
My mother asked a relative to give me 3,000 and asked me to go back to my hometown to accompany her for a while, and I felt guilty when I saw the crumpled money

author:Aiharu Furuki

Mother's crumpled money and my guilty heart

In the long river of years, mother's love is like the quietly flowing stream, gentle and firm. However, as we grow up and chase the footsteps of life farther and farther, have we ever looked back at the mother who has been standing in place, silently watching over us with her eyes? Today, I want to tell a story about my mother, about crumpled money, and about my guilt.

It was an ordinary weekend, and a phone call from a distant relative shattered the silence of the afternoon. On the other end of the phone, the relative's voice was a little happy and expectant: "Child, your mother asked me to tell you that she misses you very much and hopes that you can go home and accompany her for a while." She also specially asked me to bring you 3,000 yuan, saying that it was for you to use on the road. Hearing this, a warm current welled up in my heart, but then there was more of an indescribable guilt.

These 3,000 yuan may not be a big deal for me who works hard in the city. But when I took the crumpled pile of money from my relatives, I felt as if I saw my mother toiling in the factory, and heard her advice to save every penny of money in order to save money. This money is what she has earned with sweat and hard work, and it is the sustenance of her endless love and expectations for me. However, because of my busy work and life, I rarely have time to go home to accompany her, and I even make a phone call in a hurry.

My mother asked a relative to give me 3,000 and asked me to go back to my hometown to accompany her for a while, and I felt guilty when I saw the crumpled money

I stepped on the train home with mixed emotions in my heart. I began to reminisce about the moments when I was a child, those times when I was dependent on my mother. At that time, the family was not wealthy, but my mother always did her best to give me the best life. In order to provide for my education, she did not hesitate to get up early and work greedily at night; She always kept the best for me in order to eat better and dress warmer. And I, on the other hand, often broke her heart because of rebellion and ignorance.

As the train speeded away, I gradually understood a truth: my mother's love is selfless, and she does not ask for anything in return, she only hopes that we can live a better life. However, as children, we often forget the preciousness and importance of this love because of our busyness and negligence. We are always pursuing our dreams and careers, but we forget to look back at the person who has been standing behind us and silently supporting us.

When I returned home, I was filled with guilt and emotion when I saw my mother's familiar and kind face. In order to wait for me to come home, she stood at the door early and looked out; In order to make my meal delicious, she was busy preparing a table of hearty meals. And I couldn't even say a word of thanks. I began to reflect on myself, why was I always so selfishly pursuing my own interests and ignoring my mother's feelings and needs?

My mother asked a relative to give me 3,000 and asked me to go back to my hometown to accompany her for a while, and I felt guilty when I saw the crumpled money

In my time with my mother, I gradually understood her expectations and concerns. She wanted me to have a stable job and a happy family. She was worried that I was not doing well outside and that I would be wronged. These worries and expectations were condensed in the crumpled pile of money, and became a guilt that I could not let go of in my heart. I began to realize that as children, we should not only pursue our own dreams and careers, but also pay attention to the feelings and needs of our parents. We must use practical actions to repay their nurturing grace and love.

So, during the days at home, I tried my best to accompany my mother, care for her, and take care of her. We walked, talked, and cooked together; I watched TV with her and listened to her tell stories about the past. I found that my mother's body was no longer as hard as it used to be, and her steps had become slow and heavy; She also had a lot of wrinkles and gray hair on her face. These changes have made me feel heartache and unease, and they have also made me cherish the time I spend with my mother even more.

In getting along with my mother, I also gradually understood a truth: maternal love is eternal, and it will not be diminished by the passage of time; But the mother's youth and health will gradually fade with the passage of time. Therefore, we should cherish every moment we spend with our mother, and express our love and gratitude to her with practical actions.

My mother asked a relative to give me 3,000 and asked me to go back to my hometown to accompany her for a while, and I felt guilty when I saw the crumpled money

On the day I left home, I hugged my mother tightly and told her that I would come home often and call her often. A relieved smile appeared on her mother's face, and tears glistened in her eyes. I know that this is the best comfort and reward I can give her. At the same time, I also understood a truth: no matter where we go, no matter how much we achieve, we must not forget the person who has always silently supported us and cared for us - mother.

In this story, we not only see the greatness and selflessness of maternal love; I also saw the responsibility and responsibility that we should have as children. We must always remember the kindness and expectations of our mothers; Use practical actions to repay her and care for her. Only in this way can we truly become a person with affection, righteousness and responsibility; in order to let their hearts get real peace and satisfaction.

At the same time, the story is a reminder to cherish the time we spend with our families and to pay attention to their feelings and needs. In this fast-paced, high-pressure society, it is easy to ignore the people and things around us; But it is these seemingly insignificant people and things that make up the whole of our lives. Therefore, we must always remind ourselves: cherish the people in front of us and cherish the things in front of us; Make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful.

My mother asked a relative to give me 3,000 and asked me to go back to my hometown to accompany her for a while, and I felt guilty when I saw the crumpled money

Finally, what I want to say is: mother's love is like water, moisturizing things silently; But this love needs us to feel and cherish it with our hearts. Let's take time out of our busy lives to spend time with our mother, care for her, and take care of her; Let us repay her nurturing grace and love with practical actions. Only in this way can we truly feel the greatness and selflessness of motherly love; Only then can you let your heart be truly peaceful and satisfied.