
To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

author:Director Guo of Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is an important culprit of stomach diseases. It can not only cause gastritis, peptic ulcer, but also closely related to the occurrence of gastric cancer.

This "superbug" has a very high infection rate worldwide, especially in developing countries. So, how to effectively prevent Helicobacter pylori infection and achieve no "pylori" worry? Here are six ways to get rid of H. pylori.

Pay attention to oral hygiene

The oral cavity is one of the important habitats of Helicobacter pylori. Studies have found that Helicobacter pylori can survive in dental plaque and spread through saliva. This means that oral hygiene is closely related to the prevention of H. pylori.

Brushing your teeth every morning and evening and flossing between your teeth is the foundation of keeping your mouth clean. In addition, using a mouthwash on a regular basis can further reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

Changing your toothbrush regularly is also a small detail that should not be overlooked. If the toothbrush is used for too long, bacteria can easily accumulate on the bristles and become a potential source of infection. It is recommended to replace your toothbrush every three months. In addition, regular scaling can effectively remove tartar and plaque and maintain the health of teeth and gums.

Avoid cluster infections

Helicobacter pylori is highly contagious and can be easily transmitted especially among family members. Therefore, taking measures to avoid cluster infections is key to preventing H. pylori.

Separate meals and the use of chopsticks can effectively reduce the chance of germ transmission. At family dinners, everyone has their own utensils and food, which can effectively isolate the transmission route of H. pylori.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

Studies have shown that the transmission rate of Helicobacter pylori among family members is as high as 50%. Especially after the parents are infected, the chance of the child being infected is higher. Therefore, infected people should take special care to avoid sharing utensils and household items with other family members, such as towels and toothbrushes.

Healthy eating habits

A healthy diet not only maintains a healthy stomach but also reduces the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection. First of all, wash the ingredients thoroughly before eating to ensure the hygiene and safety of the food and avoid ingesting contaminated food carrying Helicobacter pylori. Second, try to avoid cold, spicy, and overly oily foods that can irritate the stomach lining and increase the risk of infection.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

Proper eating habits also include eating regularly and in small quantities to avoid overeating. Developing a good diet helps the digestive function of the stomach to function properly. Eat more vitamin-rich foods, especially vitamins C and E, which have antioxidant effects and help boost immunity against Helicobacter pylori.

Practice good hygiene

Good personal hygiene is essential to prevent H. pylori infection. Washing your hands before eating and after using the toilet, especially with soap and running water, is one of the most basic hygiene practices. Avoid drinking raw water directly and drink boiled water to reduce the chance of infection.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

When handling food, especially raw fruits and vegetables, wash and peel them thoroughly. For dishes that need to be served cold, it is recommended to eat them freshly to avoid bacterial growth caused by storing them for too long. If you have a habit of eating raw and cold foods such as sashimi, be sure to choose fresh ingredients and ensure hygiene during handling.

Regular physical examination, early detection and early treatment

Regular check-ups are an effective means of early detection of H. pylori infection. Through physical examination, infection can be detected in time and early intervention can be carried out to reduce the occurrence of complications. Among the physical examination items, the Helicobacter pylori breath test is one of the most convenient, fast and accurate detection methods.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

If the test result is positive, you should seek medical attention promptly and proceed with eradication treatment according to your doctor's recommendations. Treatment regimens typically include 10- or 14-day quadruple therapy with proton pump inhibitors, bismuth, and two antimicrobials. Eradication therapy has a high success rate, but care should be taken to follow your doctor's instructions to avoid overuse of antibiotics and prevent bacterial resistance.

Stay positive

Mental health is equally important in preventing H. pylori infection. Maintaining an optimistic and positive mindset in the face of infection helps the immune system function properly. Learn and master Helicobacter pylori related knowledge to deal with infections correctly and avoid excessive stress.

Relieve stress and keep your body and mind happy through exercise, recreation, and more. Studies have shown that psychological stress can affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and increase the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection. Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude and adjusting the pace of life reasonably are important measures to prevent Helicobacter pylori infection.

To prevent Helicobacter pylori, start with these 6 points! So that you can do no "quiet" and no worries

Preventing H. pylori infection requires a multi-faceted approach, including oral hygiene, avoiding clusters, maintaining a healthy diet, good hygiene, regular check-ups, and a positive attitude.

Through these comprehensive measures, you can effectively reduce the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection and protect your gastrointestinal health. From now on, let's have a healthy life without worry.

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