
Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

author:Creative Fred 4x7


Wang Baoqiang's road to directing

Wang Baoqiang, the former tough guy on the screen, has now found a new stage in the director's chair of "In the Octagon Cage". The film not only marked a major turning point in his career, but it also earned him a surprise nomination for Best Director, although he was not nominated for Best Actor.

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

This change has caused widespread discussion on the Internet, and netizens have ridiculed, saying that Wang Baoqiang is a "god turned professional", and he has successfully transformed from an actor to a director, and this kind of cross-border performance is eye-catching.


"In the Octagonal Cage", as Wang Baoqiang's six-year sharpening work, undoubtedly carries his deep emotions and unremitting pursuit of film art. In the movie, he not only showed his profound skills as an actor, but also through the director's perspective,

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

Showing the audience his unique insight into the narrative of the film. This transformation from the front of the stage to behind the scenes not only allows the audience to see Wang Baoqiang's multi-faceted talent, but also makes his position in the film industry more stable. Netizens have expressed their appreciation for this,

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

He believes that Wang Baoqiang's transformation is a bold attempt to his career and a profound contribution to film art.

An unexpected surprise for the Hundred Flowers Award


After the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award was announced, Wang Baoqiang's name appeared in the nomination for Best Director, a result that surprised and surprised many audiences. Netizens have expressed their opinions on social media,

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

Someone joked: "Wang Baoqiang has changed from an actor to a director, and it seems that the door of the film industry will always be open to him." This humorous comment not only shows netizens' love for Wang Baoqiang, but also reflects their attention and expectations for the new developments in the film industry.


At the same time, the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award has also sparked some controversy. Some netizens pointed out that although Wang Baoqiang's directorial work "In the Octagon Cage" has been recognized, the works of other nominees are also worth paying attention to.

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

This diversity of nominations not only enriches the connotation of the awards, but also makes the audience full of expectations for the future of the film industry. Netizens expressed their support for the diversity of film art in the discussion, and at the same time were full of expectations for Wang Baoqiang's future works.

Controversial end


Wang Baoqiang's "change of major" has undoubtedly caused a lot of waves in the film industry and the audience. His successful transformation has not only earned him more respect and recognition, but also brought new vitality and possibilities to the film industry.

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

However, this transformation has also sparked some controversy, with some arguing that it remains to be seen whether Wang's directorial career will continue to be successful, while others are worried that this crossover may affect his focus in the field of acting.


In any case, Wang Baoqiang's attempt has become a hot topic in the film industry, and every effort and attempt of Wang Baoqiang deserves our attention and respect. In the future, whether as an actor or a director,

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

Wang Baoqiang will continue to explore and move forward on the road of film, and the audience will continue to witness his growth and changes.

Wang Baoqiang's new realm of directing: from a screen tough guy to a Best Director nomination

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