
Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

author:Red history says

In the long history of the Tang Empire, there is such a general, whose life is full of legend and drama. He was once Li Jiancheng's right-hand man, and he almost turned things around in the Xuanwumen Change; Later, he joined Li Shimin, made great achievements, and became one of the heroes of Zhenguan Shengshi. He is Xue Wanche, the son of a famous general and a fierce general who has experienced a hundred battles. However, as fate would have it, this highly decorated general eventually died with hatred. What was the reason for Xue Wanche's tragic ending? What ups and downs did he go through in his life? In the history of the conquest of the Tang Empire, what kind of mark did he leave behind?

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

Xue Wanche was born during the turmoil at the end of the Sui Dynasty, and his father, Xue Shixiong, was a famous general of the Sui Dynasty. During the Sui Dynasty, Xue Shixiong participated in many crusades against the Turks and made great achievements. However, with the decline of the Sui Dynasty, Xue Shixiong's fortunes also took a huge turn.

In the thirteenth year of the Great Cause (617), Emperor Yang of Sui was persecuted by Yang Xuangan and fled from Jiangdu to Yangzhou. At this time, rebel armies rose one after another, and the world was in chaos. Xue Shixiong was ordered to crusade against the rebels in various places, but unfortunately suffered a heavy defeat in the battle with Dou Jiande. This defeat hit Xue Shixiong very hard, and he was depressed when he returned home, and washed his face with tears all day long, and soon became ill and died.

Xue Shixiong's death had a huge impact on the young Xue Wanche. On the one hand, he inherited his father's military talents and loyalty to the country; On the other hand, he also developed a deep hatred for Dou Jiande. This complex emotion became an important driving force for Xue Wanche's future actions.

After Xue Shixiong's death, he left behind four sons, and Xue Wanche was the third. Faced with the changes in the situation, the four brothers had to make their own choices. The Sui Dynasty was running out of energy, and it was obviously not wise to remain loyal to the Sui Dynasty. So, Xue Wanche and his brother Xue Wanjun decided to join the anti-Sui forces and defected to Luo Yi, the governor of Youzhou.

Luo Yi was an important military figure in the last years of the Sui Dynasty, who took control of the Youzhou area and became the de facto ruler of the region. After the Xue Wanche brothers defected to Luo Yi, they soon showed extraordinary military talent.

However, Luo Yi's reign was not peaceful. Dou Jiande tried several times to annex Luo Yi's territory, but was unsuccessful. This is mainly due to the bravery of Luo Yi himself, as well as the heroic battle of the Xue Wanche brothers.

Xue Wanche performed well in the battle against Dou Jiande, not only brave and good at fighting, but also showed superb strategic vision. In a campaign in which Dou Jiande led an army of 100,000 to attack Youzhou, Xue Wanche proposed an ingenious strategy. He suggested that Luo Yi send some old and weak soldiers to line up by the river to lure Dou Jiande across the river. At the same time, Xue Wanche led a hundred elites to hide on the side of the city, and when the enemy army crossed the river halfway, he suddenly killed and defeated Dou Jiande's army in one fell swoop.

This victory not only demonstrated Xue Wanche's military talent, but also allowed his status under Luo Yi to rise rapidly. Subsequently, in another battle in which Dou Jiande led an army of 200,000 to attack Youzhou, Xue Wanche once again showed extraordinary military talent. He and his brother Xue Wanjun secretly dug tunnels, and when the enemy was attacking the city, they led the elite troops to kill out of the tunnels, raided the enemy's rear, and once again repelled Dou Jiande's army.

These achievements not only prove that Xue Wanche inherited his father's military talent, but also show his strategic vision beyond ordinary people and his flexible tactical ability. Not only is his ability to charge, but he can also use stratagem to find opportunities in the midst of disadvantage, which makes him a well-rounded military talent.

As the situation changed, Luo Yi realized that he needed to find a stronger backer. When Li Yuan rose up and extended an olive branch to Luo Yi, Luo Yi decisively decided to join Li Tang. The Xue Wanche brothers also became Li Tang's generals and started their military careers in the Tang Dynasty.

