
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented


The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented

The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented
The joke of "robbing color" is so funny, this operation is amazing, it makes people cry and laugh, and it is too talented

"Hand over the money, or I'll be robbed!" When I heard that, I almost burst out laughing. It happened one night a month ago, and I was on my way home.

The dark figure suddenly jumped out of the alley, a knife in one hand, and looked at me viciously. "You, what are you going to do?" I pretended to be scared and asked, but in my heart I thought that this robber was so funny that he actually threatened to "rob the sex".

"Don't talk nonsense, hand over the money!" He raised his voice, as if trying to scare me.

I looked at his nervous look and decided to tease him. "What do you mean by 'robbery'?" I asked pretending to be naïve.

The robber was stunned, apparently not expecting me to ask such a question. He coughed a little embarrassed and said, "That's it, that's it...... Leave it alone, get the money out! ”

I held back a laugh and handed him my wallet. He flipped through it and found only a few small bills and a few cards inside, and his face turned red with anger. "Just a little money? Are you fooling me? ”

"It's gone, that's all there is in the wallet." I spread my hands and said helplessly.

The robber looked even more annoyed, his hand holding the knife shaking. "You, you're forcing me to 'rob the sex'!"

I really couldn't help myself and laughed. "Big brother, that's not how 'robbing colors' is used, what do you want to do?"

The robber's face turned red, he glared at me, took his wallet and turned away. Looking at his embarrassed back, I laughed and shook my head. This operation is really amazing.

When I got home, I told my wife about it, and she laughed back and forth. "There are such stupid robbers in this world!" She said, clutching her stomach.

During this time, whenever I think about that day, I can't help but laugh out loud. It's the first time I've encountered such a funny thing in so many years, and it's really funny.

"Actually, you have to be careful in this situation, after all, there is a knife in his hand." The wife said earnestly.

"Yes, it's a good thing he's just a novice, otherwise the consequences would have been unimaginable." I nodded, secretly glad I wasn't hurt.

During this time, I began to pay more attention to my safety and stopped taking those remote paths. Whenever I pass through that alley, I always think of that funny robber. Although he threatened to "rob the sex", his embarrassment and nervousness were deeply rooted in my mind.

My friends couldn't stop laughing when they heard the story, and some joked that I was lucky to run into a "funny robber". "It's amazing that you can meet all of this." They quipped.

However, this incident also made me understand that life is full of accidents and surprises. Even dangerous situations can sometimes lead to unexpected jokes. It is important that we maintain an optimistic mindset and face the challenges in life.

So, the next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you might as well stay calm, and maybe there will be unexpected gains. Although this "robbery" incident made me cry and laugh, it also became a joke between me and my friends after dinner. This hilarious operation makes people laugh, it's really talented.