
Guo Taiming invested in Vietnam, and domestic orders were "robbed"? Netizens are worried: Where will tens of thousands of employees go?

author:Book from the sky

Have you heard about Foxconn's new moves in Vietnam? According to the latest news, Foxconn's move to invest in Vietnam has sparked concerns about domestic orders being robbed. This news immediately sparked heated discussions among netizens, and they directly asked Guo Taiming: "Boss Guo, what about 100,000 jobs?" ”

Foxconn has long been one of the pillars of employment in mainland China, and whether the move will have an impact on domestic jobs has raised widespread concern. Let's uncover the truth of this topic together.

Guo Taiming invested in Vietnam, and domestic orders were "robbed"? Netizens are worried: Where will tens of thousands of employees go?

Why did Foxconn choose Vietnam?

As a major manufacturing country in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has attracted the attention of many multinational companies. Foxconn, as the world's factory, is no exception. Vietnam has cheap labor and a mature supply chain system, which means lower production costs and higher competitiveness. In Foxconn's view, Vietnam's investment is to better meet the needs of the international market and achieve a global strategic layout.

Domestic orders were robbed, what about 100,000 jobs?

Foxconn's investment in Vietnam has raised a number of concerns, especially on domestic orders and employment. However, we should not be too pessimistic. First of all, Foxconn's investment in Vietnam does not mean that it will completely abandon its production base in China, and domestic orders are still an important business opportunity. Second, Foxconn's construction of factories in Vietnam may only meet the needs of overseas markets such as Europe and the United States, and will not directly affect domestic orders.

Guo Taiming invested in Vietnam, and domestic orders were "robbed"? Netizens are worried: Where will tens of thousands of employees go?

In the face of change, how to ensure employment?

In the face of the new situation of Foxconn's investment in Vietnam, we need to think about how to protect jobs from a broader perspective. As a global manufacturing center, China has huge market potential and consumption power. At the same time, we also need to strengthen high-quality development and technological upgrading to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises. The government should increase support for industrial transformation and upgrading, encourage enterprises to innovate, and cultivate high-skilled talents, so as to provide more opportunities for employment.

Harmony and win-win, the future of Foxconn and the domestic manufacturing industry

Guo Taiming invested in Vietnam, and domestic orders were "robbed"? Netizens are worried: Where will tens of thousands of employees go?

In the context of globalization, cross-border investment has become the norm. Foxconn's choice of Vietnam does not mean a departure from the domestic manufacturing industry, but will help to further strengthen cooperation with ASEAN and the global market. As China's neighbor and important trading partner, Vietnam's cooperation will promote economic prosperity throughout the region. At the same time, we should also note that Foxconn still has a huge scale of employment in China, which provides important support for social stability and economic growth.

Whether it is Foxconn's investment in Vietnam or the robbing of domestic orders, we must look at the changes with an open mind and respond to the challenges in a scientific way. Only through innovation, transformation and upgrading can we ensure employment, promote economic development, and enable more people to share the fruits of development.

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