
In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

author:Xiao Literature Company
In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?
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In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

In 1992, the Hong Kong entertainment industry was shaken. 44-year-old Xu Guanjie, a legendary figure known as the "God of Song", suddenly announced his retirement at the peak of his career. At the Regent Hotel in Hong Kong, he held a star-studded farewell concert, bringing together half of the entertainment industry.

This seems to herald the end of an era.

However, 12 years later, in 2004, Xu Guanjie returned to the stage with amazing perseverance and held 38 concerts in a row. The move caused another sensation.

What is the reason why this "God of Song" chose to retreat bravely in the rapids at his peak? What motivates him to return to the music scene? What kind of story is hidden behind Xu Guanjie's decision? Let's unravel this puzzle together.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Xu Guanjie's music career is legendary. In 1971, Xu Guanjie, who was only 23 years old, started his Cantonese songwriting with his brother Xu Guanwen's tailor-made "Iron Tower Lingyun".

The young singer was keenly aware of the potential of Cantonese songs and decided to bring this otherwise underappreciated local music to the public eye.

Xu Guanjie's songs have a significant feature: they are close to the lives of ordinary citizens and sing the joys, sorrows and sorrows of ordinary people. "The Voice of the Prodigal Son" expresses the feelings of a wanderer who is wandering, which has resonated with countless people; "Genius and Idiot" cleverly satirizes social injustice, which is thought-provoking; "The God of Wealth" expresses people's yearning for a better life, full of cheerful rhythm.

And "Half a Pound and Eight Taels" and "Silence is Golden" sang the survival wisdom of the little people, and became classics sung on the streets and alleys. These songs are not only catchy, but also touch the heartstrings of countless people and become the common memory of that era.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Xu Guanjie's talent and contribution were quickly recognized by the industry. He became the first singer to win the Golden Needle Award, the highest honour in the HK Phil industry, which is not only an affirmation of his musical talent, but also marks the pinnacle of his musical journey.

The weight of this award is undoubtedly the icing on the cake for Xu Guanjie's music career.

From a street singer to a "god of songs", Xu Guanjie's success is not accidental. His love of music, his observation of life, his dedication to creation, and his unique performance style are all key factors in his success.

His songs not only entertained the public, but also carried the collective memory of that era, and became an indispensable chapter in the history of Hong Kong pop music.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Xu Guanjie's story tells us that true art comes from life, and great artists can sublimate ordinary life into moving works. It is this ability that makes Xu Guanjie stand out among many outstanding singers and become the "God of Songs" loved by the public.

In the 70s and early 80s, Hui Guanjie was in full swing in the Hong Kong music scene, but the sudden change in the situation ushered in an unprecedented change in the Hong Kong music industry.

Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Chen Baiqiang, Anita Mui and other new generation singers have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, injecting fresh blood into the music scene. In particular, the outbreak of the "Tan Zhang hegemony" incident has pushed the competition in the Hong Kong music scene to a white-hot stage.

In the face of this unstoppable new wave, veteran singers such as Xu Guanjie, Luo Wen, and Lin Zixiang have to re-examine their positions. The albums they released have struggled to compete with the emerging powers in terms of sales, and this situation can't help but make people lament the changing times.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Many veteran singers have begun to think about their future path, some choose to transform, and some stick to their own style.

However, even in such a fierce competitive environment, Xu Guanjie still maintains his unique creative style. Instead of blindly following trends, he continued to write songs that reflected the lives of ordinary people.

This persistence allows him to maintain his unique charm and influence in the highly competitive music scene. Xu Guanjie's choice also provided a possibility for later singers: to maintain themselves in the popular trend.

It is worth mentioning that by the end of the 80s, even Leslie Cheung, who had been fighting for many years, had the idea of retiring. Xu Guanjie keenly captured this signal, and in 1989, he specially created "Rapid Retreat" to give to Leslie Cheung.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Although this song failed to become Leslie Cheung's work in the end, it became a portrayal of Xu Guanjie's own attitude towards life. This song seems to foreshadow Xu Guanjie's later choices, and also reflects his deep thinking about the changes in the music scene.

The Hong Kong music scene during this period can be said to be full of stars and a hundred flowers. The alternation and competition between old and new singers not only promoted the development of Hong Kong pop music, but also brought more excellent works to the audience.

However, the intensification of competition has also put a lot of pressure on singers. How to maintain oneself in such an environment and how to find a balance in the competition has become a problem that every singer needs to face.

Xu Guanjie's choice in this period shows his wisdom and foresight. He neither rested on his laurels nor blindly followed the trend, but while insisting on himself, he was also thinking about the direction of the future.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

This attitude may be the secret of his longevity in the music world.

In 1992, the Hong Kong entertainment industry ushered in a shocking news: 44-year-old Xu Guanjie announced his retirement. The "God of Songs", who is at the peak of his career, chose to hold a unique farewell concert at the Regent Hotel in Hong Kong - Xu Guanjie's glorious retirement concert of the stars.

