Sea of Death".

The climatic conditions here can be described as very harsh, the average temperature is minus 30 °C, and on the coldest winter solstice night, the temperature almost drops to minus 40 °C, which is a no-man's land that explorers dare not set foot in, but for Wang Jian, it is a precious laboratory of a petroleum geological scientist, cultivating and developing more petroleum talents for the mainland.

With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C

The environment is harsh and there are ten major difficulties.

Wang Jian graduated from Southwest Petroleum Institute in 1988, and his research direction happened to be the Qiangtang Basin.

Although Wang Jian has been in the plateau for 29 years to investigate, but he does not have the slightest sense of "tired", and led a group of work teams to the Qiangtang Basin every year to carry out research work, ready to carry out scientific research work in the Qiangtang Basin, Wang Jian and the team also for the harsh environment here, formulated a detailed emergency plan and safety plan, the "ten difficulties" are: the first is "high cold";

Because the Qiangtang Basin is located at a high altitude, the average altitude is also about 4,500 meters, so there is no need to say much about the environment here.

Severe cold and drastic temperature changes are very common, especially in winter, very cold, not to mention the temperature of minus 40 °C on the winter solstice at night, at night it is also about minus 20 °C, and even the temperature during the day is about minus 5 °C to -15 °C, so this is for team members to carry out scientific research work in a cold environment, so every team member must be equipped with winter clothes in case of emergency.

For team members, it is easy to have physical problems such as colds and frostbite, so Wang Jian also arranged that each team must be equipped with an "exclusive doctor" to reassure the team members.

In addition, the temperature in the Qiangtang Basin fluctuates greatly, so the members of the work team in the Qiangtang Basin should pay great attention to regulating the body temperature, and cannot be unwell under the influence of the cold and summer climate.

Even some necessities of life cannot withstand temperature fluctuations, and under normal circumstances, without such conditions, it is easy to break under the influence of temperature if you are not careful.

The second is "hypoxia", although the temperature in the Qiangtang Basin is very low, but the most worrying thing is the problem of hypoxia, because in the plateau area, the problem of hypoxia is the most feared, because it can easily lead to altitude sickness, manifested in dizziness, nausea and other symptoms, so you must rely on your own perseverance and willpower to help yourself overcome hypoxia.

However, if this lack of oxygen is not dealt with in time, it can be life-threatening.

The third is "low pressure", the Qiangtang Basin is surrounded by high mountains and snow-capped mountains, so even if it is at a lower altitude, it is higher than the altitude of the plains, and because of the geographical environment such as valleys, the wind is very strong, so it will form a plateau ghost town, resulting in an unstable climate.

With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C

In such an environment, it is very easy to produce low pressure, and the more serious impact of low pressure is to affect the blood circulation of the human body, which will have a great impact on the internal organs of the human body, and greatly stimulate the digestive organs such as the stomach of the human body, resulting in indigestion, gastrointestinal discomfort and so on.

The fourth is "radiation".

Radiation is one of the most worrying problems for people, but the radiation problem is not as serious as imagined, and the huge radiation problem only exists on electronic devices.

Therefore, in a zone with strong radiation such as the Qiangtang Basin, we must protect our electronic equipment to prevent problems such as electronic equipment from being unusable due to excessive radiation.

The fifth is the "high contrast", in the Qiangtang Basin, the terrain is very undulating, almost at the peak of the mountain can overlook the entire basin, the terrain above and below the mountain is in the seams, the environment is undulating and rugged, it is easy to fall if you are not careful, so the "high contrast" is very dangerous.

The sixth is "trapped in the car", although the Qiangtang Basin is beautiful, but in winter, it will still form a seasonal frozen soil phenomenon, there will be frozen soil in some places, of course, there will be bare rocks, so you can not pass at will, that is, it is very dangerous, otherwise it is easy to get stuck in the car.

However, the Qiangtang Basin is prone to underground cracks, and it is easy to be "fatal" in such an environment.

The seventh is the "season".

The time available for exploration in the Qiangtang Basin is not very long, most of it is in winter, and only the two time periods from April to May and September to October are the most suitable times.

The eighth is "meteorite".

In the Qiangtang Basin, there is a hidden danger of "falling rocks", but very few people have ever been smashed, but the danger of "meteorites" is greater, because once it is hit by "meteorites", it will be a catastrophe.

The ninth is the "animal" threat.

The most common thing in the Qiangtang Basin is the yak, but the yak is not very friendly, short-tempered, if it is disturbed, it may be angered, and there are wolves, wild bears and other dangerous animals in the Qiangtang Basin.

With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C

The tenth is "disease".

There are many diseases in the Qiangtang Basin, such as rhinitis, ophthalmia, etc., which is already the most serious disease in the Qiangtang Basin, and there will be plateau pulmonary edema and other diseases, so under the influence of such diseases, there must be a doctor.

Learn more in Qiangtang.

Most of the people who work in the Qiangtang Basin are recent graduates, and many choose to work in such an environment, when in fact they have been in this environment for a long time.

During this period, they strengthened their determination to engage in petroleum geology, because only in the harsh research environment and conditions like Qiangtang can they learn more from it, and everyone must learn to summarize from the harsh environment and then extract useful things from it.

Therefore, in the face of such work tasks and conditions, the petroleum student workers in the Qiangtang Basin are all with such a heart to contribute to the country, and even more with love for the motherland and love for work.

To hone yourself, hardships can hone your tenacity and make yourself better.

However, in such a working environment, the research results are not very obvious, so a working group was set up in the Qiangtang Basin, carefully observed the geological and geomorphology of Qiangtang, and published many research papers.

With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C

On the road to dreams.

For every scientific research worker, no one can say that they are not working hard, and no one can say that their hard work can say to others, so for scientific research workers like Wang Jian, they rarely confide in their hard work in front of outsiders, because they are not only to complete their dreams, but also to make more contributions to the country.

However, the pressure faced by scientific research workers is greater, and what they do is not achieved overnight, so they have to face the reality of life and work every day, and make more efforts than ordinary people, so the work they are engaged in is worthy of their pride, because this is the result of their own hard work step by step.

In this world, everyone has their own dreams, and behind him, there is also a team that supports him and fights with him.

Behind him, there are relatives who care about him, he will remember the hard-won, and he will cherish it, he will continue to move forward and work hard in the direction of the goal, and we can learn a lot from them.

With a dream, they explored the new oil and gas area in the "Sea of Death" in Qiangtang, where it was minus 40°C


It is precisely because of the dedication and efforts of scientific research workers that our scientific and technological road has been able to develop rapidly, so we should learn from scientific research workers, inherit the spirit of scientific research, and contribute to the mainland's scientific and technological undertakings.