With the establishment of the Tang Dynasty by Li Yuan, Xue Wanche's military career also entered a new stage. In the early Tang Dynasty, Li Jiancheng, as the crown prince, actively recruited talents to consolidate his position. Xue Wanche quickly attracted Li Jiancheng's attention because of his outstanding military talents and outstanding performance during the Youzhou period.

Li Jiancheng realized that in order to gain the upper hand in the battle for the throne with his younger brother Li Shimin, he must have a strong military force. Xue Wanche is exactly the talent he needs. Li Jiancheng showed favor to Xue Wanche in various ways, and promised heavy profits, and finally succeeded in attracting him to his command.

For Xue Wanche, it was a wise move to serve Li Jiancheng. First of all, Li Jiancheng, as the crown prince, represents orthodoxy, which is in line with Xue Wanche's consistent idea of loyalty to the monarch. Secondly, Li Jiancheng gave him the reuse and trust that provided him with a stage to display his talents. In the end, Xue Wanche may also have seen a better chance of revenge on Dou Jiande under Li Jiancheng's command.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

After joining the Prince's Mansion, Xue Wanche quickly showed his talent. He participated in a number of military operations, each time achieving excellent results. In a battle against Liu Wuzhou, Xue Wanche led the Prince's Mansion soldiers to defeat Liu Wuzhou's main force in one fell swoop, laying the foundation for the final victory of the Tang army.

This victory not only consolidated the rule of the Tang Dynasty, but also strengthened Xue Wanche's position in the prince's palace. Li Jiancheng's trust in Xue Wanche is increasing day by day, and he gradually regards him as a confidant. In the Prince's Mansion, Xue Wanche was responsible for coordinating military affairs and became one of Li Jiancheng's most relied on generals.

However, Xue Wanche's talent also aroused Li Shimin's vigilance. Li Shimin knew Xue Wanche's ability very well, and tried to win him over many times, but Xue Wanche politely declined. This loyalty further deepened Li Jiancheng's trust in Xue Wanche.

As time passed, the contradiction between Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin deepened. In this contest between brothers and sisters, Xue Wanche became Li Jiancheng's most reliable assistant. He was not only responsible for the military dispatch of the Prince's Mansion, but also participated in a number of plans against Li Shimin.

On the eve of the outbreak of the Xuanwu Gate Rebellion, Xue Wanche noticed some abnormal signs. He made a suggestion to Li Jiancheng to strengthen his vigilance, but unfortunately it was not adopted. When the Xuanwumen Incident suddenly broke out, Xue Wanche immediately organized the Prince's Mansion army to counterattack.

In this sudden change, Xue Wanche showed extraordinary military talent and unhurried quality. He quickly mobilized the army of the Prince's Mansion, organized the defense, and tried to break through the siege to rescue Li Jiancheng. When Li Shimin's army had already controlled the situation, Xue Wanche still led the Prince's Mansion army to put up stubborn resistance, and once forced Li Shimin into a desperate situation.

However, the wheels of history run over mercilessly. When the news of the killing of Li Jiancheng and Li Yuanji came, the resistance of Xue Wanche and the Prince's Mansion army also collapsed. Despite this, Xue Wanche's performance in this coup still impressed Li Shimin.

After the change of Xuanwu Gate, Xue Wanche faced a life-and-death choice. He was Li Jiancheng's most effective cadre, and it stands to reason that he should be liquidated by Li Shimin. However, Li Shimin knew Xue Wanche's talent and did not want to lose such a good general. After weighing the pros and cons, Li Shimin decided to appease Xue Wanche.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

This is undoubtedly a difficult decision for Xue Wanche. He had always been loyal to Li Jiancheng, but now that Li Jiancheng was dead, continuing to resist would only bring more bloodshed and sacrifice. In the end, Xue Wanche chose to accept Li Shimin's appeasement and started his new journey under Li Shimin.

This decision not only changed Xue Wanche's personal fate, but also retained an outstanding general for the Tang Dynasty. Xue Wanche's talents were fully exerted in the later conquests and made important contributions to the strength of the Tang Dynasty. However, his experience of allegiance to Li Jiancheng also became an important factor in his fate in the future.