What's special about this concert is that the audience is full of heavyweights in the entertainment industry. Alan Tam, Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui, Jenny, Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau, Liming, Aaron Kwok and many other stars were all present, which can be said to be half of the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Such a lineup not only highlights Xu Guanjie's influence in the circle, but also draws a successful end to his career.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

However, many people can't help but wonder: why did Xu Guanjie choose to quit at the peak of his career? Although Xu Guanjie himself has never made a clear explanation for this, we seem to be able to get a glimpse of it from his song "Rapid Retreat".

The lyrics reveal that although fame and fortune are desirable, after experiencing the ups and downs of the entertainment industry, what he cherishes more is that free and easy life.

Being at the top often means more stress and risk. Xu Guanjie may think that he has achieved his dream of a music career, and it is time to pursue the lifestyle that his heart really desires.

This choice reflects Xu Guanjie's wisdom and freedom. He is not bound by fame and fortune, but has the courage to pursue the true needs of his heart.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Still, many fans couldn't take the news and hoped to see the legendary superstar on stage again. Xu Guanjie's withdrawal seems to mark the end of an era, which makes people feel a lot of emotion.

His decision also provoked people to think about the lifestyle and the value of life.

It is worth mentioning that some well-known singers such as Chen Baiqiang and Beyond were unable to attend the concert. This may be due to work arrangements or other reasons, but it does not affect the importance and symbolism of this concert in any way.

Xu Guanjie's "rapid retreat" is not only an important turning point in his personal career, but also a milestone event in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. It shows that even in the best of your career, you can make changes in order to pursue inner peace and freedom.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

This kind of courage and determination may be another reason why Xu Guanjie is called the "God of Song".

In 2004, the Hong Kong entertainment industry shook again. Xu Guanjie, the "God of Songs" who has been silent for 12 years, announced his comeback, and this news is like a bombshell, which has caused huge repercussions in the music world.

Xu Guanjie not only announced his return, but also held 38 concerts in a row with amazing perseverance, showing his love for music and sincerity to the audience.

Xu Guanjie's choice to make a comeback at this time was closely related to the situation of the Hong Kong music scene at that time. In 2002 and 2003, the Hong Kong music scene lost three superstars one after another, Luo Wen, Leslie Cheung, and Anita Mui, which brought a heavy blow to the entire industry.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

In this context, the return of Xu Guanjie has undoubtedly injected a boost into the sluggish Hong Kong music scene.

Many people speculate that Hui Guanjie's comeback is out of a sense of responsibility to the Hong Kong music scene. He hopes that through his return, he will show the world the vitality of the Hong Kong music scene and continue to contribute to the industry he loves so much.

This choice reflects Xu Guanjie's love for music and his responsibility for the industry.

In addition, there is a view that after Xu Guanjie retired from the music scene, his life became a little monotonous and boring, and his mental state was not as good as before. Re-devoting himself to music may be a way for him to regain his passion in life.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Although this statement cannot be confirmed, it also reflects people's concern about the state of the artist's life.

More importantly, the longing for fans is also considered to be an important factor in Xu Guanjie's comeback. 12 years have not diluted fans' love for the "God of Songs".

Xu Guanjie's return can be said to be a response to the long-term expectations of fans.

Xu Guanjie's comeback was not a simple appearance, but held 38 concerts in a row with amazing perseverance. This not only shows his love for music and respect for the audience, but also allows people to appreciate the charm of this music legend again.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

In every concert, Xu Guanjie is fully engaged, as if he wants to compensate his fans for 12 years of silence at one time.

Hui Guanjie's comeback is not only another climax of his personal music career, but also an important event in the entire Hong Kong music scene. It makes people see that true artists never say goodbye to the stage, but simply wait for the right moment to return to the spotlight.

Hui Guanjie's return has brought new hope and vitality to the Hong Kong music scene, and also added a strong touch to his legendary life.

Today, Xu Guanjie is still active in the music industry, and his talent and enthusiasm for public welfare have made his glorious years forever engraved in people's hearts.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Hui Guanjie's music career is not only his personal success story, but also a microcosm of the development of the entire Hong Kong music scene.

Hui Guanjie pushed Cantonese songs into the mainstream, opening the way for later singers. His songs are close to the lives of ordinary citizens, convey positive energy, and influence generations.

From "The Prodigal Son's Heart" to "Half a Pound and Eight Taels", each song is a true portrayal of the lives of ordinary people, and it is also a cultural symbol of that era.

The title of "God of Songs" is not only an affirmation of Xu Guanjie's musical talent, but also a recognition of his personality charm. His courageous retreat and resolute comeback showed his love for music and thinking about life, and became an example for many to follow.

In 1992, 44-year-old Xu Guanjie retired, why did he make a comeback after 12 years?

Xu Guanjie's story tells us that a true artist must not only have extraordinary talent, but also have a sense of reflection on life and a sense of responsibility to society. He chose to quit at his peak and returned to the stage when the music world needed him, this insight into the current situation and his responsibility may be the true meaning of the "God of Song", and it is also the reason why Xu Guanjie can stand tall in the Hong Kong music scene.

Xu Guanjie's legend lies not only in his musical achievements, but also in his attitude towards music, life and society. This attitude has influenced countless latecomers, and it has also given the title of "God of Song" a deeper meaning.

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