
Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

author:The day after tomorrow, I walked around

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Mr. Wang is a retired employee of a state-owned enterprise, and when he was young, he worked diligently and conscientiously in the unit, which can be described as an old scalper. But his life after retirement made him feel very empty. My sons and daughters are all working in other places, and it is rare for them to see each other. He lived alone in an old neighborhood, and his daily life became boring and boring. He wakes up at five a.m. every morning, goes for a run, eats breakfast, watches TV, and then has long hours of idleness. Every day is like a year.

Aunt Li, a neighbor, is a warm-hearted person who actively participates in various community activities after retirement. She saw Mr. Wang's lonely life in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. She invited Mr. Wang to participate in community activities many times, but he always refused. Mr. Wang always found these activities boring and a waste of time. "If I don't go, what's the point of those activities? A group of old ladies chirping, it is better to watch TV at home. He always said this to Aunt Li.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Aunt Li didn't give up, feeling that Mr. Wang needed to go out of the house and change this withdrawn lifestyle. One day, she knocked on Mr. Wang's door again. "Lao Wang, there is a party in the community today, everyone does crafts and chats together, you can come, don't always be alone at home." Aunt Li warmly invited.

"Oh, auntie, I'm really not going, you guys go play." Mr. Wang waved his hand, indicating that he had no intention of participating.

Aunt Li's eyes rolled and she thought of an idea. "Well, you can go with me for a while, and if you don't like it, we can come back at any time, okay?"

Mr. Wang looked at Aunt Li's expectant eyes, thought about it, and nodded. "Okay, let's go for a while."

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

They walked into the community room together, and Mr. Wang found that it was warmly and lively. Several old people sat around, talking and laughing, doing all kinds of handicrafts. Seeing Mr. Wang come in, everyone greeted him warmly. "Yo, Lao Wang is here, come and sit down and try to make this handmade flower."

Mr. Wang sat down a little stiffly, watching everyone skillfully cut and paste paper, he looked a little clumsy. An aunt next to her smiled and handed over a cut paper flower, "Lao Wang, you try this step, it's quite simple." Mr. Wang took the paper flower and slowly followed along. Although the movements of his hands were stiff, he felt a warmth that he had not felt for a long time.

During the meeting, everyone talked about their lives, some shared their cooking experience, and some talked about their children's situation, and the atmosphere was very harmonious. Mr. Wang gradually relaxed and participated in the discussion. "How could we have these tricks back then, and we can still play like this when we retire." He sighed.

"Yes, now that life is better, we have to enjoy it. You see, I was so busy before I retired that I didn't have time, but now I have activities every day, and I really have a fulfilling life. Aunt Li said while doing handicrafts.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Mr. Wang nodded, and his heart began to feel a little touched. After the event, Aunt Li and Mr. Wang went home together, and on the way, Aunt Li asked, "How is it, Wang, how do you feel today?" ”

"It's okay, it's quite lively." Mr. Wang smiled, but he was wondering in his heart, is this kind of lifestyle also good?

In the next few days, Aunt Li was still enthusiastic to invite Mr. Wang to participate in various activities. Although Mr. Wang still refuses on his lips, his heart has slowly changed. He began to notice that after returning from each activity, his mood was better than usual, and life seemed to be less boring.

One day, the community organized a small theatrical performance, and Aunt Li invited Mr. Wang again. "Lao Wang, there is a theatrical performance today, go and see it, maybe there is a show you like." Aunt Li said excitedly.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

"Well, go ahead, I'll just watch TV at home." Mr. Wang shook his head.

"Lao Wang, you are retired, it is rare to have such a lively event, it is a pity not to go and see it." Aunt Li is unrelenting.

Mr. Wang hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded and agreed. "Okay, let's go check it out."

The performance scene was very warmly arranged, and everyone sat together to watch the show, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time. Mr. Wang sat on the side, feeling this long-lost liveliness. He saw that the performers were all elderly people from the community, and their shows, although simple, were full of enthusiasm and energy. Mr. Wang's heart gradually changed, and he began to think about whether his lifestyle really needed to change.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Mr. Wang began to slowly accept Aunt Li's advice and try to integrate into the community life, but due to years of living alone, his ability to get along with others became rusty, and he often felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. Once, the community organized a reading club, and Mr. Wang plucked up the courage to participate. When he arrived at the scene and saw that everyone was having a lively discussion, he stood at the door and hesitated for a moment, but finally walked in.

