

author:Calm squirrel Wp

In life, people are always hurt by rumors, whether you do it intentionally or unintentionally, it can always find the door and make you suffer from it.


One day I was walking with someone, and I accidentally mentioned the matter of blood circulation, and someone had a big discussion, and it was like a river of words, and no one was talking about it, and he said: "The blood of a patient with cerebral infarction like you can only flow in one direction, and it flows far from the heart!" ''He spoke eloquently, and I am not to be outdone, and with the knowledge of physiology and hygiene that I have learned, it is more than enough to speak arrogantly about you and him.

''The blood is circulating, and even if it is not smooth, there is no such thing as a one-way flow, so according to you, why don't my blood break through my fingers and flow out forever?' ′′

Only braggart can say something out of bounds. A person who prides himself on knowing everything every day, in fact, he doesn't even know common sense such as blood circulation, but he has to be profound, and grandstanding is often self-inflicted.

The rumors were self-defeating, and he walked away. Coincidentally, some people always want to talk about other people's weaknesses, showing their own strengths everywhere, I often watch others play chess, and I politely decline several invitations, in fact, I don't understand my own inconvenience, try to meditate as little as possible, and move more, which is beneficial to myself. When someone invited me to play chess, someone unceremoniously said: "You won't sit, how can you play chess with others?" `′


It seems that it is time to show yourself, and I will sit down here and see who said it. So saying, I sat down on the low stool and began to play against my opponent, and suddenly his face turned red and purple, and he had to bow his head before the facts. I am a cerebral infarction patient, and I also need the most basic understanding and respect, and people are in front of me, and rumors are spreading, if I am not alive, I am afraid that I will be even more fearless.

What is even more unexpected is that the same person makes the same mistake three times after another, which is really incredible, and one day, he asks me in a strange way: 'Can you move your right arm?' '′

Do you have long eyes or no sleep? Don't you see my hands chopping firewood? Do you have to ask again and again? ’`

Some people are always making fun of others, finding clues from others, and then adding oil and vinegar to the processing, publishing in a false form, this is the source of sin, basing their happiness on the pain of others, this kind of person is afraid that the situation is not big, spreading rumors and causing trouble is his strength, and he spares no effort for small things, and he simply has no compassion.

Rumors begin in ignorance, but they are worthless in the face of the wise, and as long as the mind is a little thoughtful, the rumor will be self-defeating.
