
The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

author:Creative Fred 4x7


Hundred Flowers Award nomination turmoil

As soon as the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award was announced, it caused a lot of controversy on the Internet. The nominations of Zhang Yi, Shen Teng, Wang Baoqiang and others have become the focus of heated discussions among netizens.

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

Zhang Yi was jokingly called "adjustment", Shen Teng was ridiculed as "slippery", and Wang Baoqiang was considered to have succeeded in "changing majors". These humorous online phrases not only reflect netizens' dissatisfaction with the nomination results, but also show their deep concern for the current situation in the film industry.


Netizens expressed strong dissatisfaction with the nomination results of the Hundred Flowers Award, believing that the works of some nominees did not reach the level they should have, while some truly excellent works and actors failed to receive the recognition they deserved.

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

This unfairness has disappointed netizens, who have expressed their dissatisfaction through various humorous online terms, and at the same time hope that the film industry can evaluate each work and every actor's efforts more fairly.

Shen Teng's "slippery" phenomenon


As a comedian who is loved by the audience, Shen Teng's works have always been highly anticipated. However, in this nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award, Shen Teng did not receive any nominations, which surprised and puzzled many netizens.

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

They believe that Shen Teng's acting skills and the quality of his works are obvious to all and should not be ignored. Netizens expressed their regret that Shen Teng was not nominated through the online term "sliding gear", and also questioned the selection criteria of the Hundred Flowers Award.


Shen Teng's fans are dissatisfied with this, and they believe that Shen Teng's national popularity and audience love no longer need to be proved by awards. They expressed their support for Shen Teng through social media,

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

At the same time, he also expressed his disappointment with the results of the Hundred Flowers Award. This controversy not only reflects netizens' love for Shen Teng, but also shows their attention and expectations for the selection mechanism in the film industry.

Controversial summary


The nomination of the Hundred Flowers Award has undoubtedly caused a lot of waves in the film industry and the audience. Netizens expressed their dissatisfaction with the nomination results through various humorous online terms, and also questioned the selection criteria of the film industry.

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

This controversy not only reflects the love and pursuit of film art among netizens, but also shows their deep concern for the current situation in the film industry.


In the future, whether it is the Hundred Flowers Award or other film awards, it will be necessary to evaluate every work and every actor's efforts more fairly and transparently. Only in this way can we truly promote the development of film art,

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

Let more excellent works and actors get the recognition they deserve. And the heated discussion and active participation of netizens will also become an important force to promote the progress of the film industry.

The list of the Hundred Flowers Award landed, and netizens asked angrily: What happened to Shen Teng's slippery gear and Zhang Yi's adjustment?

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