"Lao Wang, you're here, come and sit." Aunt Li greeted him warmly.

Mr. Wang nodded and found a corner to sit down. The book club began, and everyone took turns sharing their favorite books. When it was Mr. Wang's turn, he was a little nervous and his palms were sweaty. "Well, I've been reading "Ordinary World" lately, and I think this book is very interesting, especially ......" he said intermittently, his voice a little shaky.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

"Lao Wang, you said it very well, I like this book too." An aunt next to her encouraged.

Mr. Wang breathed a sigh of relief and continued to share his opinions, and slowly, he began to relax. After the reading club, Aunt Li came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Lao Wang, look, it's not difficult, you did a good job." ”

As time passed, Mr. Wang gradually found his hobby and began to participate in various activities in the community. He took a calligraphy class and slowly practiced his handwriting; I also joined the community choir and sang with everyone every week. He met many new friends and his life became full.

In a calligraphy class, Mr. Wang was concentrating on practicing, and Lao Zhang next to him came over, "Lao Wang, the more you write, the better." ”

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

"Where, where, it's still far away." Mr. Wang replied with a smile.

"Don't be modest, everyone is looking at it. By the way, there's a calligraphy contest next week, so you can participate too. Lao Zhang proposed.

"Me? All right? Mr. Wang was a little hesitant.

"Of course, we've got your back!" Lao Zhang said firmly.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

With everyone's encouragement, Mr. Wang decided to participate in the competition. He practiced every day, carefully pondering every stroke, and on the day of the competition, he was so nervous that his palms were sweaty, but he still completed the work steadily. In the end, he won the Excellence Award, and everyone congratulated him. Mr. Wang had a long-lost smile on his face.

Time flew by, and Mr. Wang's sons and daughters came home to visit him. As soon as he entered the door, his son Wang Qiang said in surprise: "Dad, did you write these calligraphy works?" ”

"yes, I learned it in the community recently." Mr. Wang replied proudly.

"Dad, you've made great progress!" Daughter Wang Mei said with a smile, "And these awards, you got them?" ”

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Mr. Wang nodded, "Yes, life is much more fulfilling now, and I have things to do every day." ”

"Dad, we're so happy for you." Wang Qiang said with emotion.

The family sat together, and Mr. Wang excitedly shared his new life. He told interesting stories about community activities and introduced new friends, and everyone listened with great interest. Aunt Li also came over to join in the fun, "Lao Wang, your children are back, it's really lively." ”

"Yes, Auntie, thanks to you." Mr. Wang said gratefully.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

"You're welcome, we're neighbors, and it's right to take care of each other." Aunt Li replied with a smile.

Mr. Wang looked at the lively home and felt a lot of emotion in his heart. He stood up and said to his children, "It turns out that changing your lifestyle can really make a difference." ”

Wang Qiang smiled and nodded, "Dad, we will come back to accompany you more in the future." ”

Wang Mei echoed: "Yes, Dad, you are so happy now, we are also relieved." ”

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Mr. Wang's heart was full of warmth, and he felt an unprecedented happiness. Although his life after retirement once made him feel lonely and bored, through hard work, he found a new direction and lived a fulfilling and happy life.

After dinner, Mr. Wang walked with his children, and he looked at every tree and flower in the community, and felt extremely satisfied. Aunt Li and several friends from the community were also taking a walk, and when they saw Mr. Wang's family, everyone greeted them warmly.

"Lao Wang, come out for a walk, it's really a happy family!" Lao Zhang said with a smile.

"yes, the kids are back, it's a lot more lively." Mr. Wang replied with a smile.

Abolish the 3 fastest lifestyles of a retired old man, and each one must be corrected

Back at home, Mr. Wang sat on the sofa and felt extremely relieved to recall the past year. Life is like a painting, as long as you depict it with your heart, it will become gorgeous and colorful. Mr. Wang closed his eyes, his heart full of anticipation for the future.

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