
Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

author:A little talk about life

First, in the library of Ningjiang Middle School in Sichuan Province, the girl He Xiaoshu and the young Li Yalin met for the first time. Li Yalin is handsome, his two tiger teeth are particularly eye-catching when he laughs, and his personality is gentle and introverted.

He often devotes his spare time to the library, sitting in the afternoon. He Xiaoshu, who also loves to read, often reads attentively around the same table with him. Li Yalin always thoughtfully took out two melon seeds or candies from his schoolbag and gave half of them to He Xiaoshu.

During the winter and summer vacations, they made an appointment to study Lei Feng's diary or Lu Xun's prose writings by themselves. Li Yalin writes very well, the handwriting is neat and beautiful, and he often asks He Xiaoshu to read his homework first, and he is outspoken about her evaluation and revision suggestions.

In the past four years, the two have become brothers and sisters and have become each other's closest friends. In 1988, He Xiaoshu and Li Yalin were both admitted to the Performance Department of Beijing Film Academy. In the four years of college, the two were almost inseparable, taking classes, eating, studying, and talking together.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

Li Yalin gradually realized the special significance of He Xiaoshu to himself, but he did not confess for fear of rejection. It wasn't until an outdoor shoot on the eve of graduation that he finally mustered up the courage to confess to his sweetheart, and the two officially established a relationship.

After graduation, they were assigned to work in the Beijing Film Actors Troupe according to the school's arrangement. In 1991, 23-year-old He Xiaoshu and Li Yalin entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Second, although both of them were born in ordinary families and experienced quarrels during the run-in period after marriage, they finally chose to deal with problems with reason and learn to be considerate of each other. Li Yalin is conscientious and conscientious in his work, and he is even more gentle and considerate in life.

No matter how busy he is, he will make time to travel and eat with his family. He often orders flowers and small gifts for his wife and takes the initiative to help her with household chores. In this relationship, the two continued to grow and built their happy home with love and tolerance.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

This first love, which began on campus, has been beautifully extended to their married life. Soon after marriage, He Xiaoshu gave birth to three lovely daughters for Li Yalin in a row.

The elder sister is early, the second sister is gentle and generous, and the third sister is smart and clever, and the family of five gets along harmoniously and happily. Although busy taking care of his three children, He Xiaoshu still did not give up his acting career.

She and Li Yalin support each other, chase their dreams together, and strive to find a balance between family and career. In 2005, at the age of 47, Li Yalin began to switch to the field of film and television directing, a decision that brought a new peak to his career.

Third, with his excellent acting skills and keen insight accumulated over the years, the movie "Why Born Me" directed by him was a great success and won many awards. This work not only shows Li Yalin's talent as a director, but also earns him a higher reputation in the film and television industry.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

In her husband's new work, He Xiaoshu also plays an important role. The husband and wife worked together on the set, complemented each other, and contributed their talents to this work. This cooperation not only enhanced their relationship, but also allowed the two to achieve a double harvest in their careers.

At the same time, He Xiaoshu's career has also ushered in new development. With years of acting accumulation and good connections in the industry, she was hired by Eying Company as the head of its actor troupe.

In this new position, He Xiaoshu gave full play to his talents and experience. She actively seeks opportunities for young actors, makes suggestions, cultivates new talents, and contributes to the development of China's film industry.

Her efforts and dedication have been widely recognized by colleagues in the industry and have won many praises. During this period, He Xiaoshu and Li Yalin's lives can be described as a double harvest of career and family.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

Fourth, in their work, they have made breakthrough achievements in their own fields; In life, they worked together to build a warm and happy family. He Xiaoshu's eyes always shine with happiness, and she firmly believes that as long as she treats each other sincerely and works hard, she will definitely be able to bear fruit.

The couple proved that pursuing a career does not mean sacrificing family happiness. They supported each other, grew together, broke out of the world in the entertainment industry, and also built a harmonious and happy home with love.

Their story has become an example for many to envy and learn from. In 2010, just as He Xiaoshu and Li Yalin's lives were reaching their peak, a sudden disaster ruthlessly broke this hard-won beauty.

That year, director Li Yalin was filming his new film "The Well" in Suzhou. During the filming, he suddenly felt weakness in his legs, and his condition deteriorated rapidly, and soon progressed to the point that his right leg was completely unable to stand and walk.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

After He Xiaoshu learned about this from the news, he was so anxious that he immediately put down his work and rushed to the hospital. When she saw Li Yalin on the hospital bed, her heart was like a knife. The once handsome and dashing husband is now thin and pale, and he can't even speak clearly.

Fifth, He Xiaoshu held back tears and held her husband's hand tightly, trying to give him strength and comfort. In the following days, He Xiaoshu accompanied Li Yalin every step of the way.

She takes care of her and does not give up any possible treatment. However, despite all her love and energy, Li Yalin's condition continues to deteriorate. He Xiaoshu watched her former high-spirited husband being devoured by illness little by little, and the pain in her heart was indescribable.

At the last moment of his life, Li Yalin held his beloved wife's hand with all his might. He weakly instructed He Xiaoshu that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he must live strong and raise his three daughters who are still studying.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

His last wish was that He Xiaoshu could complete the unfinished posthumous work "The Well" on his behalf. When the husk no longer allowed, Li Yalin lost the strength to continue fighting.