After Xue Wanche joined Li Shimin, the first challenge was how to regain trust. Although Li Shimin admires Xue Wanche's talent, he is inevitably suspicious of his experience of working for Li Jiancheng. In order to prove his loyalty, Xue Wanche took the initiative to ask for help and participated in many difficult military operations.

In the first year of Zhenguan (627), the Turkic Jieli Khan led a large army south and threatened Chang'an. Li Shimin personally led the army to meet the enemy, and Xue Wanche was appointed as the vanguard general. In this battle, which was related to the safety of the Tang Dynasty, Xue Wanche showed extraordinary strategic vision and command ability.

Faced with the superiority of the Turkic cavalry, Xue Wanche proposed a bold strategy. He suggested digging a large number of traps and covering them with vegetation on the path that the Turkic army was expected to pass. At the same time, he led a detachment of light cavalry to feign defeat and lure the Turkic cavalry into pursuit. When the Turkic cavalry fell into a trap, Xue Wanche immediately led his army to counterattack and defeated the main Turkic force in one fell swoop.

This victory not only protected the safety of Chang'an, but also gave Li Shimin a new understanding of Xue Wanche's talents. Since then, Xue Wanche has been more reused and has become Li Shimin's right-hand man in the Quartet.

In the ensuing Northwest Campaign, Xue Wanche's military talent was fully utilized. In the third year of Zhenguan (629), Li Shimin decided to completely solve the threat of Tuyuhun. Xue Wanche was appointed as one of the commanders in chief and led his army deep into the Qinghai region.

In the face of complex terrain and harsh climate, Xue Wanche has demonstrated excellent logistics management capabilities. He innovatively adopted the strategy of "light and simple", with each soldier carrying only a small amount of necessities, which greatly increased the speed of the march. At the same time, he skillfully used the knowledge of local herders to find hidden water sources and pastures, and solved the problem of replenishment for the army.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

In the decisive battle with Tuyuhun, Xue Wanche once again showed superb tactical talent. Taking advantage of the weakness of the Tuyuhun people who were not accustomed to night battles, he launched a surprise attack on a dark and windy night and crushed the main force of Tuyuhun in one fell swoop. This victory not only completely removed Tuyuhun from the threat to the Tang Dynasty, but also laid the foundation for Tang rule in the northwest region.

Xue Wanche's innovative tactics in the war against the Turks are particularly remarkable. He delved into the combat characteristics of the Turkic cavalry and found that although they were highly mobile, they lacked the ability to fight for a long time. Based on this understanding, Xue Wanche put forward the strategy of "defending as attacking".

He suggested a series of impregnable castles in the border areas, each stocked with enough food and grass to support long-term defenses. When the Turkic cavalry invaded, the Don army hid in the castle, draining the patience and supplies of the Turkic cavalry. Wait until the Turkic cavalry is exhausted before launching a counterattack. This strategy achieved remarkable results in several wars against the Turks, significantly reducing the losses of the Don army.

In addition to his military talents, Xue Wanche also made important contributions to the governance of the frontier. He put forward the policy of "raising soldiers with agriculture" and encouraged soldiers to cultivate fields in the frontier. This not only solved the problem of food supply for the border army, but also promoted the economic development of the border region.

In the communication with other generals, Xue Wanche also showed an open attitude towards learning. In particular, the exchange of military ideas with Li Jing had a profound impact on Xue Wanche's military philosophy. Li Jing emphasized that "soldiers are noble and fast" and advocated using suddenness and speed to win. Xue Wanche combined this thinking with his own actual combat experience to form a unique tactical system.

In a campaign against Gaochangguo, Xue Wanche applied this idea. He led an elite cavalry, carrying no heavy equipment, and crossed the desert at an astonishing speed, taking the capital of Gaochang by surprise. The monarchs and ministers of Gaochang were caught off guard and were forced to surrender. This victory not only demonstrated Xue Wanche's military talent, but also reflected the results of his exchange of military ideas with Li Jing.

With the continuous accumulation of military exploits, Xue Wanche's status in the Tang Dynasty army became higher and higher. He was not only a brave general, but also a thinking strategist. Many of his tactical innovations and military ideas had a profound impact on the development of the Tang Dynasty's military system.

