
Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

author:Huaiyuan's happy life

Li's father and mother finally settled Huaiyuan's family affairs, immediately held a wedding for the child, made up for the two children, and discussed the time of the wedding with the in-laws.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Dad Li said that it is our obligation to make up the wedding for the children, and it is also a responsibility, and it must be redone. It is also a compensation for Huaiyuan, a recognition of his daughter-in-law, and a respect for his in-laws! He is worthy of being a businessman, and he is thoughtful in all aspects!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The happiest should be the second sister-in-law, such a affectionate, righteous and sensible father-in-law and mother-in-law attach so much importance to the second sister-in-law! The children are so old, and they are re-established to hold a wedding according to etiquette, a really happy second sister-in-law!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Wenzhou people pay special attention to this, although it is the treatment that should be had, but there are really not many weddings like them in this case, and the children are owed to the children, who did not have it before, and now the parents make up for it, a kind of compensation for the children.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

It can only be said that the original family is really attentive, and it is one thing to have money or not, but to really operate and give a promise, Dad Li said that this is a responsibility and an obligation! This is the greatest respect for the second sister-in-law and her mother's family!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Seeing that your family is so happy and happy, the highest etiquette of Northeast people to entertain guests is to make it at home, a big table full of meals to entertain Li Dad and Li Ma [like] [like] I look at you so much in my heart I am really happy for them and happy for you!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

When no one in the Li family updates the video, fans ask for an update soon, can't watch enough, can't watch enough at all, shoot more, love to watch. Huaiyuan has been busy cleaning up in Tianjin these days, the child should have finished the exam, everything is ready, he should be busy in the past two days, he has not updated the video, and he is busy moving to Tangshan.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

A wave of welfare videos for fans, it is the video that Li Dad and Li Mom came to Huaiyuan to shoot that day, Huaiyuan's inventory, I don't know what to shoot, wait for Huaiyuan to move to Tangshan and shoot every day, so that fans can watch enough.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Huaiyuan said that there was a surprise at the end of the video, and sure enough, the good things were all pressed at the bottom of the box, like easter eggs in the movie! Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and the child at the end of the video, at this time the child was still very young, and the daughter-in-law was also young, like a college student.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Seeing the previous photos of Huaiyuan's family is like walking into Huaiyuan's past, recalling the past, I understand the hearts of fans too well, the second sister-in-law posted a photo of Huaiyuan when she was young a few days ago, and now Huaiyuan is posting a photo of her daughter-in-law's youth, which is too much of a fan.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Seeing a photo of Yichen when he was a child, it is simply a copy of Li's father, there is no difference, this face is fleshy with grandpa! At that time, did the little second child suspect who this child was with, he didn't look like his husband and wife, it turned out to be like grandpa! This gene is amazing!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

When the child was young, the two of them had to wonder who this child looked like! Nine years later, I didn't know about my grandson's grandfather, and after a while, my father saw that his teeth couldn't go home again, and he kept praising his grandson. The teeth have not been out of the door before recognizing the relatives, and the teeth have not returned to the door after recognizing the relatives!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Wait a minute, Grandpa Li should say that I don't praise my grandson, my grandson is really smart and powerful! This grandson was exactly like his grandfather when he was a child, and when he grew up, he was like a grandmother. Bloodline, wonderful!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The blood relationship is strange, the son looks like his mother, and the son's son looks like his grandfather. The inheritance of the next generation, there is really nothing to say, I was like a grandfather when I was a child, and I grew up more and more like a grandmother.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

It is estimated that when the little guy was small, did the two of them wonder why this child didn't look like his parents? It turned out to be like a grandfather, Huaiyuan desperately grew up like a mother, and his son looked like a grandfather!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The second daughter-in-law is so beautiful, and her grandson is like a grandfather, and now the grandfather is going to be unable to close his mouth again! Sister-in-law Sanshui is very beautiful, and Li's mother is very beautiful, a kind family, with its own blessings, I chase dramas every day!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Huaiyuan has been wandering for 33 years, in order to find his parents, he has worked hard to grow into his mother, and his son has grown into a grandfather and uncle, and the Li family gene is really too strong [like] [like]!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

When this son was young, it is estimated that his parents suspected that he was not biological. [Covering his face] I didn't know who I looked like until I found my grandfather. It turned out to be like grandpa, and the genes couldn't be changed.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The eldest brother is also very similar to this eldest nephew, too kind, these three generations are like carved out of a mold, how old is this child, and the strength of genes does not make this child feel strange, they get along very kindly, very good!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The grandfather and grandson look very similar, worthy of a family, which makes people sigh at the strength of genetics. The second daughter-in-law was really beautiful when she was young, and Huaiyuan was blessed to marry this beautiful wife.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

In order to find a home, Huaiyuan has grown into a mother, and the little guy has grown into a grandfather, and God has to arrange for them to find their relatives. This genetics is very wonderful, most sons are like mothers, and most grandchildren are like grandfathers, this time I can't sleep well because I am old and happy!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

This second child is tall and thin, and his thin body can see that life is very stressful, and he will find his parents in the future, and his life will be better and better!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

The second sister-in-law and her parents are the noblest. I didn't dislike Huaiyuan, a poor boy with no roots, and resolutely married him, this courage is never available to ordinary girls, more than ten years ago, the girl's bride price was at least 50,000 yuan, and the bride price was not given, 3,000 yuan was won! The parents of the second sister-in-law did not stop their daughter, because they saw Huaiyuan's hard work, hardship, kindness and filial piety.

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Finding a son-in-law who loves his daughter can make her daughter happier than finding a rich person who doesn't cherish her daughter's big money! Therefore, the second sister-in-law and her parents choose a son-in-law with a discerning eye, and they will be happy for a lifetime! is also a noble person in Huaiyuan's life, a good person!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Huaiyuan raised himself by himself, went to the door to propose marriage, handled his own marriage, opened his own company, bought a car and a house, raised his own son, and found his mother and father by himself. Focus on what you can do, and never trouble others!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

It's really not easy, a person has overcome difficulties since childhood, came out at the age of seventeen, went to propose marriage alone, started his own business, bought a car and bought a house to give his wife and son a stable home, afraid that his wife and son would be hit by a thousand miles away to find relatives, all the difficulties to bear alone, a man with responsibility and responsibility, come to the bitterness, and enjoy endless glory and wealth in the future!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

It's far from blame that he grew up in a different environment, low self-esteem, and thinks he is a child that no one wants, but now that he knows the truth, he has a family and his parents love him, and his brother and sister-in-law love him very much, and he has become optimistic, [like] [like]!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Among all the people who recognize their relatives, this family is the most comfortable to look at, and everyone's eye expressions at every moment are the most real [heart] [heart] [heart] for the returning child! Congratulations to Huaiyuan, not only found your parents who love you, your brother and sister-in-law who love you and spoil you, but also all the family members who truly love you and accept you [Rose]!

Huaiyuan posted a photo of his daughter-in-law and children's youth, and Li's father was fascinated, three generations who are exactly the same, feasting their eyes

Huaiyuan's incident proves that the real strong don't complain about the environment, don't resent their adoptive parents, they don't have anything, they marry a wife and have children, the wife is still so beautiful, and the son is very handsome, so the men born in the 80s, 90s and 00s, work hard, it's not that there are fewer women, it's not that the parents are poor, but that you don't work hard enough Don't complain, come on!

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