
I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

author:Lao Zhou said entertainment

At the crossroads of life, every student is faced with a major choice - filling in the volunteer, which is not only related to the future career path, but also affects the direction of the life trajectory. Among the many majors, there is a little-known "iron rice bowl", which exists like a pearl hidden behind the bustling city, waiting to be discovered by people of insight.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

This is the missile maintenance major, a discipline that is slightly mysterious in the public eye, but occupies a pivotal position in the field of national defense science and technology. When Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, a well-known education expert, first came into contact with this major, he couldn't help but exclaim: "This is my blind spot in knowledge!" This reaction not only brought the missile maintenance profession into the field of vision of more people, but also triggered extensive social discussions.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Missile maintenance, as the name suggests, is a discipline that specializes in training personnel for the maintenance and repair of missile systems. Nationwide, only two universities, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics and Nanjing University of Science and Technology, offer this major, and its scarcity is self-evident.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Different from the conventional mechanical engineering or electronic engineering majors, the missile maintenance major focuses more on the maintenance and troubleshooting of military equipment, and students must not only master solid theoretical knowledge, but also have strong practical operation ability. The reason why this major is called the "iron rice bowl" is that graduates can almost directly enter the military or national defense science and technology enterprises to engage in the maintenance, testing and research and development of missile systems, and the employment stability and development prospects far exceed those of many other majors.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

In the missile maintenance class at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, students are nervously conducting an experiment - troubleshooting a simulated missile launch system. The instructor, Professor Li, a veteran who has been deeply involved in the field of missile technology for many years, is patiently instructing the students on how to accurately judge and locate problems.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

In the lab, sophisticated instruments and complex circuit boards form a miniature model of the missile control system, and students need to apply what they have learned to analyze the cause of the failure and develop a repair plan. Such a scene is not uncommon in the daily study of missile maintenance students, which not only exercises the students' practical ability, but also cultivates their calmness and decisiveness in the face of complex problems.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Zhang Xuefeng, as a well-known expert in the field of education in mainland China, is deeply loved by students and parents for his unique insights and humorous explanation style. When he first came into contact with the missile maintenance profession in a program called "Guide to Volunteering to Fill in the Application", he admitted that he knew very little about this field, and even bluntly said that it was his "blind spot in knowledge".

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

This reaction not only shows the frank and humble side of Mr. Zhang Xuefeng, but also indirectly highlights the strangeness of the missile maintenance profession in the public eye. However, it is this strangeness that has stimulated more people's interest and desire to explore this profession.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

After the program was broadcast, Mr. Zhang Xuefeng received emails and private messages from all over the country, including students and graduates majoring in missile maintenance, who enthusiastically shared their understanding and perception of this major, so that Mr. Zhang Xuefeng had a deeper understanding of the missile maintenance major.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

In addition, several alumni who have entered the military and national defense science and technology enterprises have shown their real status in their jobs to Mr. Zhang Xuefeng through video connection, from the daily inspection of missile launch bases to the maintenance and upgrading of weapon systems, and the vivid scenes have made Mr. Zhang Xuefeng deeply understand the important role played by graduates majoring in missile maintenance in the cause of national defense.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

On social media, the missile maintenance profession quickly became a hot topic, and netizens expressed their opinions one after another, including humorous and witty comments. Someone jokingly said: "Learning missile maintenance, directly assigned to the army after graduation, and working from graduation to retirement, this is a real 'iron rice bowl'!"

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Some people joked: "If you study missile maintenance majors, you can protect your family and defend the country if you learn well, but if you don't learn well, you may have to repair your own electrical appliances every day!" Although these humorous comments are a bit ridiculous, they reflect from the side the unique advantages of the missile maintenance profession in terms of employment stability, as well as the gradual deepening of the public's understanding of this profession.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Missile maintenance graduates, due to the uniqueness and scarcity of their professional skills, are often able to enjoy a high employment rate and competitiveness. They usually go to the army, defense scientific research institutes or large military-industrial enterprises to work on the technical support of missile systems.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

These positions not only have good salaries, but also have broad career development space, which is undoubtedly a broad world for those who are passionate about national defense science and technology. However, this profession also faces its own challenges. Since the missile system involves state secrets, practitioners must have a very high sense of confidentiality and professional ethics, and at the same time, continuous technological updates and strict actual combat requirements also require missile maintenance engineers to have the spirit of lifelong learning and the ability to adapt quickly.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

At the missile research and development center of a large military enterprise in Beijing, Zhao Gong, a senior engineer who graduated from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics majoring in missile maintenance, is leading a team to debug a new-generation missile system. He recalled his experience and was full of emotion: "When we were in university, we not only learned the theory of missile systems, but more importantly, the teachers taught us how to solve problems in practice, and this ability is especially important in our work."

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

Zhao Gong said that the missile maintenance major not only allowed him to master professional skills, but also cultivated his rigorous work attitude and teamwork spirit, which are indispensable qualities for becoming an excellent missile maintenance engineer.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

As a relatively unpopular existence in the public eye, the missile maintenance profession plays a vital role in the field of national defense science and technology. It not only provides a solid guarantee for the country's military security, but also provides a unique path for those young people who have the dream of becoming a powerful country in science and technology to realize their self-worth.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

On the road of exploring the unknown, the students majoring in missile maintenance are writing their own brilliant chapter with their wisdom and courage. Mr. Zhang Xuefeng's "blind spot of knowledge" may be a window that leads more people to discover those "iron rice bowls" hidden in the corners and embrace a broader and more colorful future.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

In this era full of infinite possibilities, let us take brave steps together to explore those unknown areas, to pursue those "iron rice bowls" that truly belong to us, to water the flowers of dreams with knowledge and sweat, and to let youth bloom the most dazzling light in the struggle.

I have never seen such an iron iron rice bowl, and I worked directly from graduation to death! Zhang Xuefeng: Knowledge blind spot!

The missile maintenance profession, like a bright star, guides aspiring young people to move forward towards higher and farther goals, and writes a scientific and technological legend belonging to the new era. On the stage of national defense science and technology, they are not only strong guards of national security, but also innovative pioneers who promote scientific and technological progress, and interpret the true meaning of "iron rice bowl" with their own actions - that is a responsibility, a glory, and a deep friendship for the country and the people.