After Xue Wanche joined Li Shimin, he gradually won the trust of the emperor with his military talent and loyalty. However, the relationship between the two has not been smooth sailing, but has undergone a complex development process.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

Initially, Li Shimin was still wary of Xue Wanche. After all, Xue Wanche was Li Jiancheng's right-hand man, and he met Li Shi's militia in the Xuanwumen Incident. In order to dispel Li Shimin's doubts, Xue Wanche took the initiative to invite Ying to participate in the most dangerous military operations to prove his loyalty with practical actions.

In a campaign against the Turks in the second year of Zhenguan (628), Xue Wanche led a lone army deep into the enemy's territory to create an opportunity for the main army to break through. The operation was extremely dangerous, but Xue Wanche accepted the task without hesitation. He led 3,000 elite cavalry to fight against several times the size of the Turkic cavalry in the vast steppe. Through clever tactical use, Xue Wanche not only completed the mission, but also inflicted heavy losses on the Turkic army.

This operation greatly increased Li Shimin's trust in Xue Wanche. From then on, Xue Wanche began to appear frequently in important military meetings, and his opinions were more and more valued by Li Shimin.

As time passed, Li Shimin gradually realized that Xue Wanche was not only a brave general, but also a far-sighted military strategist. At a military meeting in the fifth year of Zhenguan (631), when discussing how to deal with the threat of Tuyuhun, Xue Wanche proposed a bold plan. He suggested not to directly engage Tuyuhun in battle, but to cut off its rear route and cut off its ties with the countries of the Western Regions. Although this plan is risky, if successful, it will be able to obtain the maximum strategic benefits at the minimum cost.

Li Shimin greatly appreciated this plan and personally appointed Xue Wanche as the commander of the operation. Under the command of Xue Wanche, the Tang army successfully cut off Tuyuhun's back route, forcing it to submit to the Tang Dynasty. This battle not only demonstrated Xue Wanche's strategic vision, but also allowed Li Shimin to see his potential as a well-rounded general.

However, the relationship between Xue Wanche and Li Shimin was not always harmonious. The two have also had heated arguments over certain military decisions. In the tenth year of Zhenguan (636), when discussing whether to send troops to conquer Goguryeo, Xue Wanche was firmly opposed. He believed that Goguryeo was in a difficult terrain and had an alliance with the Turks, and that a rash dispatch of troops might lead to a two-sided war.

This suggestion is contrary to Li Shimin's thinking. Li Shimin believed that Goguryeo had repeatedly provoked the Tang Dynasty, and that failure to punish would affect the prestige of the Tang Dynasty. The two engaged in a heated debate in the court, and in the end, Li Shimin adopted Xue Wanche's suggestion and temporarily shelved the plan to conquer Goguryeo.

This incident shows that although Xue Wanche has won the trust of Li Shimin, he still maintains independent judgment and dares to disagree with the emperor on key issues. And Li Shimin also showed the mind of a wise gentleman and was able to accept the advice of his subordinates.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

As time passed, Xue Wanche's position in the court became more and more solid. Li Shimin not only relied on his military talents, but also often discussed with him how to govern the country. In a private conversation, Mr. Li asked Mr. Xue about his views on governing the country. Xue Wanche replied: "Governing the country is like fighting a war with an army, which requires clear goals, flexible strategies, and firm execution. The most important thing is to always pay attention to people's livelihood, because the people's will is the real foundation of the country. "

These words left a deep impression on Li Shimin. Since then, Li Shimin has often consulted Xue Wanche on major policies, not only in the military, but also in various fields such as people's livelihood and the economy.

However, Xue Wanche has never forgotten his identity. In the court, he always maintained a respectful attitude and never crossed the boundaries of his courtiers. Even in private, he always remembered the difference between a monarch and a courtier. This just right sense of proportion made Li Shimin appreciate him more and more.

In the fifteenth year of Zhenguan (641), in order to reward Xue Wanche for his merits, Li Shimin gave him a mansion. The mansion was a special gift from the emperor due to its prime location and grand scale. However, Xue Wanche politely declined this generous gift, he said: "It is a great honor to be able to serve Your Majesty as a martial artist, and I dare not covet anything else." This honest and self-reliant attitude has further enhanced Li Shimin's trust in him.