He turned all the words he wanted to say into a sigh and left this world forever, leaving behind the grief-stricken He Xiaoshu and his three daughters. In the funeral home, He Xiaoshu cried bitterly, missing every moment spent with her husband.

Sixth, Li Yalin's smile, voice, and gestures are all vivid. At this moment, she truly experienced the fragility and impermanence of life. The ruthlessness of fate made her lose her most important life partner at the time of her career and family.

Despite his grief, He Xiaoshu chose to be strong and face reality. In order to fulfill Li Yalin's last wish, she came to the filming site of "The Well" despite her physical weakness.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

She knows that this is not only her husband's last work left to this world, but also their shared dream. He Xiaoshu worked hard and devoted himself to the production of this unfinished work.

In every shot, every scene, she poured all her heart and soul into it, as if she could feel that Li Yalin was by her side to guide her. During the filming, He Xiaoshu often wiped away tears alone on the set, but soon cheered up again and continued to work.

She knew that this was her last promise to her husband and the persistence of their shared dream. Finally, with He Xiaoshu's unremitting efforts, the film was successfully completed. At the moment when Li Yalin's most cherished career was successful, He Xiaoshu fell to the ground with weak knees, tears raining down.

Seventh, this movie has become Li Yalin's last token in the world, and her crying vented all her reluctance and heartache. After finishing the movie, He Xiaoshu felt both relieved and sad.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

I am glad that my husband's last wish has finally been fulfilled, and I am sad that I can no longer share this joy with him. But she believes that no matter where Li Yalin is, he will definitely be proud of her.

This experience was both a huge test and a profound growth for He Xiaoshu. She found the motivation to move forward in her grief, and interpreted her love for her husband and her dedication to her career with her actions.

Despite the loss of her beloved, she was not crushed, but chose to live strong and continue to chase their shared dreams. By completing the work "The Well", He Xiaoshu not only fulfilled her promise to her husband, but also achieved self-redemption to a certain extent.

Although this process was difficult, it also allowed her to rediscover the meaning and direction of her life. The blow of losing a loved one did not break He Xiaoshu. Under the careful care of her three caring daughters and doctors, she gradually recovered.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

Eighth, after a few months of recuperation and treatment, He Xiaoshu rediscovered the meaning of life and regained his vitality and devoted himself to work. Around 2014, 64-year-old He Xiaoshu regained his laughter and continued to shine in the film industry.

She has won many acting awards with many well-known and socially influential films such as "The Return". Her superb acting skills and profound acting skills have made her known as a contemporary "national treasure-level old actor".

Every time she stood on the podium, she would silently say to Li Yalin in her heart: "Look, I did it." While continuing to make breakthroughs in his career, He Xiaoshu's family life is also getting better.

Her three daughters have all had successful careers and have each formed a happy little family. In the company of his daughter and grandchildren, those once sour past events no longer seem to be so difficult to look back.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

He Xiaoshu found a new direction in life, constantly broke through himself in his acting career, interpreted different lives with superb acting skills, and healed his heart to a certain extent.

She turned her thoughts and love for Li Yalin into her love for acting and the cultivation of young actors. Through continuous work and creation, He Xiaoshu has rediscovered the meaning and value of life.

Nine, she used her own experience to prove that even if she suffers a major blow in her life, she can get back on her feet and continue to chase her dreams. Her story has not only inspired those around her, but has also served as a role model for many in the face of adversity.

In this process, He Xiaoshu showed a strong will and unyielding spirit. She used practical actions to interpret what a real "national treasure actor" is - not only a wonderful performance on the screen, but also a wonderful performance on the stage of life.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

Although life is getting better, He Xiaoshu's thoughts about Li Yalin have never stopped. Every time Li Yalin's death day, she would stand alone in front of the window and look out, and her figure in the sunset was a little lonely.

She will think back to the bits and pieces of the two of them when they were young, and think of everything they once had. Occasionally, she would take out the photo album in the back of the cabinet and look through the photos of herself and Li Yalin.

Looking at it, the corners of the eyes will moisten, and the full thoughts will turn into rows of tears. This is her time alone, she has removed the shell of a strong person, she has taken off the identity of a successful person, and she is just an ordinary woman who misses her lover deeply.

But more often than not, He Xiaoshu chooses to commemorate her husband in a positive way. She continues to work hard in her acting career and uses her performances to move more people. She takes good care of her family and passes on Li Yalin's love to her children.

Actor He Xiaoshu: I met my first love and got to know each other, and I gave birth to three daughters in a row after marriage, and now my family is happy and happy

Ten, this is the most important thing in her life - waiting for the beauty of the past and the happiness of the present. At dusk, He Xiaoshu would still stand alone in front of the window and look out, and the figure in the sunset was a little lonely.

This is the secret between her and her lover, and it is a world that others can't get into. She will describe Li Yalin's appearance in her heart, and she will talk to him in her mind, telling him the joys, sorrows, and sorrows in life.

For He Xiaoshu, Li Yalin is the deepest concern in her life. Although he has been gone for many years, their love is still alive in her heart. She commemorates it in her own way, feels it, and waits for that eternal love in the long river of time.

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