
The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

author:One entertainment and three points


Love is an eternal theme in countless literary works and film and television dramas.

In other words, over the past countless years, movies with the theme of love have emerged one after another.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

However, after nearly a hundred years, the poignancy and purity of love shown in the movie "Broken Blue Bridge" has not yet been surpassed by any movie.

In the movie "Broken Blue Bridge", the audience can see the most innocent and beautiful love in the world.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

It is precisely this love that is so beautiful that it is especially touching when it inevitably leads to tragedy in the end.

Roy, with gray sideburns, stood on the same bridge where the two had first met, holding Mara's amulet.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

The bridge in the UK is clearly not blue, and its name is not actually called "Blue Bridge".

However, as the "bridge of love" of the hero and heroine in the film, it is not inappropriate to refer to the "blue bridge" in the Chinese legend when translating.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In the legend of the Tang Dynasty, Pei Hang met the fairy Yunying on the Blue Bridge.

And the bridge in the film witnesses the love between the male protagonist Roy and the female protagonist Mara.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Looking at the amulet in his hand, Roy remembered the first time he met Mara.

It was on this bridge, in this position where Roy, who had become an army general, stood.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

First encounter on the bridge

Young Roy was standing on Waterloo Bridge enjoying a rare vacation when the rapid and piercing air raid sirens suddenly sounded.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At this time, Mara and her fellow dancers were laughing and stepping onto the bridge and passing Roy.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

After a brief moment to confirm that what they heard was indeed an air raid siren, a group of people panicked and hurriedly ran to the other side of the bridge, the nearest bomb shelter.

And while running, the amulet that Mara had been carrying since she was a child and never left her body suddenly fell.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At this time, Mara didn't know that all the misfortunes for the rest of her life were happening from this moment.

At this moment, Roy noticed the girl who hurriedly crouched down to pick up the amulet.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

A car sped by, and Roy pulled Mara, who was almost caught in the wheels, just in time.

At this moment, Mara and Roy, who met for the first time, fell in love with each other at first sight.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At this moment, the bomber flew over the city, and the shells burst into a piercing fire not too far away.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking
"Is it too late for us to run to safety?" "Not at all."

As Roy said, the two managed to squeeze into the bomb shelter with the crowd before the artillery fire fell on them.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

The two who were temporarily safe looked at each other and smiled, and the moment they looked at each other, they realized that their rapid heartbeat was not just because they were running.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

But it wasn't a good time to talk – the crowd around was too crowded and too noisy.

Luckily, Roy was familiar with the terrain of the bomb shelter and quickly escorted Mara to a more open location.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara, who came out with her dance troupe companions but was left behind because she had picked up amulets, couldn't help tiptoeing around to see if her companions had also reached a safe place.

It's easy to think that if an acquaintance is found, Mara is obviously more likely to choose to join her friends.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In other words, Roy and the "sweetheart" they met for the first time were separated before they could talk.

That wasn't what Roy wanted—even then Roy didn't know what he wanted.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

He was just a little nervous all of a sudden, and had to take out a cigarette and take a puff to calm down, and try to make a good impression on Mara.

Roy pondered, Roy racked his brains, and Roy still couldn't figure out how to talk to Mara.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Looking at Mara's youthful face, Roy tried his best to make himself appear light, and asked, "Are you a student?" ”

In exchange for this, Mara lowered her head slightly and laughed wildly.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

With a smile on her face, Mara looked up and pointed to the theater poster she had just seen when she looked around.

The first line of the poster is the name of Mara's company, Madame Malloy's International Ballet.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

"Yes, that's where I come from," Mara said with a smile.

This unexpected answer obviously caught Roy off guard, and although it was not obvious on his face, the gradually confused language still revealed his forced composure.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara is a dancer rather than a student, so Roy's sketch for the conversation is no longer useful.

Roy, who wanted to continue his conversation with Mara, began to try to find a topic related to dance.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Dance...... Dance...... Roy had a flash of inspiration and blurted out, "Then you must be very good at jumping?" ”

This question is a bit too "jumpy".

Mara was stunned for a moment, trying to think of what ballet is related to jumping, "I can do cross jumps".

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara then saw the blankness on Roy's face when he faced this reply, and had to explain.

"I can cross my legs six times in mid-air", says Mara, "and an internationally renowned ballet dancer can do it 10 times......

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

And at this time, Roy had a flash of inspiration again.

"It's good for muscles," Roy said, "it's going to be good for muscles, uh, it must be very strong......

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Roy should have taken a good look at what he was talking about.

But Roy is lucky enough, and Mara, who also has a crush on Roy, is also trying to keep the conversation going.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

It's just that the good times are always short-lived, and soon the air raid sirens are lifted and Mara says goodbye to Roy.

Mara's company will perform in the theater at 10 o'clock tonight, and she will have to go back and get ready for the stage.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

And Roy, who was only a captain at this time, had been named tonight to meet with his immediate boss in the army.

The war is raging, and Roy's army is about to go to France to fight, and the time is just a few days away.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Both of them knew that maybe this meeting would be followed by a farewell.

Mara gave Roy her amulet in the hope of surviving the battlefield.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Theatre chases love

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Mara, dressed in dance costumes, danced on the stage with her companions.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Between jumps and spins, Mara inadvertently glances at the audience and touches an unexpected figure.

Amid the cheers, Roy, dressed in military uniform, was out of place with a crowd full of richly dressed spectators.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

On this night, Roy chose to release his boss's pigeons and come to see Mara's performance.

"He's actually here!" Mara, who returned backstage after the performance, couldn't help but be excited, and shared her surprise and joy with her friend Katie.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

And Roy did more than that.