As he grew older, Xue Wanche gradually retreated from the front to the second line, but his contribution to the Tang Dynasty did not end there. In his later years, he devoted himself more to the summary and teaching of military theories, and cultivated a large number of outstanding military talents for the Tang Dynasty.

In the twentieth year of Zhenguan (646), Xue Wanche, who was over the age of six, was appointed by Li Shimin as the young master of the crown prince, responsible for the military education of the crown prince Li Zhi. This appointment is not only an affirmation of Xue Wanche's military talent, but also reflects Li Shimin's deep trust in him. In the process of teaching the crown prince, Xue Wanche systematized his many years of military experience and compiled it into the book "Xue's Art of War". This work covers many aspects such as strategy, tactics, and logistics, and became an important part of Tang military theory.

In addition to theoretical teaching, Xue Wanche often led the crown prince Li Zhi to inspect the border defense. During an expedition, they came to the ancient battlefield of the Great War between Xue Wanche and the Turks. Xue Wanche explained in detail to the crown prince the situation of the year, analyzed the strategies and tactics of both sides, and the impact of the battle on the border defense strategy of the entire Tang Dynasty. This teaching method of combining theory with practice gave Prince Li Zhi a deeper understanding of military affairs.

In his later years, Xue Wanche also actively participated in the reform of the military system in the Tang Dynasty. He put forward a proposal for perfecting the "government military system" and advocated the establishment of a standing army while retaining the advantages of the government military system. This standing army is made up of elite soldiers, who conduct high-intensity training in peacetime and can strike quickly in wartime. This suggestion was adopted by Li Shimin and became an important basis for the later restructuring of the Tang Dynasty's army.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

Despite his advanced age, Xue Wanche still maintains his passion for military affairs. Whenever the imperial court discussed major military decisions, Li Shimin would consult him. In the twenty-third year of Jeongguan (649), when discussing whether to send troops to Goguryeo, Xue Wanche, who was already in his old age, again raised objections. He believed that Goguryeo had a dangerous terrain and a strong army, and that a rash dispatch of troops might lead to a protracted war, which would be detrimental to the Tang Dynasty. This suggestion was eventually adopted by Li Shimin, avoiding a possible war of attrition.

In addition to his military contributions, Xue Wanche was also enthusiastic about philanthropy in his later years. He donated most of the money he had accumulated over the years and established a village outside Chang'an to house orphans. Not only does it provide food and lodging for orphans, but it also hires veterans to teach them basic military skills in preparation for future military service or earning a living.

Xue Wanche died in the first year of Xianqing (656) at the age of seventy-six. Li Shimin's successor, Tang Gaozong Li Zhi, personally wrote an epitaph for him, praising him for being "loyal and brave, both civil and military". The imperial court also issued a special edict posthumously awarding Xue Wanche the title of Tai Lieutenant, which was the highest position in the Tang Dynasty's military system.

After Xue Wanche's death, his influence did not disappear. His military ideas and the Art of War continued to influence the military development of the Tang Dynasty. Many generals who later became famous, such as Li Jing's sons Li Tao and Zheng Rentai, were taught by Xue Wanche and used his strategic ideas in later military operations.

History's evaluation of Xue Wanche is positive. He is considered one of the most important military strategists of the early Tang Dynasty and had a profound influence on the Tang Dynasty's military system and border defense strategy. The "New Tang Dynasty Book" commented that he was "invincible when he was a little crowned" and affirmed his military talent.

However, some historians have questioned Xue Wanche's early experience of following Li Jiancheng. They believe that Xue Wanche's rapid change of course after the Xuanwumen Revolution shows that he lacks a firm position. Other scholars believe that this is a reflection of Xue Wanche's political wisdom, and that he was able to make the right choice quickly in a complex political situation.

In general, Xue Wanche's life is magnificent. From following Li Jiancheng to becoming Li Shimin's confidant general, from a front-line general to the crown prince and young master, his experience witnessed the process of the Tang Dynasty from turmoil to stability. His military prowess, political wisdom, and contributions in his later years made him an important figure in the history of the Tang Dynasty that is worth studying.

Xue Wanche丨Li Jiancheng's first fierce general, after serving Li Shimin, he made great achievements, but he died with hatred

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