
Wufeng Huayu Scene 8: Kangxi Imperial Question (Xing Leisheng)

Wufeng Huayu Scene 8: Kangxi Imperial Question (Xing Leisheng)

The curtain opened: [Kangxi rode a horse to the field, escorted, and the palace people followed. 】

Kangxi: (singing) The foundation of the ancestral industry to ascend the dragon throne is unstable, except for Ao Baiping, who defeated the Russian army three times.

In addition to the neighboring countries, the internal troubles have been slightly settled, and the bandits in the border areas have frequently brought disasters to the people.

For the sake of the king, if he wants to let the people enjoy peace and tranquility, how can he allow bandits to become disasters and bring disaster to the country and the people?

Last year, I went to Inner Mongolia on a private visit, and encountered bandits robbing a woman and killing her parents.

I and the guards drew their swords to save the gangsters, and the bandits and the guards died in battle, leaving me alone.

I was exhausted from escaping the wilderness, and the gangsters were in a hurry to pursue danger and had nowhere to hide.

Suddenly, the wilderness is full of woods, and hiding in the woods is the only way to avoid killing.

The danger quenched my hunger and asked for my life, and I was so hungry that I gnawed the bark of the tree without food.

Thanks to the village woman who delivered the food, three days later, I looked forward to the rescue of the general soldier.

When I asked the chief soldier how I knew that I was in distress and trapped, it turned out that the food delivery was one person.

After returning to Beijing, he hurriedly sent people to search around, only to know that it was the apparition of the Holy Mother of Wufeng Mountain.

"Line Niangniang" is sung by the folk in the breeze and drizzle, and often shows the spirit to relieve the drought and save the people.

Xuanye, I have today, thanks to the grace of God, the dripping grace of the spring repays the holy feelings.

Leave the capital, climb the five peaks, bow three times and thank the Holy Grace.

Rectify the rule of officials, petition the people, and make every effort to govern the people.

With the apparition of Our Lady to assist, I am determined to let the people live and work in peace and enjoy peace!

[Kangxi with the entourage horse farm. 】

Wufeng Huayu Scene 8: Kangxi Imperial Question (Xing Leisheng)

The second act opens: [Background: Wufeng Mountain is majestic and upright, the ancient pines are towering, Shouning Temple is built on the mountain, the statue of Our Lady of the Temple of Our Lady is full of golden light, and the offerings on the incense table are full of rare incense. 】

[Stage: Monks meditate in an orderly manner, chanting Buddha and chanting sutras. 】

Behind the scenes: (singing) The morning bell and dusk drum go around the mountain, and the sound of the Buddha refers to the maze.

The merits of the Virgin Mary show the government and the opposition, and the successive dynasties have been sealed to prove it.

[Kangxi was in the dust, riding a horse on the field, and the eunuch was escorted. 】

Kangxi: (singing) Yang spurred the horse to run to the five peaks, trekking through mountains and rivers to cleanse the dust.

Looking up at the place surrounded by incense, Xuan Ye hiked to the holy realm.

[Kangxi dismounted, and the eunuch played the crown for him. 】

Eunuch: (shouting) The emperor has arrived! Ride the Basilica of Our Lady!

[Luan drove in formation, and the monks knelt to greet him. 】

Monks: (White) Long live my emperor, long live, long live!

Kangxi: (white) Excuse me, the widow received the holy grace of the "line mother", and traveled thousands of miles today, thanking him for his gratitude, and disturbing the monks.

Monks: (White) Amitabha.

[The palace people offered incense and candle offerings, Kangxi burned incense and worshipped, and performed three bows and nine bows. 】

Eunuch: (shouting) Grant the golden plaque of the royal seal!

[The palace people present the plaque, the monk receives the plaque, Kangxi unveils the plaque, and the big character "Our Lady of the Five Peaks" is written on it. 】

Kangxi: (White) Chuanlao County Order.

Eunuch: (shouting) The county order of Laoxian County is here!

County Order: (White) The little minister Wu knows that I wish my emperor long live, long live, long live!

Kangxi: (White) I have allocated 10,000 taels of silver from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to renovate the temple for Our Lady and reshape the golden body, and this project needs to be supervised by you. Official banks are not allowed to embezzle, and projects are not allowed to cut corners. If there is any irregularity, it will be severely punished.

Prefectural Order: (White) Chirp!

Kangxi: (white) Stand down! Zhao Shouning Temple presided.

Eunuch: (shouting) Shouning Temple presiding over the audience!

Host: (White) Long live my emperor, long live, long live!

Kangxi: (White) Excuse me, what do you ask for the host, just come!

Wufeng Huayu Scene 8: Kangxi Imperial Question (Xing Leisheng)

Presiding: (White) The emperor drove to our temple, gave a plaque to express his heart, allocated official silver, renovated the temple, and reshaped the golden body, which is the merit of the emperor and the glory of the temple. Since the Virgin Mary this mountain feather into immortals, the pilgrims of our temple have come to the temple, the incense is lingering in all seasons, the line crosses two generations and three dynasties, the Ganlin moistens the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles, the emperor is sealed three times, the common people pray, the Virgin Mary is blessed by all the people, the Dezhang Dynasty and the opposition, the five peaks are famous all over the sea, the name runs through the world, it can be said that "the mountain is not high, there is a fairy is famous." "Today, the old man respectfully dedicates pen and ink, respectfully invites Mobao, I don't know if it is possible? Amitabha!

Kangxi: (White) The light of the Buddha is shining, all the people are looking up, the invitation of the monks, the hospitality is difficult, please go to the four treasures of the room!

[The monk presented the four treasures of the text, presided over the humble study of ink, Kangxi thought a little, splashed ink, and worked hard. The little monk shows the ink treasure "Five Peaks Huayu". 】

[Kangxi inscription in the back curtain "Wufeng Huayu". 】

[All the actors came on the stage and made an appearance. 】

The more the story is told, the more magical it becomes, and the more the legend is told, the more beautiful it becomes.

"Line Niangniang" shed tears of longing for relatives and turned into a rain to moisten the earth.

The harmony of man and god creates a prosperous world, and the "five peaks and clouds" are auspicious!

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