
Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

author:Reliable movies

As a summer file, the mainland film market is a bit too cold.

We all know that the student audience in the summer file is the main force, and when the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination are over, the box office performance of the new films is still so bleak, which may indicate that this year's summer file is not having a good time.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

won the championship for 11 days in a row, and the box office of "There is a Commissary by the Clouds" broke 390 million, but this blockbuster is here.

As of 22 o'clock on July 2, the top three single-day box office in the mainland are "There is a Commissary in the Clouds", "Brain Agent Team 2" and "Customs Front".

"There is a Commissary in the Clouds" broke 14 million at the box office in a single day, accounting for 25.3% of the film schedule, and all data far exceeded the new films in the same period.

Although the reputation is not good, I have to say that "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" is the best movie sold in the summer this year, and even won the daily crown for 11 consecutive days, and the cumulative box office also exceeded 390 million. The quality of the movie is indeed not high, and the ability of director Zhang Jiajia is also there, but it can't stand the touching plot of the movie, Peng Yuchang, Zhou Ye and other actors are also popular.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

However, the opponent of "There's a Commissary by the Clouds" is coming again.

may have seen the weakness of blockbusters such as "Customs Front", "Manslaughter" director Ke Wenli's new film "Silent Killing" was moved to July 3rd, it is worth noting that Chen Sicheng did not participate in the production of the film this time, "Silent Killing" is also a remake of Ke Wenli's own 2022 film of the same name, but that version was not released in the mainland.

The original version has a good reputation, and it is directed by Ke Wenli himself. "Silent Kill" is expected to replicate the box office miracle of "Manslaughter".

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

The box office of "Mind Agent Team 2" exceeded 9.02 million in a single day, and the proportion of scheduled films rose slightly to 13.4%.

I have to say that "Mind Agent Team 2" can be regarded as keeping the fig leaf of Hollywood in the mainland summer file, and Hollywood will be wiped out before the summer file in 2024, and the mainland cinemas of this "Mind Agent Team 2" were not optimistic for a while, with only 19.9% of the first-day film schedule, and the first-day box office was less than 17 million. Many media predict that it will be difficult for the final box office of the film to exceed 100 million in the mainland.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

But with the fermentation of word-of-mouth, the box office fell for 3 consecutive days in the 12 days of the movie's release.

Although it has not been able to win the single-day box office championship, it has steadily maintained its position in the top three of the daily box office, and the cumulative box office of the movie has rushed to 192 million, plus the animated opponent of this year's summer file will have to wait until July 12 "Despicable Me 4", I am even optimistic that the final box office of "Mind Agent 2" will hit the 400 million mark in the mainland.

It can be said that it far exceeded expectations.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

"Customs Front" is not lucky.

The single-day box office of the movie fell to 8.64 million, and on the 5th day of release, although the proportion of scheduled films can still be maintained at 18.1%, the attendance rate is the bottom of the new films in the same period, and the cumulative box office is only 93 million, and the box office has not been able to break 100 million for almost a week, plus "Silent Kill" is about to be released, there is not much time left for "Customs Front", and it is a question whether the final box office can hit 150 million.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

broke the annual record, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file!

"Mind Agent 2" is undoubtedly the super dark horse of this year's summer file, and even changed the box office pattern of the two major markets in China and the United States.

In recent years, China and the United States have taken turns to win the throne of the world's largest box office, and Hollywood will have a bad start in 2024, but the Spring Festival file in the Chinese mainland market has two 3 billion + box office hits of "Hot and Hot" and "Flying Life 2". Before the release of "Mind Squad 2", Chinese mainland has been pressing North America, which is the world's largest film market this year.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

And the decisive battle between the two sides is the summer file, which is also a super prime file that both major markets have.

At the beginning, Hollywood's blockbuster new films such as "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 4", "Mysterious Friends" and "Berserk Goddess" suffered a fiasco at the box office, while blockbusters such as "Catching Dolls", "Retrograde Life" and "Under the Stranger" in Chinese mainland summer are ready to go.

I thought that Chinese mainland would expand its leading position in the North American market.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

Unexpectedly, "Mind Agent 2" was released, and the current global box office of the film has exceeded 1.043 billion US dollars, that is, 7.6 billion box office, successfully helping the total box office of the North American market to break 3.549 billion US dollars in the first half of the year, while the total box office of the Chinese mainland market in the first half of the year was 3.351 billion US dollars. With the current trend, "Mind Squad 2" not only easily broke the global annual box office record in 2024, but is finally expected to hit the box office of $1.5 billion, challenging the global animation film history record of "Frozen 2".

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

In this case, the Chinese mainland market wants to regain the throne of the world's largest ticket warehouse.

Unless there is also a super hit, the number one champion seed in this year's mainland summer file is Shen Teng's "Catching the Doll", due to the frequent change of the title, many viewers have doubts about the quality of the movie, but the combination of Shen Teng and Ma Li is undoubtedly super high box office appeal. However, the most optimistic prediction is that the final box office of the movie will be about 4 billion.

Reversed for 3 consecutive days, the global box office broke 7.6 billion, Shen Teng couldn't hold it down, and a big dark horse was born in the summer file

I can't hold down "Mind Squad 2" at all!

Not to mention that Hollywood has a sentimental nuclear bomb "Deadpool and Wolverine" next, and the Chinese mainland market has little hope of surpassing.

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