
"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

author:Xiaoxing Lianbagua
"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

In a remote village in Yongzhou, Hunan Province, a shocking rumor has quietly circulated. The villagers were talking about a peculiar man known as the "tree man", Liu Zhongwen.

The young man's hands and feet were covered with bark-like substance, and even branches that resembled tree branches. What is even more surprising is that Liu Zhongwen is no longer able to take care of his daily life and is completely dependent on the care of his parents.

The villagers privately speculated whether this was a curse from the legendary god of trees. But what is the truth? Let's step into the world of Liu Zhongwen and uncover the mystery of this "tree man".

On that ordinary summer day, no one thought that an ordinary splash in the water would completely change Liu Zhongwen's life. The young and lively Liu Zhongwen, as usual, came to the crystal clear river at the edge of the village to play in the water.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

The sun is shining, the water is rippling, and everything looks so beautiful.

However, fate often strikes inadvertently. Just as Liu Zhongwen was happily playing in the water, he accidentally scratched his hand by a sharp fish bone.

At first, Liu Zhongwen did not take this small wound to heart. "It's just a small scratch," he thought to himself, wiping the wound lightly before continuing to play.

However, this seemingly insignificant wound became a turning point that changed his life. Over time, Liu Zhongwen's wounds not only did not heal, but began to become inflamed and fester.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

He felt more and more unwell, but in this remote village, where medical resources were scarce, Liu Zhongwen chose to be patient, hoping to rely on his own immunity to overcome the pain.

However, he underestimated the severity of the infection. The germs lurking in the fish have quietly invaded his body and began to multiply indiscriminately. Liu Zhongwen's physical condition deteriorated, and abnormal skin changes gradually appeared in his arms and legs.

What started out as tiny wart-like protrusions soon developed into a rough bark-like surface.

Looking at his increasingly mutant body, Liu Zhongwen's heart was full of fear and despair. He began to realize that he might be suffering from a strange disease that he had never heard of before.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

But by this time it is too late to regret it, and the disease has begun to develop irreversibly.

Liu Zhongwen's family also fell into deep worry when they saw his abnormality. They sought medical advice, but could not find an effective treatment. Over time, Liu Zhongwen's hands and feet were gradually covered with bark-like material, and even began to grow branch-like protrusions.

This peculiar symptom not only brought Liu Zhongwen great physical pain, but also made his daily life extremely difficult. He gradually lost his ability to take care of himself, and he could not even complete the most basic dressing and eating independently.

What was once a sunny and cheerful young man has now become a "tree man" who needs to be taken care of around the clock.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Liu Zhongwen's tragedy originated from a small accident, but because of neglect and delay in treatment, it turned into a disaster that changed his life. This story is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us: even seemingly trivial wounds should not be taken lightly, and timely medical attention is always a wise choice.

As Liu Zhongwen's illness worsened, a disturbing legend began to circulate in the village. The villagers whispered that Liu Zhongwen had become a "tree man" because he had angered the tree god and suffered a terrible curse.

This absurd statement spread like wildfire among the villagers.

The village elders recalled a legend from many years ago that a young man was playing in the forest when he accidentally cut down an old tree. The tree was said to have been spiritual, so the tree god was furious and cast a curse on the young man.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Although no one had witnessed the legendary young man with their own eyes, the villagers seemed to see a continuation of the curse in Liu Zhongwen.

Panic spread like a plague through the village. The villagers began to deliberately avoid Liu Zhongwen for fear of being contaminated with the "curse" on him. Whenever Liu Zhongwen appeared in the village, people quickly avoided it, as if he was carrying some terrible infectious disease.

Some timid villagers even put all kinds of items in front of their houses to ward off evil spirits, trying to prevent misfortune from befalling them.

Liu Zhongwen deeply felt the fear and rejection of the villagers, and his heart was full of pain and loneliness. His former friends now regard him like a beast of prey, and they don't even want to say hello.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Whenever he walked down the village path, he could hear whispers and frightened gasps behind him.

Some bold villagers even began to speak ill of Liu Zhongwen. "Get out of our village!" They shouted, "You have brought us bad luck!" What's more, they even threw stones at Liu Zhongwen in an attempt to drive him away.

When Liu Zhongwen tried to buy groceries from a small shop in the village, the shopkeeper would also ruthlessly kick him out of the door.

Every time Liu Zhongwen encounters such treatment, his heart will throb. How he wished he could get back to normal and reintegrate into village life. But the reality is that he is becoming more and more like a cursed monster, rejected by the entire village.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Panic among the villagers is escalating. Some even proposed that Liu Zhongwen be expelled from the village, arguing that only in this way could the peace of the village be ensured. The whole village was shrouded in a haze, and everyone was in danger, fearing that they would be the next to suffer the curse.

In this atmosphere, Liu Zhongwen and his family became isolated islands in the village. No one wants to approach them, let alone help. Liu Zhongwen's parents had to take full responsibility for their son's care, and their lives became extremely difficult.

On one occasion, a group of villagers even broke into Liu Zhongwen's home and shouted for them to leave the village. Liu Zhongwen's parents pleaded bitterly, but the villagers remained resolute.

The conflict ended with a compromise from Liu's father, who promised to minimize their outings and avoid disturbing the lives of other villagers.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

This exclusion and discrimination made Liu Zhongwen's situation even more difficult. Not only did he have to endure physical pain, but he also had to endure tremendous psychological stress. What was once a familiar village is now a hostile and strange place.

Liu Zhongwen and his family have become the most innocent victims of this turmoil caused by ignorance and fear.

As his condition worsened, Liu Zhongwen's quality of life declined dramatically. Not only were his hands and feet covered with bark-like substance, but they even began to grow branch-like protrusions.

