
CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

author:Xiang Xiang Kan Entertainment

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CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Editor: Xiangxiang Kanyu

The suspension of "Waiting for Me" not only made countless viewers feel sorry, but also made the careers of the hosts of this show, Shu Dong and Li Qiyue, face new challenges.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

The transformation of these two excellent hosts reflects the career development dilemma of the hosts behind the change of TV programs, and also triggers people's deep thinking about CCTV's program production and talent training strategies.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

After Shu Dong stopped broadcasting, he did not stop, but quickly adjusted his direction and switched to the "Life Circle" program. Although "Life Circle" may not be as influential as "Waiting for Me", Shu Dong still maintains a connection with the audience through this new platform. This smooth transition shows Shu Dong's adaptability and professionalism as a senior host.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Li Qiyue's road to transformation is a little bumpy. After "Waiting for Me" stopped broadcasting, she seemed to suddenly disappear from public view. Although she signed up with Agricultural, the choice didn't seem to fully meet her career expectations. On the agriculture channel, although Li Qiyue is valued, compared with other popular CCTV channels, the development opportunities and space are obviously limited. This situation can't help but make people think: how can an excellent host continue to maintain the motivation and direction of career development after the show is suspended?

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

The suspension of "Waiting for Me" not only left the audience with a sense of emptiness, but also brought challenges to the career development of these two excellent hosts. This phenomenon highlights the important impact of TV programs on the career path of hosts, and also reflects the responsibilities and problems faced by CCTV in program production and talent utilization.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

As a state-level media, CCTV has the responsibility to provide more development platforms for outstanding talents. Although the suspension of "Waiting for Me" made both the audience and the host feel a little lost, it also provided an opportunity for CCTV to reflect and improve. CCTV needs to launch more high-quality programs, discover more excellent hosts like Shu Dong and Li Qiyue, and provide more suitable jobs for these talents.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Shu Dong's successful transformation shows us that there is a possibility. He has shifted from a popular public welfare search show to a lifestyle show, and although the nature of the show has changed, he is still able to use his professional expertise. This transformation not only reflects Shu Dong's professional adaptability, but also shows that CCTV has made a positive attempt in talent allocation.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Li's experience reflects the dilemma that hosts may encounter when facing the suspension of a program. From the much-talked-about "Waiting for Me" to a relatively niche agricultural channel, this shift has undoubtedly brought challenges to Li Qiyue. This situation reminds us that TV stations need to consider each person's characteristics and strengths more carefully when arranging the work of the hosts, so as to maximize their talents.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

The success of "Waiting for Me" lies not only in its public welfare nature, but also in the fact that it touches the heartstrings of the audience. This show has helped countless families realize their dreams of reunion and created many touching moments. Shu Dong and Li Qiyue, as the hosts of the show, played a crucial role in it. Their professionalism and sincere emotions add warmth and depth to the show.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Shu Dong's performance in "Life Circle" shows his multi-faceted nature as a host. From dealing with touching reunion stories to discussing various topics in daily life, Shu Dong can handle it with ease. This transformation not only reflects his professional ability, but also shows the flexibility of CCTV in the use of talents.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Although the current development of Li Qiyue does not seem to be as expected, we should not ignore her efforts on the Agriculture Channel. The topic of agriculture, while not as eye-catching as "Waiting for Me", is just as important for national development. Lee's exploration in this new field could open up new avenues for her career.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

The suspension of "Waiting for Me" and the transformation of the host have also triggered people's thinking about the life cycle of TV programs. How does a successful show continue to be engaging? When a popular show ends, how do you properly arrange the relevant talents? These are all important issues that TV stations need to face.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

As a national media, CCTV shoulders the important responsibility of spreading positive energy and guiding public opinion. Therefore, when developing new programs, CCTV needs to continue to adhere to this program concept that can touch people's hearts and transmit positive energy. At the same time, CCTV should also note that excellent hosts are one of the key factors in the success of the program. Shu Dong and Li Qiyue's outstanding performances in "Waiting for Me" added indispensable personality charm to the show. Therefore, in the process of program change, how to reasonably arrange and cultivate these outstanding talents, so that their talents can be fully utilized, is a problem that CCTV needs to seriously consider.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

From a broader perspective, Shu Dong and Li's experiences also reflect the challenges that the media industry as a whole is facing. With the rapid development of new media, how can traditional TV programs remain attractive? How can moderators find their place in the changing media landscape? These are all questions that deserve in-depth consideration.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

Shu Dong and Li Qiyue's transformation path also represents the common situation of many TV hosts to a certain extent. They need to constantly adapt to new formats and content while maintaining their professional identity. This adaptability is not only reflected in the hosting skills, but also in the mastery of knowledge in different fields and sensitivity to social hotspots.

CCTV's façade program "Waiting for Me" was suspended, the host Shu Dong was transferred, and Li Qiyue's transformation was not smooth

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