
was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

author:Great understanding of entertainment
was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Zhang Xilin was born in an ordinary working family, and although he studied at the Beijing Printing School when he was young, he always had the dream of becoming an excellent actor in his heart.

In 1985, he got his wish and entered a state-owned printing factory to work, and had an "iron rice bowl" that was the envy of countless people at that time.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

However, the love of theater burned deep in him. After getting acquainted with a well-known actor, Zhang Xilin resolutely gave up his job and began to chase his dreams in a desperate way.

But fate seemed to test his resolve again and again. In 1986, although he applied for the Central Academy of Drama, he unfortunately contracted hepatitis and failed; In the second year, he applied for the Beijing Film Academy again, and he also abandoned his studies because he interfered in a TV drama shooting team.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

When there were many setbacks, Zhang Xilin was not discouraged, but gritted his teeth and became more and more courageous.

After tenacious struggle, he was finally admitted to the Shanghai Theater Academy in 1988, several years older than his peers, opening a new chapter in his dream.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

As soon as he stepped into the school gate of Shanghai Theater Academy, Zhang Xilin was deeply attracted by Zhu Min, a classmate known as the "school flower".

With bright eyes and bright teeth and a charming temperament, she once made Zhang Xilin desperately entrust her heart without reservation.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

However, Zhu Min was unimpressed by Zhang Xi's pursuit of life-threatening fighting. In the face of repeated courtship by admirers, she always politely but firmly refused, and did not give Zhang Xi any chance to cross the line.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Gradually, Zhang Xilin learned to let down his previous guard and decided to treat Zhu Min with a sincere heart of friendship.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

In this way, what was originally idolatry evolved into a sincere friendship. The two formed a rare bond of innocence on campus. After graduation, although they drifted apart, they both left some indelible affection in each other's hearts.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Until an alumni reunion in 2010, Zhu Min was still familiar when she reunited, and Zhang Xilin's love for her was still the same.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

This time, Zhu Min was deeply impressed by Zhang Xilin's indomitable pursuit and calm and restrained mature demeanor. Although the age difference between the two is ten years, it is like fate.

Finally, in 2011, Zhang Xilin married Zhu Min, who has been true love for many years, and started a new married life between the two.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

After getting married, Zhang Xilin and Zhu Min, a couple of drama bones, have made small achievements in their acting careers, but because they are both "workaholics" who are passionate and enterprising about their work, they have been running around the crew and the stage for a long time, and it is difficult to take care of the family and take on the responsibility of having children for a while.

Until 2014, Zhang Xilin brilliantly interpreted the image of an unswerving person in "Before Dawn", and perfectly showed the ambivalence and inner struggle of this character with vivid and powerful acting skills, which was widely acclaimed.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

With the popularity of this drama, it has been widely acclaimed, and Zhang Xilin has finally won unanimous recognition and praise from industry insiders for his outstanding performance.

The audience was deeply impressed by his interpretation of this role, and said that they had never seen such a pertinent and moving interpretation.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

At this juncture, a surprise news came - Zhu Min is pregnant!

"It is a blessing from God to have this child, and I will use everything I have to care for him and teach him." Zhang Xilin said to relatives and friends.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Since then, he has been more diligent, and hurried home every time he got out of the play, for fear of missing the bits and pieces of his wife and the baby in his womb.

Zhu Min didn't say a word, and took the initiative to quit the showbiz and devote himself to the responsibility of his family.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

In order to give his wife and children a warm and happy home, and in order to let Zhu Min take care of housework and childcare at home with peace of mind, Zhang Xilin worked harder in his career and never allowed himself to slacken.

Just a few years later, Zhang Xilin bought a spacious and comfortable new home for his family.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

What's even more gratifying is that Zhu Min soon became pregnant again and brought Zhang Xilin's second baby son. Although he should have enjoyed Qingfu, Zhang Xilin never hesitated about it.

Behind such a happy life, Zhang Xilin's continuous hard work is needed as support. He is well aware of his advanced age, and if he slacks off and waits for his pension, his family will be in a difficult situation again.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

"My sons are still young, I have to give it my all, and as long as my body allows, I will fight until I am 70 years old!" This is his strict requirement for himself.

As a result, the audience can frequently see the superb acting skills of this veteran actor on the screen.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Whether it is the main theme drama or the urban emotional drama, Zhang Xilin will use 100% enthusiasm to portray the role vividly and win unanimous praise. In addition to the opportunity, he will also lead the students to discuss on the set.

On the eve of his retirement, he will return to the Shanghai Theatre Academy to teach, passing on decades of experience and insights to the next generation of students, influencing and inspiring more young people to pursue their dreams.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

After becoming a father, Zhang Xilin adopted a new set of different ideas in the process of educating his sons, which is similar to the strict father image he created in film and television dramas.

First of all, he does not rigidly pursue his son's academic performance, but pays more attention to cultivating their interests and hobbies.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

"A hobby is a guiding beacon in life, and with it you will never lose your way." He used to tell his sons this way.

Secondly, Zhang Xilin attaches great importance to cultivating his sons' independence and sense of responsibility. At home, he never pampered and doted on his sons, but gradually cultivated their skills to live independently, such as doing housework and tidying up the room.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Thirdly, he will also pass on some positive life values to his sons, inspire them to set up lofty ideals with his own pursuit of dreams and indomitable fighting spirit, and educate them to learn to be grateful and tolerant.

Zhang Xilin's novel and unique educational philosophy makes people feel a little "alternative" and "different", but the good intentions are awe-inspiring.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

After years of practice, both sons have a sunny, positive, diligent and independent personality, which makes Zhang Xilin feel sincerely proud and gratified.

Watching his sons grow up strongly, Zhang Xilin's heart is full of satisfaction and expectations for the future.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

He hopes that his educational philosophy will not only create a good son who will be in charge of his own affairs, but also pass it on to future generations and become a concept that will lead the new generation to pursue their dreams.

It is with this persistent belief that Zhang Xilin can work tirelessly and sail on the road of his career.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

He often said to the young actors in the crew: "Art comes from life, but it is higher than life." An excellent artist should not only be limited to the stage, but also use his life experience and values to influence and inspire others. "

This dedication to his career stems from Zhang Xilin's persistent love for art. In his view, drama is not only an art form, but also a philosophy and attitude towards life.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

It taught him perseverance and the pursuit of his dreams, and it also shaped his positive and optimistic outlook on life.

Because of this, even after the age of sixties, Zhang Xilin still tirelessly devoted himself to the art career.

was once known as the "father of the play", invited guests all over the street on credit, and acted for his son until he was 70 years old

Whenever he walks on the stage, he seems to regain his youthful enthusiasm, and uses his vivid acting skills and exquisite artistic attainments to interpret the various states of life. Whether it's comedy or tragedy, he can incarnate different characters as he wants, winning the applause of countless audiences.