These abnormal growths severely affected his mobility, making him unable to perform the most basic self-care activities.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

What was once a simple daily routine, such as dressing, eating, and going to the toilet, has become an insurmountable obstacle for Liu Zhongwen. His fingers were almost completely encased in bark-like material, and he lost his dexterity.

Every time I want to pick up chopsticks or put on clothes, I feel extremely frustrated by the stiffness of my fingers. Sometimes, he can't even control his finger movements, which makes his face often full of food when he eats.

Liu Zhongwen's parents had to take care of him around the clock. They help with the son's dressing, feeding, bathing, and even handling his personal hygiene. This is a huge challenge for the elderly parents, but they never complain.

Every morning, his mother would carefully dress Liu Zhongwen in loose clothes, for fear of touching his unusually sensitive skin. The father would patiently feed him spoonful by spoonful, and sometimes wipe away tears of humiliation from the corners of his son's eyes because he could not take care of himself.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Bathing became a particularly difficult task. Liu Zhongwen's skin is extremely sensitive to moisture, and the slightest carelessness can cause severe pain. His parents had to gently wipe his body with a damp towel, a process that often took more than half a day.

The night was especially torturous for Liu Zhongwen. He couldn't roll over comfortably, and often felt sore from holding one position for a long time. His parents took turns at his bedside, helping him adjust his posture and relieve discomfort at any time.

Liu Zhongwen often felt deep self-reproach and helplessness. He was supposed to take care of his elderly parents at this age, but instead he became a burden to them. Every time he saw his parents exhausted from taking care of himself, his heart would well up with a pang of pain.

Sometimes, he even secretly hopes that he can die sooner and no longer cause trouble to his parents.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

However, even in the face of such a difficult situation, Liu Zhongwen and his parents still did not give up hope. They firmly believe that one day they will find a cure and allow Liu Zhongwen to live a normal life again.

This hope has become the strength that sustains them through every difficult day.

In this fight against the disease, Liu Zhongwen's family has shown admirable tenacity and family affection. Despite the hardships of life, they still snuggle together and face this harsh reality together.

Faced with Liu's deteriorating condition, family members and villagers began to seek treatment. Yet, in this village shrouded in superstition, the voice of science seems so faint.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

First of all, it was suggested that a Taoist priest be brought in to exorcise evil spirits. So, a Taoist priest with a long beard came to Liu Zhongwen's house, rang a bell, and chanted a mantra in an attempt to exorcise the so-called "curse of the tree god".

Liu Zhongwen lay on the bed, watching the exaggerated movements of the Taoist priest, his heart was full of doubts, but he didn't dare to deny it easily. The ritual lasted for three days, but in the end it was in vain and cost the family a lot of their savings.

Then, various home remedies sprung up. Some say that a decoction made from some rare herb is used, claiming to be able to "dissolve the spirit of the dryad". Liu Zhongwen's mother worked tirelessly to find this herb and boiled it for a whole month.

Unfortunately, this decoction not only had no effect, but caused Liu Zhongwen's diarrhea.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

Others suggested applying special clay to Liu Zhongwen's skin, which was claimed to be able to "absorb evil spirits." Liu Zhongwen's father was instructed to smear his son's whole body with this mud every day.

However, this practice not only did not bring any improvement, but only aggravated the discomfort of Liu Zhongwen's skin.

Some people even proposed to use animal blood to wash Liu Zhongwen's whole body, claiming that this could drive out the "tree demon" in his body. Although Liu Zhongwen felt extremely repulsed by this method, he reluctantly tried it under the persuasion of his family.

As you can imagine, this method was not only ineffective, but also almost caused a serious infection.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

In this process, Liu Zhongwen's heart is full of contradictions. He longed for healing and was deeply skeptical of these methods. But in the midst of despair, even the tiniest hope is precious.

After every failed attempt, Liu Zhongwen and his parents will feel a little more desperate in their hearts. They watched their hard-earned savings drain away from these useless treatments, but they saw no hope.

This superstitious treatment experience not only did not improve Liu Zhongwen's condition, but delayed his best time to seek medical treatment, making his already serious condition even more difficult.

After a long journey, Liu Zhongwen finally came to the hospital accompanied by his family. After a thorough examination, the doctor made a shocking diagnosis: Liu Zhongwen was not suffering from some mysterious curse, but a rare human papillomavirus infection.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

The doctor explained that Liu Zhongwen's wound from the fish bone was infected with the virus, and because it was not treated in time, the virus multiplied in the body, resulting in abnormal skin growth.

If it can be detected and treated at an early stage, it can be completely controlled. However, due to delayed treatment and erroneous folk remedies, the disease has progressed to an advanced stage and the possibility of a cure has become extremely slim.

This diagnosis was like a basin of cold water, which woke up Liu Zhongwen and his family. Only then did they realize that it was because of superstition and ignorance that the disease missed the best time for treatment.

The doctor's words carried deep regret and helplessness, which made Liu Zhongwen and his parents fall into deep self-blame and remorse.

"Tree Man" Liu Zhongwen: His hands are full of branches, and it is difficult to take care of himself, and his parents take care of him when he dresses and eats

However, this painful experience also made them realize the importance of science and timely medical treatment. Liu Zhongwen decided that even if he could not recover, he would use his experience as a warning to more people not to repeat his mistakes.

Through his story, he hopes to call on people to abandon superstition, believe in science, and pay attention to the importance of timely medical treatment.

This tragic ending was not only a heavy blow to Liu Zhongwen's family, but also brought deep reflection to the entire village. People are beginning to realize the dire consequences of blindly believing in superstitions and home remedies.

Liu Zhongwen's story has become a living lesson, warning people that when faced with illness, they should choose to believe in science and seek medical treatment in time.

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