He also bribed the theater concierge to deliver a letter and invite Mara to go on a date with him.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

However, the letter was discovered almost immediately by the strict foreman of the dance company, Mrs. Malloway.

Of course, falling in love is not allowed, let alone such a time when the war situation is tense.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mrs. Malloway stares at Mara and writes a letter of renunciation, rejecting Roy's offer.

Eventually, however, with the help of her friend Katie, Mara meets Roy for dinner.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Roy will soon go to the French front to fight, while Mara will leave for the United States with the Madame de Marloway Dance Company.

Roy begged Mara to stay, to stay in England.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

He had already planned to marry Mara and settle her with her mother, who lived in the London countryside, before the expedition.

However, the next day, by the time Roy had applied to his superiors for marriage and rushed to the church with Mara, he was already late.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

The church priest told them to come back at eleven o'clock the next morning, when he would marry them.

The two parted, but Mara returned to her lodgings to prepare for the final show.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

War and separation

It was also this evening, when Mara and her fellow dancers were about to leave for the theater to perform, when Roy's phone called.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In response to the urgent deployment of the army, Roy's original vacation was canceled and he had to leave for the front line tonight.

Roy hopes to explain his arrangements to Mara as much as possible at the station, and see Mara for the last time.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

"It's too late, Mara, you're going to miss tonight!"

"If you're late for the show, Mrs. Malloway will definitely get angry!"

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

But at this time, Mara didn't think about it so much, and she didn't know how serious the consequences of this absence from the performance would be.

Mara received the call and hurried to the station, but arrived a step too late.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

The train had started, and Mara, who was on the platform, looked up and tried to find Roy, who had boarded the train.

In the blink of an eye, Roy's face squeezed into the window of the car and looking out of the car disappeared with the sound of the car.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

By the time Mara returned to the theater, the company's performance was nearing its end.

Mrs. Malloway was furious, and Mara was kicked out of the troupe, as was Katie, who interceded for Mara.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Two dancing girls stay in London, trying to find a job but hitting a wall at every turn.

Katie finally regretted her impulsiveness, but by this time Mrs. Malloway had already left London with the company, and was missing.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At this time, Mara was fortunate and unfortunate to receive a letter from Roy from the front.

The letter said that Roy had asked his mother to come to London from the countryside and was going to take Mara back to Roy's hometown for a while.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

It was this letter that led Mara to meet Roy's mother at the café.

Mara went to the café early to wait, and while waiting, Mara picked up the tabloid on the table and flipped through it.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Unexpectedly, in the list of victims in the newspaper, Roy's name was impressively listed.

Mara, who was shocked by the bad news, fainted instantly, and although she woke up under the first aid of the waiter, she was still in a daze.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In this state, Mara meets Roy's mother.

Mara hastily hid the tabloids, but she was still in her spirit, and her dejected appearance of answering questions annoyed Roy's mother even more.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara waited until Roy's mother left, and then fell to the ground, unable to afford to fall ill.

The high rent, Mara's serious illness, all of which are in urgent need of money.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In the chaotic world, how can a beautiful girl who knows nothing but dancing get a lot of money?

Katie tricks Mara into finding a job on her own, but eventually Mara learns how Katie is able to sustain the two of them.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

In the face of Katie's dedication, how can Mara be able to stay alone and rely on the money her friends have earned in the fire pit?

Station reunion

Crowded stations are the easiest places to "fish" for suitable targets.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara wore gaudy makeup and imitated the posture of a "senior" and handed a seductive smile to the crowd passing by.

If she's lucky, Mara will meet someone who is willing to take the bait in exchange for a small income that barely makes ends meet.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

It's just that for some reason, there seem to be a lot more people at the station tonight.

A large number of soldiers in military uniforms poured from the newly stopped train to the platform, where they met Mara.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At this moment, Mara seemed to see the familiar figure of a soldier who she thought was dead.

It's Roy.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Mara was still in a trance, and Roy was already chanting Mara's name and rushed to Mara's side.

Roy had sent a message to his family before he returned, and he thought that Mara had come to the station to wait for him.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

With a smile on his face, he excitedly said that he would come back this time to give Mara a decent wedding.

"It's too late," Mara's eyes said, sadness filling her sparkling eyes.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

But Mara's heart is uncontrollably drawn to the bright future depicted in Roy's words.

In the end, Mara still can't say no and embarks on a journey with Roy to "go home to her parents".

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Roy took Mara's hand and announced in front of the entire township that he would marry Mara tomorrow.

But on the eve of the wedding, in the midst of inner torment, Mara decided to die and decided to leave alone.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

At that moment, the amulet on Roy's body, who was walking in the garden, suddenly fell.

But at that time, Roy also didn't understand what a bad omen this was.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Roy, who was going upstairs with the amulet, happened to meet Mara, and he smiled and talked to Mara about the amulet's fall.

"Now I don't need to go to war anymore," Roy said, "maybe it's time to give it back to you." ”

Mara said goodbye to Roy and hurried back to the bridge where they had first met.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

There are few pedestrians on the bridge, only the speeding vehicles are still hurrying and never stopping.

Only this time, there was no one who dragged Mara away from the traffic in time.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking


Roy, who discovers Mara's disappearance, anxiously searches for it, and eventually finds a bloodstained amulet on the bridge.

If they had known that this would be the end of the day, would the two rather never know each other?

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

Under the fire of war, there is no soil left for love to grow slowly.

I hope that there will be no war in the world, and may there be lovers in the world who will eventually become married.

The movie "Soul Broken Blue Bridge": The most beautiful and regrettable love story under the fire of war has always been shocking

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